
Super Moderator
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But my similar thought was about the team as a whole. They did look sharp. I'm afraid Jerry will want to shut down camp because, you know, we're obviously a well-oiled machine ready for opening day and don't need any more work. Wouldn't want to risk a sprained ankle or cramp or something serious like that.

Wonder if they'll look like crap when Romo starts to open the season. I can understand wanting to go into the season healthy but guys need the reps. I also wonder if Romo is not his usual self if folks won't be calling for Prescott to start. It'll be interesting for sure.


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Dak still has a long way to go before he's ready to play in a regular season game. I agree that they need to bring in a vet QB but for me that would be more about not ruining Dak than it would be about winning games this year. I'm sure everyone here agrees that if Romo goes down again we are completely screwed. The worst thing they could do would be to throw Dak to the wolves before he's ready and ruin his confidence.

I don't think that at all. If Romo goes down, give Dak the reps. They're too valuable. If he's as smart and grounded as everyone says, then he'll handle it. If he folds the tent, then he's not our guy. We need to know. A veteran is a complete waste at this point.


Draft Pick
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Wonder if they'll look like crap when Romo starts to open the season. I can understand wanting to go into the season healthy but guys need the reps. I also wonder if Romo is not his usual self if folks won't be calling for Prescott to start. It'll be interesting for sure.

I definitely think the fans will be screaming for Dak the first time Tony has a bad game.
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Of course we all want to see how he does the rest of the preseason. But unless the bottom falls out, he needs to be the backup. Don't want any part of a veteran coming in here and taking snaps from him unless Romo has a catastrophic injury. We need to know what we have in him... Don't want us spending 3 seasons trying to figure him out. If Romo goes down, the team is done anyway. See if Dak has what it takes or if we need to take another QB.


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Of course we all want to see how he does the rest of the preseason. But unless the bottom falls out, he needs to be the backup. Don't want any part of a veteran coming in here and taking snaps from him unless Romo has a catastrophic injury. We need to know what we have in him... Don't want us spending 3 seasons trying to figure him out. If Romo goes down, the team is done anyway. See if Dak has what it takes or if we need to take another QB.

It would be even more awesome if we had a staff and organization that knew what they have and had the courage to stand by their convictions.

Like when the Seahawks were able to see Wilson's talent in preseason as a rookie well enough to send the veteran QB they signed in the off season (Matt Flynn) packing.

If by some miracle a QB was in camp that was kicking ass like Russell Wilson was in 2012, I have zero confidence the Cowboys would have the guts or wisdom to make the move Seattle did, they'll roll with Romo until he's crippled or walks away


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It would be even more awesome if we had a staff and organization that knew what they have and had the courage to stand by their convictions.

Like when the Seahawks were able to see Wilson's talent in preseason as a rookie well enough to send the veteran QB they signed in the off season (Matt Flynn) packing.

If by some miracle a QB was in camp that was kicking ass like Russell Wilson was in 2012, I have zero confidence the Cowboys would have the guts or wisdom to make the move Seattle did, they'll roll with Romo until he's crippled or walks away

You mean like these guys? That's the exact thing they did with Banks.

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Of course we all want to see how he does the rest of the preseason. But unless the bottom falls out, he needs to be the backup. Don't want any part of a veteran coming in here and taking snaps from him unless Romo has a catastrophic injury. We need to know what we have in him... Don't want us spending 3 seasons trying to figure him out. If Romo goes down, the team is done anyway. See if Dak has what it takes or if we need to take another QB.

There is also the theory that Dak is still a limited QB but instead of just handing a Custom Romo offense to backup QBs and expecting them to be successful, Linehan and Garrett may have actually devised plays and actually coached him with modified reads and safety valves. Dak may have looked confident because he was given plays that were designed to fit his limited experience and skills (not a strong arm, paper airplane throwing motion, has trouble seeing over the line, etc). To me that's the formula and should be able to work to score points because the WRs, TE, OL and RBs are either seasoned or very talented. Tom Brady was given a very limited short passing game plan and safety valves especially delayed crossing routes (not unlike what we saw Beasley doing last night). It just makes sense to have those routes anyway since most of the strengths of the WRs are yards after the catch (and I wish they would stop the pretending that this is the Warner Rams kind of deep speed). What I saw last night can work with a great deal of WR and TE safety valve routes. It can work if they decide they want to make this work. What I feel Jason does and what Stephen Jones referred to was a lack of seasoning or experience is that he just "installs" plays and expects them to work if the defense does not know the play or show up to the game. It is naive. But I believe that after last year they actually have to put effort into the players as they play and not just an agnostic throw the plays at them and then blame them when they fail.


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Anyone actually watching the games can see that Dak has more potential than Moore

Did we need to watch a game to come to that conclusion? The only one I know of that seems to think 5 foot nothing, lead footed, noodle armed Moore has NFL ability is Linehan. I am baffled by this.


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I dont think this team can even win with Romo this year, so unless Brady or Rodgers is coming here, I cant too exited about much of anything that happens at QB.


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Did we need to watch a game to come to that conclusion? The only one I know of that seems to think 5 foot nothing, lead footed, noodle armed Moore has NFL ability is Linehan. I am baffled by this.

Yea I will never understand that either. Or why the general manager allowed the OC to bring in the players. Shouldn't it be up to the GM and scouts to bring in the best players and the OC's job to coach the players that are brought in?


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Put away the anointing oil, ya fucks.

Dak had a great night - but his flaws and limitations are all still there. He will struggle mightily in this league.

And why tonight was the worst case scenario is idiot Jerry is an overly optimistic homer who, after tonight, will declare the back up battle over and we won't pursue a veteran.

So if/WHEN Romo misses action, Dak will be the man. And he will flounder. He won't be able to read coverages or handle blitzes. Most polished rookies from pro style offenses can't. Let along a raw kid from a spread offense.

Be excited about the intangibles he showed tonight. But let's not get carried away. Week one in the preseason is nothing. He might be the answer when Romo hangs it up (he isn't). But he's not going to help us win games this year if he has to play.

It is only one preseason game, but that said he looked far better last night than I thought he'd look even after a couple of training camps and preseasons under his belt.

He definitely didn't look like Steven McGee or Quincy Carter out there. Or Tim Tebow.

His numbers were very impressive by themselves. But the accuracy, ball placement, decision making, footwork and throwing mechanics were what impressed me the most. Those are things he has obviously done a ton of work on and things I thought he'd struggle with mightily coming out of the offense he played in at Miss St.

No reason to get carried away but he at least looks like someone you can potentially develop.


Pro Bowler
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Wonder if they'll look like crap when Romo starts to open the season. I can understand wanting to go into the season healthy but guys need the reps. I also wonder if Romo is not his usual self if folks won't be calling for Prescott to start. It'll be interesting for sure.

I can see Romo having a bad game and throwing his second INT only to hear the chants start....

"We want Dak, We want Dak" from all the homers in the stadium
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