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No it's not! If you think there is corruption, quid pro quo and pay for play now with members of congress, wait until you get a newly re-elected senator on what he knows is his last 6 year term because he can't run again, and therefore knows he has no constituents to answer to! He doesn't have to worry about re-election, therefore all stops are pulled!

We fucking HAVE term limits already. It's called ELECTION DAY.
YOU want to give the federal government MORE power, by having it say we can't re-elect our congressman and senators?

The more thought you give it, the worse of an idea it becomes. Like most all other populist crap. It's populist because people are stupid.

Perfect example. Just keep the status quo because something might be worse. When its far more likely that term limits will keep a lot of these POS' from even running or if they do have much less opportunity for the corruptive behavior and ways.


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It's funny how she had a supposed 10ish point lead up until a week ago, now all the polls are showing him within the MOE, up or down. These pollsters want to be taken serious next cycle, so you're slowly seeing the polls tighten.

I ask you, what has come out in the last week that has these polls tightening rapidly? Nothing. I mean yeah, wikileaks slow drip, but most people already have their minds made up. The polls are tightening because these idiots know their rep is on the line and want their polls to reflect reality in 11 days.

The race is at worst a 2 point spread right now, and could drastically swing Trump's way if Comey comes out and says something about investigation 2.0.
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I honestly think the election will be rigged. Trump will get the popular vote but she'll win too many of the swing states.


High Plains Drifter
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When its far more likely that term limits will keep a lot of these POS' from even running or if they do have much less opportunity for the corruptive behavior and ways.
God damn, this is stupid. You think the evildewars will just throw up their hands and say "well shit, there's term limits now. Can't buy politicians like we used to."

No. Instead while they have the lame duck one doing their bidding without thought of consequence and no one to answer to in his last term, they're already grooming up and training their pre-bought one to take his place!
Just keep the status quo because something might be worse.
Chaaaaaange just for the sake of chaaaaange without giving it one actual thought. This is exactly what our founders and framers crafted our constitution, to stop.

The more thought you give term limits, the worse of an idea it becomes. Like most all other populist crap. It's populist because people are stupid.

And most of the stupid people who are for it don't even know it would require a constitutional amendment. Oh and they don't know what that requires, either. Because they are too lazy and stupid to know such things. This is why they are for stupid populist shit like this.
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October Surprise Revives Clinton Email Controversy | RealClearPolitics

October Surprise Revives Clinton Email Controversy

By Alexis Simendinger
October 28, 2016

Eleven days before Americans determine the winner of a presidential contest already laden with multiple scandals, the political landscape looked even muddier on Friday with the latest October surprise.

The revelation, immediately greeted by Donald Trump as a political gift, emerged in the form of a letter from FBI Director James Comey to lawmakers. He advised the legislative branch that “emails that appear to be pertinent” to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email server were uncovered “in connection with an unrelated case,” and were under FBI review “to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”

Comey’s three-paragraph announcement, which offered no clues about the significance of the newly discovered emails or the time needed to draw conclusions about what they contain, ignited speculation about how the electorate will greet the information. It also raised speculation about whether Comey sought to sway an election by informing Congress he wanted “to supplement” his July testimony that the Clinton email probe was “completed.”

Comey is a Republican whose 10-year term began in 2013.

Before Friday, data gleaned from public polling and voter focus groups suggested Clinton was on a path to becoming president after Nov. 8. Many who said they already filled out ballots for Clinton or intended to do so also indicated they disapproved of the former secretary of state’s decision to conduct government business using a private email system. Clinton has said her reliance on a private email system was “a mistake.”

It was unclear whether Friday’s news would shift the dynamics of the race by depressing turnout for Clinton or ginning up support for Trump, who has called the former secretary of state “crooked” and argued she skated out of culpability for breaches of the law. Clinton is viewed by majorities of Americans as dishonest and untrustworthy, and Trump has said for weeks that if his rival wins, the election will have been rigged.

Clinton, responding to the events late Friday following a rally in Iowa, said she was in the dark about what the FBI had uncovered, adding, “It’s imperative that the [FBI] explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay ... Let’s get it out.” She implied that Comey’s letter was partisan, emphasizing that he sent it to Republican committee chairmen, and not to Democratic ranking members.

President Obama, campaigning for Clinton in Florida, was silent about the matter. The president learned of the FBI letter from the news media, his spokesman said.

Trump, who campaigned Friday in New Hampshire and Maine, said the FBI letter bolstered his view that investigators were wrong to conclude in the summer that Clinton was innocent of federal crimes. “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” he said.

Republican leaders joined him in criticizing Clinton.

“Yet again, Hillary Clinton has nobody but herself to blame,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement. “She was entrusted with some of our nation’s most important secrets, and she betrayed that trust by carelessly mishandling highly classified information. This decision, long overdue, is the result of her reckless use of a private email server, and her refusal to be forthcoming with federal investigators. I renew my call for the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for Secretary Clinton until this matter is fully resolved.”

