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David Moore , Staff Writer Contact David Moore on Twitter: @DavidMooreDMN

Ezekiel Elliott's instincts are impeccable on the football field.

Too bad that doesn't transfer to his decisions away from the game.

The Cowboys running back thought -- actually, it's a stretch to imply any thinking was involved -- it was fine to pull down a woman's top and expose her breast during a St. Patrick's Day celebration over the weekend. Elliott's actions were captured on video and echo well beyond Lower Greenville, where the episode took place.

This incident in and of itself may not lead to any repercussions by the club, which has no comment, or the NFL. But it speaks to a pattern of behavior that indicates trouble for the young star may not be far down the road.

There are domestic abuse allegations prosecutors in Ohio decided not to pursue and an NFL investigation that remains open on the same case. Elliott visited a recreational marijuana shop in Seattle a few hours before a Cowboys preseason game and was at a bar in Columbus, Ohio last month when one of his closest friends was arrested for trying to carry a firearm into the establishment.

His actions Saturday have generated a fascinating split on social media. Condemnation of what Elliott did is offset by those who brush it off as no big deal, as a momentary lapse of judgment that often occurs in these raucous environments.

Circumstance and setting are no excuse. Are you suggesting every woman who attends a St. Patrick's Day or Mardi Gras parade opens herself up to this sort of treatment? Are you arguing every man who gets caught up in the moment and exposes the woman standing next to him should be excused for his behavior?

A subsequent video shows the woman raising her top and flashing the crowd. This is proof to some that what took place with Elliott is acceptable and overblown.

Sorry, but it doesn't matter if the woman exposed herself to the crowd before or after the incident with Elliott. That was her choice. It doesn't give Elliott permission to do it for her.

Elliott did nothing wrong when he visited that marijuana shop in Seattle. The drug is legal in Washington and all reports state he didn't purchase anything.

The optics, as they say, weren't good. That's what hurt him there.

What Elliott did Saturday was wrong and the optics are worse.

The NFL deserves criticism for its handling of the initial allegations against the Cowboys running back. As the investigation enters its ninth month, it smacks more of a public relations ploy to show fans how seriously the league takes the issue of domestic abuse than it does an attempt to get to the truth.

Substituting inaction for a decision gives the league cover if another issue presents itself but isn't fair to Elliott.

Now, for the sake of discussion, let's say the NFL was prepared to announce later this week that it had concluded its investigation and, like prosecutors in Columbus, found no conclusive evidence that would result in a fine or suspension for Elliott.

How can the NFL do that now? The narrative would be how the league cleared Elliott of domestic abuse charges days after he groped a woman in public and exposed her breast. His actions give the league license to drag its feet even more.

Club officials will comment on what happened at some point. Owner Jerry Jones and head coach Jason Garrett will likely say the Cowboys don't condone this sort of behavior and that Elliott has to be smarter about his choices. Jones and Garrett will say they have spoken to the 21-year-old and he understands his actions were wrong.

Then everyone will move on and the conversation will quickly turn to how Elliott is a great football player and teammate.

Elliott is a great football player. Players and coaches respect the talent, work ethic and enthusiasm he brings to the Cowboys. It's also clear in his 11 months with the franchise that he lives close to the flame.

It's only a matter of time before he gets burned.
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Ezekiel Elliott's 'dumb' behavior could get him suspended without an arrest

By Tim Cowlishaw , Staff Columnist Contact Tim Cowlishaw on Twitter: @TimCowlishaw

Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott's behavior during Saturday's St. Patrick's Day revelry in Dallas made the Internet rounds Monday.

Elliott was caught on video pulling down a woman's tank top and exposing her left breast during the raucous festivities on Lower Greenville following the annual parade.

