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Sharpton: Hey, There's Nothing To Protest About The Christopher Lane Killing - It Wasn't 'Racial'
Michael Miller
On August 23, 2013

Al Sharpton says he’s not protesting the killing of Australian student Chris Lane in Oklahoma because his murder was random, not racial, and “the system worked.” Yeah, let’s run with that, reverend Al.

In a segment on his MSNBC show “Politics Nation” Thursday, Sharpton said:

“That doesn’t stop my friends over at Fox and Donald Trump and others saying, ‘Why isn’t Al Sharpton protesting this?’ I protest when I’m called in and when there’s an injustice.

The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest, the system worked there. And racial? Not only did the police not say it was racial, one of the three were white.”

In the event that you didn’t spit coke or whatever else you may be drinking all over your monitor when you read that quote, hang tight for a minute while I bring reverend Sharpton up to speed on the case.

Setting aside the fact that I’m wondering how many friends you have at Fox, reverend Sharpton – particularly after disingenuously throwing Bill O’Reilly under the bus night after night – you only protest when you’re “called in”? Really?

Like you were “called in” to help Tawana Brawley lie about being raped? Like you were “called in” by the prostitute who lied about the Duke lacrosse players? Like you were “called in” to charge, try and convict George Zimmerman within days of the shooting without any knowledge whatsoever of theevidence that Sanford, FL police had – or didn’t have?

As far as the shooting of Chris Lane not being racial, the alleged trigger man begs to differ. You see, reverend Sharpton, James Edward tweeted about hating “nasty white people” and how he was down with his “niggas when it’s time to start taken [sic] lifes.” [sic] Maybe I’m going out on a limb here, rev, but I’m pretty sure he was talking about “taken” white “lifes.” Here’s an example:

By the way, how interesting that you now use the police, of all people, as a proof source in making a determination as to whether or not the shooting was “racial.” As I recall, you didn’t afford the Sanford police the same authority, did you?

Oh – and the white teen? He was charged with accessory to murder – after the fact. The two teens charged with first-degree murder are both black, Al. [That means one of them "allegedly" pulled the trigger.]

Okay, I’m back. Hopefully, you’ve cleaned the coke off your monitor. Not sure if I got through to reverend Sharpton – or not. We’ll just have to wait and see. Although, let’s not hold our breath.


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I would think a protest of this type from Al would be more newsworthy than his silence concerning the matter. If anyone thinks it exposes a hypocrisy they are wrong. He's a black supremacist who enjoys these things and the icing on the cake is white people giving him authority by asking him to protest.

And yes, you are paying his salary with your cable bill.


Pro Bowler
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I can't believe MSNBC gave him his own show.

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I can't believe MSNBC gave his own show.
Goes to show you the double-standard in play in this country today.

He gets his own show while he continues to race-bait and Paula Deen gets eviscerated for admitting she said described the man who held a gun to her head as a ****** 26 years ago because she has sworn to tell the truth in a court proceeding.

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