In July, Comey announced the FBI would not recommend any federal charges against the former secretary of state or her top aides related to her use of a private email server at the State Department. Comey determined weeks before the Democratic National Convention that Clinton had been “extremely careless,” but he said the FBI found no intent by the former secretary of state to break federal laws.

Anonymous law enforcement officials, cited by numerous media outlets Friday, described the FBI’s newly uncovered materials as communications recovered from devices maintained by Clinton senior campaign aide Huma Abedin, the estranged wife of former New York congressman Anthony Weiner.

The FBI is investigating allegations that Weiner sent sexually inappropriate communications to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina, and in that context the FBI reportedly has searched accounts and devices belonging to Abedin and Weiner.

Abedin, who began working with Clinton as an intern and is described as like a second daughter to the Democratic nominee, was with the candidate in Iowa on Friday.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, reacting to the FBI letter, said voters should rethink support for both Clinton and Trump. “I think there is an honorable alternative, that happens to be me and [running mate] Bill Weld,” he said on CNN.

“Obviously, the FBI didn’t do this lightly,” he said. “There has to be something there.”

Johnson said voters ran the risk of “a potential president-elect” laboring under a criminal investigation or potential special prosecutor. “It’s a mess,” he added. “And Trump is toast.”

Clinton’s use of a private email account and her reliance on private servers and multiple communications devices first came to light in 2015 as a byproduct of New York Times reporting about State Department materials demanded by Congress as part of probes tied to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012.

Congress, under Republican control, launched investigations into Clinton’s emails, which in turn spawned Freedom of Information Act litigation by media organizations and outside groups in the courts seeking release of the communications. The email controversy eventually triggered the FBI’s investigation into whether classified information traveled from Clinton or to others using unsecured systems after she opted not to use the system. The FBI obtained Clinton’s servers and recovered some emails that her employees believed they had destroyed.

Questions about Clinton’s emails have dogged her since the launch of her second presidential bid last year. The controversy is separate from the more recent WikiLeaks disclosures of hacked email communications from Podesta’s Gmail account, which the Clinton campaign blames on Russian government backing behind Trump’s campaign.


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God damn, this is stupid. You think the evildewars will just throw up their hands and say "well shit, there's term limits now. Can't buy politicians like we used to."

No. Instead while they have the lame duck one doing their bidding without thought of consequence and no one to answer to in his last term, they're already grooming up and training their pre-bought one to take his place!
Chaaaaaange just for the sake of chaaaaange without giving it one actual thought. This is exactly what our founders and framers crafted our constitution, to stop.

The more thought you give term limits, the worse of an idea it becomes. Like most all other populist crap. It's populist because people are stupid.

And most of the stupid people who are for it don't even know it would require a constitutional amendment. Oh and they don't know what that requires, either. Because they are too lazy and stupid to know such things. This is why they are for stupid populist shit like this.



Pro Bowler
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I modified it to better fit this weeks news



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I hope there's like an email from Weiner to Hillary asking her if he could smell her breath so he could remember how Huma's pussy smells.


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im pretty high so i wonder if I already said this yesterdat

Is Huma and Weiner separated/divorced?

What are the chances ole Weiner turned on Huma for a lesser charge in his sexting thing? What if FBI brought him in and said "Clinton Emails, what do you know?"?

THat would be funny as heck. This dude fucks around on huma, sexts 15 year olds, and really makes her look like a fool, then after she leaves him, he fucks her over one more time.



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so i live out in the country and its always non eventful mostly. theres one house nearby that needs to be bulldozed because it usually gets rented to fucked up people because its a shack and only animals would stay in there. so basically its people we need to face reality about and admit we really should be killing these people because all they wanna do it be a fuckin leach after my shit.

so that house, whoever these turds are over here, they had a gunfight in the front yard while I was hitting my bong in the backyard about a half hour ago or so and I about lost my fuckin miind. i was already fucked up but i thought people were shooting at me and coming to get me beause they were fighting or brawling too. i screamed like a bitch too. real high pitch faggy scream.

but anyway i have two young daughters and that kinda of stupid shit pisses me off, that i would have to worry anout bullets flying through my fucking house at random times. what the fuck is that shit? SO I called the cops, i feel so gay about that. but i realized as sson as the 911 operator picked up, this was going to be a really challenging phone call. Some really scary stuff went through my head for a while, but I'm pretty sure I did ok. Had a little trouble remembering what intersection I live at, but powered through that one by explaining to a woman on the other end of the phone that "I'm shaken. so please forgive me." Cops showed up and there was some real tense moments where I thought so people would be shot. Police pulling weapons and yelling.

Of course im sitting here in my livingroom paranoid as all fuck that they just know it was me, their going to kill me and my family, but might not, and maybe they just tell the officers to go search my house because I smoke weed and they have to smell it every night or something. Just really brutal stuff that as I sit here I know is not likely.

I am pretty worried about them killing me or slashing my tires because I dont park in the garage. I'm guessing 7 out of 10 americans who have a garage, that garage is filled to the brim with useless shit that nobody needs. Might even be 8 out of 10.
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