Dallas Morning News columnist Tim Cowlishaw discussed the news on a Tuesday edition of their radio show on KESN-FM 103.3. Some highlights:

Cowlishaw: He's partying on the top of some building and is next to some woman and at one point after she pushes his hand away, he pulls down her shirt and reveals her left breast. She's not in tears or anything. She's laughing and a report said she also did it herself later. So while I don't think it's a crime and not the end of the world, I think in a perfect world if you have a running back who's the key to your team and he remains under NFL investigation -- even if that investigation has taken way too long -- until that's wrapped up and they say there's nothing, you'd like him to not be involved with anything the more puritan types would see as degrading to women or doing anything out like this in public.

It's a dumb thing to do. It's something 21 year olds do but you would wish he'd have the sense to avoid doing things like that.

They could suspend him without him ever being arrested for anything ... and say enough's enough. ...

I don't trust the NFL enough to say 'oh they're not going to do anything with this, they're never going to come down on the Cowboys. They're not going to do that.' ...

He did it in public, he did it on camera, it's on TMZ. Everything he does is going to be on TMZ. I'd say that St. Patrick's Day is a step below Mardi Gras. It's young, it's fun but if you're under investigation from the league, why don't you go do that in the club where no one can see, behind the ropes?


Does it help Zeke Elliott what he did this weekend? It probably - I will acknowledge, probably - doesn't hurt anything. But I just wonder how smart it is when you're waiting for this NFL league investigation into your domestic violence incidents where there were no charges.


The league doesn't have to explain itself, we've already seen with the Patriots and Tom Brady. The league's empowered to do what it wants. If they want to suspend him or anyone else for anything they deem detrimental conduct, they can do it. It's really not worth the fight because you're going to lose and spend millions. Just don't give them any excuses. That's really my only point here.


Draft Pick
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I still say Cowboys should give this guy 30 carries a game and run him into the ground. Get him 2,000+ yards and then trade him next off season.


Pro Bowler
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This is bullshit. No one went in on Justin Timberlake when he did the same thing to Janet Jackson. In fact, she was the one that got fined by the FCC.


Super Moderator
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This is bullshit. No one went in on Justin Timberlake when he did the same thing to Janet Jackson. In fact, she was the one that got fined by the FCC.

Interesting take and I never thought of it that way. Although Jackson's wardrobe malfunctioned so I'm not sure it's the same thing.


Quality Starter
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Its obvious Elliott is never going to be performing surgery of any kind, but this is a mountain out of a mole hill. Lets hope the current trend of idiocy and immaturity changes before something that gets him suspended happens.


Super Moderator
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these are self-inflicted wounds. no blackmail this time. i'm not even going to argue about it and i don't feel bad for him. elliott is my favorite player but he's a moron.

you don't have to be a choirboy like dak, but c'mon already...have some common sense.
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This is bullshit. No one went in on Justin Timberlake when he did the same thing to Janet Jackson. In fact, she was the one that got fined by the FCC.

It's not the same thing. It was a wardrobe malfunction:

Jackson immediately flew out of Houston following her performance and before the Super Bowl even ended. Jackson’s spokesperson calls the reveal "was a malfunction of the wardrobe; it was not intentional. . . [Timberlake] was supposed to pull away the bustier and leave the red-lace bra," which was visibly in Timberlake’s hand following the pull.

Pretty sure there was quite a bit of backlash against Timberlake and Jackson when this happened as well.


Pro Bowler
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He likes to party.

I guess the stories early last season of him staying home with his dog on the weekends and avoiding to go out so he could study the playbook were premature

Or was that Dak that did that?


Draft Pick
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I guess the stories early last season of him staying home with his dog on the weekends and avoiding to go out so he could study the playbook were premature

Or was that Dak that did that?

That was Dak.


Pro Bowler
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I knew one of them was smart and serious about his career

The other one is an immature dumbass who may destroy his career if he doesn't change the path he is on


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This is bullshit. No one went in on Justin Timberlake when he did the same thing to Janet Jackson. In fact, she was the one that got fined by the FCC.

Didn't they have Gronk burying his face in some chick's tits on video?

Where was the outrage?
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Oh so because women masturbate, I'm allowed to walk up to random women and finger bang them?

Is that how this works?
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