This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Powell released the Kraken last week

Didn’t you get the memo?

Yeah, no one else did either because it came and went with zero fanfare
Yet over three years were spent screeching about RUSSIA! ,without 1/100th the circumstantial evidence of their claimed interference.


High Plains Drifter
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Didn't get the memo on cancel culture, didja?

We see how these goon squads treat republicans, how do you think they'd treat turncoats?
If they have the courage of their convictions it doesn't matter. What, you think they don't already know who they are? Names are on the alleged affidavits. If there were any "turncoats" they'd already be trying to destroy them.

All of it winds up looking like nothing more than a bunch of hooey. They need to bring the fucking meat. Bring the Kraken. Or shut the fuck up.


High Plains Drifter
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Powell released the Kraken last week

Didn’t you get the memo?

Yeah, no one else did either because it came and went with zero fanfare
If it truly were Kraken instead of Krakpot, there would be no suppressing it.

She actually said the long dead Venezuelan dictator was in on it. It's just a bunch of crap.


Pro Bowler
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They claim that Trump won in a landslide and that they have mountains and mountains of data to prove it

Their proof?

Umm, yeah, well, uhh, well, we’re working on it

Look, I’m all for blowing up this election if what they claim is true. And if what they claim is true it will change things in this country forever. It will change the political landscape, it will overturn the election, it will root out corruption, it will prove that this election was stolen from Trump

But so far what have they proven?
There was a recount (on Trumps request and pocketbook) in Milwaukee that proved Biden received more votes than previously thought. Oops

They have won one single legal challenge. And lost all the rest of them.

They said they were going to release the Kraken and that it would change EVERYTHING!

They did

It didn’t even make the news on Trumps biggest supporting news station Newsmax

No offense to all the believers

But If what they have claimed was true then we wouldn’t be fucking around with the recounts and minor fraud accusations

“IF” the kraken was real then this election would have been turned upside down already!

It’s that simple

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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If they have the courage of their convictions it doesn't matter. What, you think they don't already know who they are? Names are on the alleged affidavits. If there were any "turncoats" they'd already be trying to destroy them.

All of it winds up looking like nothing more than a bunch of hooey. They need to bring the fucking meat. Bring the Kraken. Or shut the fuck up.
Funny how we're all supposed to withhold judgment until all the facts are in and presented in the proper venue (i.e. no trial by the media) in a criminal case, but in this instance the evidence is being demanded up front and in real time....All this in a context where 100% of the circumstantial evidence that is there for all to see indicates a massive ballot box stuffing scam.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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They claim that Trump won in a landslide and that they have mountains and mountains of data to prove it

Their proof?

Umm, yeah, well, uhh, well, we’re working on it

Look, I’m all for blowing up this election if what they claim is true. And if what they claim is true it will change things in this country forever. It will change the political landscape, it will overturn the election, it will root out corruption, it will prove that this election was stolen from Trump

But so far what have they proven?
There was a recount (on Trumps request and pocketbook) in Milwaukee that proved Biden received more votes than previously thought. Oops

They have won one single legal challenge. And lost all the rest of them.

They said they were going to release the Kraken and that it would change EVERYTHING!

They did

It didn’t even make the news on Trumps biggest supporting news station Newsmax

No offense to all the believers

But If what they have claimed was true then we wouldn’t be fucking around with the recounts and minor fraud accusations

“IF” the kraken was real then this election would have been turned upside down already!

It’s that simple
Then IOW you believe in an endless string of statistically impossible coincidences, all miraculously falling to the benefit of one person.



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Fact checkers from every single newspaper/news outlet/news source across the globe

You aren’t seriously be disputing the fact that Trump lies repeatedly are you?

"fact checkers"

Would those be the same "fact checkers' that are for the most part all run and controlled by left wing fucktards?


Pro Bowler
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"fact checkers"

Would those be the same "fact checkers' that are for the most part all run and controlled by left wing fucktards?


Those would be fact checkers from both sides of the aisle

Including the fact checkers from every right leaning news paper as well as every left leaning news paper. EVERY NEWS paper around the globe calls bullshit on Trumps lies.

Just to be fair I did a search for conservative news papers and I searched the top 5 that were on the list. They ALL had articles on fact checking Trumps lies and false truths.


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Those would be fact checkers from both sides of the aisle

Including the fact checkers from every right leaning news paper as well as every left leaning news paper. EVERY NEWS paper around the globe calls bullshit on Trumps lies.

