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Everyone knows what you mean when you say thug and refer to drug use. You only look silly trying to defend it now.
You know, I respect your knowledge of the law and all, but this one here made me think you gave sp your password.

The kid was a thug, as anyone would be who incites fights between homeless people and beat up bus drivers. That fact seems to be lost on you.


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You know, I respect your knowledge of the law and all, but this one here made me think you gave sp your password.

The kid was a thug, as anyone would be who incites fights between homeless people and beat up bus drivers. That fact seems to be lost on you.

Yeah, that statement is pretty bad. Any credibility lost with that line of thinking. And he accuses others of being racist for vague statements like that? Ok.


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You know, I respect your knowledge of the law and all, but this one here made me think you gave sp your password.

The kid was a thug, as anyone would be who incites fights between homeless people and beat up bus drivers. That fact seems to be lost on you.

The folks that tend to lean left rely on the old playbook which tells them when they have no point they should scream racism even when there is zero evidence of it. Unfortunately the overuse of the word has perverted it's original definition. Now anyone that does not back a leftist agenda is a racist. It is a shame the media has no morals and has been a willing partner in the race baiting. Many on this forum are appear to be easily influenced by media reports. The race baiting commander and chief needs to be held accountable for his actions. When GZ is acquitted all the mayhem that will follow is on his hands.
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Look folks... I didn't expect the posters who base their opinion in this matter on race to stand up and admit that, you know what, it's a factor. It's a pretty clear thing that I see, and I was just pointing it out. No one is going to say, "hell yeah, I'm glad that ****** lost his life, cause I hate ******s!"

I don't participate much in the political threads, but I have seen enough from some of these particular posters in the political forum. I find it interesting that some of the most extreme right wing people in here are focusing on Trayvon's past history, when none of it is relevant, admissible evidence. I find it interesting that none of those same people care that a kid lost his life. I find it interesting that those same people will easily place themselves in George's shoes and focus on what they would do when if they were getting beat up, but refuse to put themselves in Trayvon's shoes and focus on how they would feel when a strange adult is following you in the night in the rain, and he reaches for something hidden on his person. The people who continually post in this extreme manner -- where they won't consider other viewpoints -- have one thing in common... I find that interesting. I honestly believe that if the races were switched, that their opinions would be different. Of course, I can't prove that, and they're not going to admit that.

When I add it all up, the signs point to race being a factor in their posts.

I haven't said everyone in here is racist. I think some definitely are. I made a mistake when I said "most," because I didn't figure out the percentages.

Oh, and FYI, I've gotten most of my news on this trial from Fox News. Sean Hannity has been one of the biggest Zimmerman homers I have seen. Maybe these same posters are just brainwashed by Hannity, and it's not racism. I don't really know which is worse, but if the people I'm referring to want to admit that they're Hannity brainwashed, then be my guest.

NoDak asked me why I said what I said, and that's why.
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I don't think that's correct if Zimmerman initiated the situation.
Your own logic could easily be applied here, then.

Let's assume Zimmerman did initiate the PHYSICAL confrontation... (You'd have to assume quite a bit since there there is no evidence of it). Say he punched Martin in the face. Martin, of course, is allowed to use force necessary to defend himself. Did TM go over that line by sitting on top of his assailant and beat his head into the cement? If so, is GZ justified in his escalation of force?
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Your own logic could easily be applied here, then.

Let's assume Zimmerman did initiate the PHYSICAL confrontation... (You'd have to assume quite a bit since there there is no evidence of it). Say he punched Martin in the face. Martin, of course, is allowed to use force necessary to defend himself. Did TM go over that line by sitting on top of his assailant and beat his head into the cement? If so, is GZ justified in his escalation of force?
It depends on when you believe it was reasonable to use deadly force (subjectively) and at what time did this specific person (objectively) have reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm.

In my opinion that occurred when Zimmerman reached for his pocket. Trayvon probably didn't know what he was reaching for. It is reasonable to assume he's reaching for a gun in that situation, and that's a reasonable belief since Zimmerman actually had a gun.

As I have said, many people have been shot and killed by law enforcement doing the same thing.

If Trayvon were the one who were alive, and was saying that's how it happened, I think it's justified.


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Look folks... I didn't expect the posters who base their opinion in this matter on race to stand up and admit that, you know what, it's a factor. It's a pretty clear thing that I see, and I was just pointing it out. No one is going to say, "hell yeah, I'm glad that ****** lost his life, cause I hate ******s!"

I don't participate much in the political threads, but I have seen enough from some of these particular posters in the political forum. I find it interesting that some of the most extreme right wing people in here are focusing on Trayvon's past history, when none of it is relevant, admissible evidence. I find it interesting that none of those same people care that a kid lost his life. I find it interesting that those same people will easily place themselves in George's shoes and focus on what they would do when if they were getting beat up, but refuse to put themselves in Trayvon's shoes and focus on how they would feel when a strange adult is following you in the night in the rain, and he reaches for something hidden on his person. The people who continually post in this extreme manner -- where they won't consider other viewpoints -- have one thing in common... I find that interesting. I honestly believe that if the races were switched, that their opinions would be different. Of course, I can't prove that, and they're not going to admit that.

When I add it all up, the signs point to race being a factor in their posts.

I haven't said everyone in here is racist. I think some definitely are. I made a mistake when I said "most," because I didn't figure out the percentages.

Oh, and FYI, I've gotten most of my news on this trial from Fox News. Sean Hannity has been one of the biggest Zimmerman homers I have seen. Maybe these same posters are just brainwashed by Hannity, and it's not racism. I don't really know which is worse, but if the people I'm referring to want to admit that they're Hannity brainwashed, then be my guest.

NoDak asked me why I said what I said, and that's why.

Umm... Who said they did not care a kid died? Maybe you should stop forcing your bias and preconceived notions on others. I have not watched Hannity for years. My take on the situation is based on the reporting I have found on the internet.

Calling a person that sets up bum fights, does drugs, steals, and beats random people a thug is not racism, so you can stop with your mindless accusations. The media, the President and his fellow race baiters are the ones that added the racial component. You are simply parroting what you have been trained to. You see race as an issue, so maybe you are the one with the problem. I see a kid that looked for trouble time and again and found it.

I know a lot more than you believe regarding troubled youth. I worked for the CASA program for years representing underprivileged kids, you self righteous piece of crap. I had you pegged completely wrong. I thought you were a decent honest guy that could discuss things in a reasonable manner. I was wrong. You are just a closed minded race monger.

Edit: I should not have called you a piece of crap, but your ability to channel SP is remarkable.
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Calling a person that sets up bum fights, does drugs, steals, and beats random people a thug is not racism, so you can stop with your mindless accusations. The media, the President and his fellow race baiters are the ones that added the racial component. You are simply parroting what you have been trained to. You see race as an issue, so maybe you are the one with the problem. I see a kid that looked for trouble time and again and found it.
The term thug has clear racial connotations. And I'm not the one who used the term.
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I like how after 55 pages (40 posts per page, bitch) some people are still arguing over trivial things and not focusing on the trial and the evidence that has been presented thus far.


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I like how after 55 pages (40 posts per page, bitch) some people are still arguing over trivial things and not focusing on the trial and the evidence that has been presented thus far.

Can you give us the Cliff Notes of the trial and what position you are leaning towards you thug


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The term thug has clear racial connotations. And I'm not the one who used the term.

If you believe only black people can be thugs, I guess you are right. It only has that connotation if you place it there. Living in Kansas I see plenty of white and Hispanic thugs.
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In often see baseball players being called thugs when they brawl. I never ever see black basketball players being called thugs for a little shoving match and a stare down.
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