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ADMIN NOTE: Only one thread is needed on this cripple. Thx.

Saw a post in another forum that says in an interview with Brad Sham, Sham asks him how the knee is doing and if the nerves have started re-firing yet, he said they have and that they are extremely optimistic about recovery now.

I haven't listened to the interview yet but assuming its accurate, this is definitely good news for 2017.
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Saw a post in another forum that says in an interview with Brad Sham, Sham asks him how the knee is doing and if the nerves have started re-firing yet, he said they have and that they are extremely optimistic about recovery now.

I haven't listened to the interview yet but assuming its accurate, this is definitely good news for 2017.

Would be great news. But they technically run the 4-3 Under without equipping the DL with talent similar to the elite 4-3 Unders. I saw a statistic that Dallas has the lightest defense in the league. It would be one thing if they were onto something and ranked among the best in the league in sacks or stops for loss or pressure or rickets or nausea or HPV or anything. Anything. But they get manhandled with power run plays up the middle and their edge rushers have no speed or ability to disconnect from O-line blockers. Jaylon and Lee will be a sick combo but if nothing happens up front their talent will only save the defense here and there.


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If Jaylon was making real progress I gotta think Jer would be running his yapper non stop about it. The fact that he hasnt makes me think Jaylon hasnt.


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Saw a post in another forum that says in an interview with Brad Sham, Sham asks him how the knee is doing and if the nerves have started re-firing yet, he said they have and that they are extremely optimistic about recovery now.

I haven't listened to the interview yet but assuming its accurate, this is definitely good news for 2017.

It is bullshit. It is not firing but regenerating. If this were remotely true, it would be plastered everywhere...by Jones himself.


Pro Bowler
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Yeah, I can already see the press conference when Smith never pans out.

"We rewarded him for a great college career and he will be a Cowboy for life."


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About that nerve firing: It still isn't

The Cowboys opened the practice window for linebacker Jaylon Smith earlier this week, creating optimism that the highly touted second-round pick could play this year.

The reality is, he will not. Nor will he practice.

By activating Smith off the non-football injury list this week, Dallas was merely keeping its options open for the do-it-all linebacker from Notre Dame, who is trying to recover from a brutal knee injury. The nerve damage he suffered means no one actually knows when he'll return to the field.

According to a source with knowledge of his physical state, Smith is still waiting for his nerve to "fire" or return to normal. "We don't know when it will," the source said.

Eleven months into rehab, Smith has had no setbacks. He's in good shape, he's doing well, he's continuing rehab. But he won't practice this season, even though he is eligible.

As a source explained, the activation doesn't change anything. His pay remains the same, because the Cowboys paid him his full salary on the NFI list, which is customary but not required. The team has 21 days to put him on the active roster or place him on season-ending injured reserve. The Cowboys will keep him in rehab.

Owner Jerry Jones underlined the unpredictable nature asociated with injuries that involve nerve regeneration.

"We're very pleased with where he is right now with his strength and all the other things," Jones said this week on KRLD-FM in Dallas. "We're just hoping to see it continue to improve. But nobody knows, no medical people, know when that might occur."

That's the consensus. Smith is making great progress with what he can control, but it's the nerve aspect of the injury that is causing frustration.

The Cowboys took Smith in the second round, perhaps the only other team besides the Patriots willing to do so. They felt comfortable with Smith's knee, in part because team physician Dr. Dan Cooper performed the operation to repair a torn ACL and LCL. That fact made teams uncomfortable in trying to learn Smith's condition pre-draft, wondering if they could call another team's doctor to find out the status of a draft prospect.

In the end, the Cowboys decided to use an early-round draft pick on Smith. They love everything about him. It remains to be seen if Smith's selection -- and patience -- will pay off for them.

Jaylon Smith will not practice or play for Cowboys this season - NFL.com
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So what does the lack of nerve regeneration do for his long-term prospects? He can walk, can run I assume, is rehabbing... Does it just mean he has nubmness in that knee? It doesn't seem like it would make him more at risk to reinjure the knee...? Maybe his knee isn't as quick twitch as it was before, but does that render him totally ineffective?

Basically, if the nerve never regenerates, can he be able to play next season when we all kind of penciled him in to be ready?


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So what does the lack of nerve regeneration do for his long-term prospects? He can walk, can run I assume, is rehabbing... Does it just mean he has nubmness in that knee? It doesn't seem like it would make him more at risk to reinjure the knee...? Maybe his knee isn't as quick twitch as it was before, but does that render him totally ineffective?

Basically, if the nerve never regenerates, can he be able to play next season when we all kind of penciled him in to be ready?

The dead nerve is causing him to have drop foot from what I understand. Even though he can work out he has to wear a boot or specially designed shoe. I wouldn't expect him to ever play again if the never regenerates.

I wonder where Gil Brandt got that his nerve had started to fire again? The fact that Jerry wasn't on some soapbox screaming to anyone that would listen that Jaylon's nerve is firing again made me a little suspect about Brandt's story.


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So what does the lack of nerve regeneration do for his long-term prospects? He can walk, can run I assume, is rehabbing... Does it just mean he has nubmness in that knee? It doesn't seem like it would make him more at risk to reinjure the knee...? Maybe his knee isn't as quick twitch as it was before, but does that render him totally ineffective?

Basically, if the nerve never regenerates, can he be able to play next season when we all kind of penciled him in to be ready?

From what I understand, the knee is fine. The issue is with the nerves at his foot (not sure I described this medically correct)
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You have to root for the guy, both as a person and for what he could do for our defense.

But if he fails, let him be the last second round injury prone/risk gamble.


Pro Bowler
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So he still has limp dick foot syndrome

Well if his nerve ever re-fires and he takes the field again Jerry will be hailed as a god for the 2015 draft. If it doesn't fire again and he never plays then Jerry will be relegated to merely "genius" status by picking for Zeke and Elliott
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