Just to be fair I did a search for conservative news papers and I searched the top 5 that were on the list. They ALL had articles on fact checking Trumps lies and false truths.

Wonder what those results would look like if people actually "fact checked" the dems.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Those would be fact checkers from both sides of the aisle

Including the fact checkers from every right leaning news paper as well as every left leaning news paper. EVERY NEWS paper around the globe calls bullshit on Trumps lies.

Just to be fair I did a search for conservative news papers and I searched the top 5 that were on the list. They ALL had articles on fact checking Trumps lies and false truths.
Once again....If the best you have after four years of entirely contrived scandals,-that not even career hacks like Mueller, Weissman, could make stick- is "HE LIIIIIIES!", then you have neither jack nor shit.

We could do the same "fact checks" game with Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, and many more, and uncover just as many, if not more, straight-up lies.


Pro Bowler
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Then IOW you believe in an endless string of statistically impossible coincidences, all miraculously falling to the benefit of one person.



I believe in facts and so should you!

And that my friend is where Trump has been coming up short.

So far his legal teams claims have been unproven and all but one of the court cases that have been filed on Trumps behalf by any source have either been lost or outright thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.

Trust me, I want all these claims to be true, I want Trump to over turn the election if he has the proof to do so! The thought of Harris in the WH and being one more trip and fall away from becoming POTUS scares the living shit out of me.

They claim that Trump won in a landslide and that they have the data to prove it. Yet they have lost all but one court case with all this supposed proof they have.

I would love to be proven wrong and if I am I will gladly eat my words, and I’d do it with a big giant smile on my face.

In my line of work I deal with outrageous claims every day (it is literally what pays my bills and the entire reason I have a job) and it’s my job to obtain the proof to prove my clients claims. I don’t believe my clients claims when they hire me. I follow the facts to wherever they may lead me. Sometimes they lead me to the proof that my client needs to prove their claims, and sometimes the facts lead me to disprove my clients claims.

So far the one thing that all of these cases that have been filed on Trumps behalf have been short on are the facts. That’s why the cases are either being lost or just plain thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.

The Kraken that Powell released turned out to be just like it’s namesake, a mythical creature that doesn’t exist.


Pro Bowler
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Once again....If the best you have after four years of entirely contrived scandals,-that not even career hacks like Mueller, Weissman, could make stick- is "HE LIIIIIIES!", then you have neither jack nor shit.

We could do the same "fact checks" game with Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, and many more, and uncover just as many, if not more, straight-up lies.

“I” don’t have shit

You keep saying “the best you have” like I’m anti Trump

I’m not anti Trump, I’m anti bullshit

I voted for Trump both times and I want him to overturn the election. If he runs in 2024 like he’s recently claimed then I’ll likely vote for him again.

Being a Trump supporter I can still be honest and acknowledge that he’s told a shitload of lies while in office.
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Super Moderator
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They claim that Trump won in a landslide and that they have mountains and mountains of data to prove it

Their proof?

Umm, yeah, well, uhh, well, we’re working on it

Look, I’m all for blowing up this election if what they claim is true. And if what they claim is true it will change things in this country forever. It will change the political landscape, it will overturn the election, it will root out corruption, it will prove that this election was stolen from Trump

But so far what have they proven?
There was a recount (on Trumps request and pocketbook) in Milwaukee that proved Biden received more votes than previously thought. Oops

They have won one single legal challenge. And lost all the rest of them.

They said they were going to release the Kraken and that it would change EVERYTHING!

They did

It didn’t even make the news on Trumps biggest supporting news station Newsmax

No offense to all the believers

But If what they have claimed was true then we wouldn’t be fucking around with the recounts and minor fraud accusations

“IF” the kraken was real then this election would have been turned upside down already!

It’s that simple

Here's the way I view you questions(s). You have a missing person, a crime scene with blood and maybe even a shell casing from a firearm but because we can't find the body, no crime was committed.

Evidence is out there, no matter what people say or deny. There is certainly enough evidence available for the states to conduct their own inquiries.

See the link I posted below. These types of analysis should not be left to the citizens. These red flags are easily proven or disproven with minimal effort. Potentially tens of thousands of people voted in Georgia who longer reside in GA. The former FBI agent is not saying if this people voted for Biden or Trump, just that there may be thousands of improperly cast ballots. This is the issue with mail in ballots and everyone knows it but yet they claim this was a fair and free election. People stuffed the ballot boxes, in America. And they changed the rules to ensure that the stuffed ballots could not be verified.



Super Moderator
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So far the one thing that all of these cases that have been filed on Trumps behalf have been short on are the facts. That’s why the cases are either being lost or just plain thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.

This is just not true. In the most recent legal case that was denied, Trump lawyers wanted to have a hearing on the evidence which was denied. It will now go to the SCOTUS. Trump's team presented some of their evidence in Gettysburg and had expert witnesses. You and i may disagree with the witnesses but that's a far cry from a lack of evidence.

At the end of the day, if the courts agree with Trump's legal team, they'd throw the whole election into chaos. No one is going to do this. No one has the courage to do it. But that's a far cry from not having any evidence. There are hundreds, if not thousands of affidavits. I'd guess that most of these are first hand accounts. That's evidence, any way you slice it. But the legal team can only go so far. You in your line of work can only go so far. You don't have law enforcement or subpoena authority to track down these eyewitness accounts. You can't order a recount and ballot verification. You can't order an analysis of the voting machines or their hard drive.

The lawsuits will continue beyond the election. I'm guessing we'll have senate hearings and Trump/Barr should should authorize a Special Counsel to investigate the election, as well as Hunter Biden's laptop, prior to leaving office. The election will not be over turned but there are clear legal implications for some of this conduct and the manipulation of state laws without legislative approval. The legislatures should act to protect the integrity of the run offs but they seem hesitant to do so. And I wonder why?


High Plains Drifter
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Funny how we're all supposed to withhold judgment until all the facts are in and presented in the proper venue (i.e. no trial by the media) in a criminal case, but in this instance the evidence is being demanded up front and in real time....All this in a context where 100% of the circumstantial evidence that is there for all to see indicates a massive ballot box stuffing scam.
Nobody twisted their arms to make them say they have proof and 'kraken' they did that all on their own. Promised us kraken. When you promise kraken and only release farts, there's gonna be questions and demands.


High Plains Drifter
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But If what they have claimed was true then we wouldn’t be fucking around with the recounts and minor fraud accusations

“IF” the kraken was real then this election would have been turned upside down already!
That's the crux of it for me. There's an accusation made. It's up to the accuser to prove the accusation. If the accuser can't proof up the accuser needs to shut up.

It all feels and smells like Al Gore in 2000. Shit or get off the pot. It's not that any of us here disagree completely with the accuser. But the accuser promised proof and kraken. Accuser has a favorable audience. It's like a magician gonna pull a rabbit out of his hat and when the moment comes, can't find it. Audience IS gonna boo, hiss, and maybe even throw things. They gonna be disappointed they gonna be unhappy.


Quality Starter
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I listen to a podcast by a chef named David Chang, it was enjoyable until the last few months when it’s gone political where he rants about the evils of Trump and the Republicans but I continue to listen to hear the opposite sides views and hope he’ll eventually get back on topic. What’s funny is he speaks in the same way many Trump supporters do but toward Trump. You could literally switch the terms dem for rep or Trump for Biden in the statements and never realize you were duped

anyway, he said something that I found peculiar. They were talking about turning states blue and said he wasn’t willing to move to West Virginia or some other state which came across like it was a coordinated effort being communicated to democrats. This left me wondering how that message is being communicated.

Does anyone know if youre an active democrat whether you get memos, etc encouraging stuff like this?

what was also frustrating as hell is to hear him and his cohorts and a reporter named alex wagner go off on Trump, et al but never said anything specific about what his policies where and why they were a problem. It was always he’s an idiot, racist, asshole, I hate him, etc, etc...all feelings but no substance

it made (& makes) me want to puke, emotions seem to be driving people’s behaviors and beliefs along with peer pressure to comply with the Trump outrage. There are plenty of worthy examples to justify opposing Trump but when I ask people why they hate him, all they ever say is stuff like he’s a racist and then I ask why do you think he’s a racist and they can never explain why.

I don’t care if folks dislike, hate, etc Trump but damn, can it least be based on sound logic and not feelings?

i realize that’s too big of an ask and the answer is “no” so for the first time in my life I’m concerned about this country and where this mentality will take us. It’s shocking to see so many people openly advocating for censorship of thoughts and ideas they don’t like

it makes me wonder where the world will escape to when there is no longer an America to run to
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