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It's for your own good Bob. People like Obama and Joltin Joe hairplug, and Speaker Facelift know more than you so just suck it and wait for the sunshine of bottom up economics to do it's job.

And remember, anytime you're feeling blue about the state our nation just blame it on Reagan.


Pro Bowler
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In other news water is wet. Have you been missing all the shit I've been posting about the wealth disparity created by the fantasy of trickle-down economics? Yeah, wages for most Americans suck. We fought for years to improve working conditions, and we're going to have to do it again because corporate America has been pushing back since the 80s.

Keep voting against people who want to even things up, though. Keep being anti-union and anti-worker. Go look at Wisconsin to see how that bullshit is working out.


Practice Squad
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We see a similar stagnation and regression in median household income during the 1970s. Then, during the 1980s and 1990s, we see strong growth in median household income. Then, during the 2000s, we see more stagnation and regression in household income.


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Yep. Two/three weeks ago it was a recovery and eat the job reports bitched. Now somehow corporate America is somehow crashing the party and it's back to the drawing board.

Bob Sacamano

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Yep. Two/three weeks ago it was a recovery and eat the job reports bitched. Now somehow corporate America is somehow crashing the party and it's back to the drawing board.

lol oh yeah, I remember that.


Pro Bowler
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lol oh yeah, I remember that.

Those things aren't exclusive.

We can have our best month/quarter/whatever in jobs in forever (in high-paying jobs, as well), and still not be where we should be. Only an idiot would think that. See: this thread.


Pro Bowler
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Those are similar to the figures, if not the same, that I saw months ago, hence what I posted in your eat it thread.

Low paying jobs are still jobs. So we've got and are gaining jobs, but alot of them don't pay enough. Duh. Open an economic rag - see what percentage of wealth goes to which percentage of our population. Being anti-union, anti-worker, hasn't helped that - at all.


Pro Bowler
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You're looking at the wrong issue. Or at least you're confused about the cause of the issue you're mad about.

Yes, inflation has outpaced the shit out of wage growth. People used to be able to be a janitor all their life, and if they were a good hard worker and responsible, chances are these people could own a home, car, raise a family, and not need a dime of government assistance.

That isn't even remotely possible any longer. Most people now go to their employer and ask for more money and are laughed out if they aren't a skilled worker. After all why would they pay you more when they can hire someone to do it for less? And you get the bullshit about how it's the recession and there's no money. Meanwhile corporate profits are higher than ever. Wealth has been growing - it's just all gone to a very small percentage of our society. That portion of our society is very skilled at duping the "proles". You can see that every day in this forum, as they promote political policies that are counter to their own interests. "Yes, please keep passing policies that make it more difficult for us to live". They're too stupid to see they've been duped, and consistently vote against their own interests. It's a conservative epidemic.


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Hmm...I wonder why unskilled labor rates are surpressed? I wonder who is working those jobs?
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You're looking at the wrong issue. Or at least you're confused about the cause of the issue you're mad about.

Yes, inflation has outpaced the shit out of wage growth. People used to be able to be a janitor all their life, and if they were a good hard worker and responsible, chances are these people could own a home, car, raise a family, and not need a dime of government assistance.

That isn't even remotely possible any longer. Most people now go to their employer and ask for more money and are laughed out if they aren't a skilled worker. After all why would they pay you more when they can hire someone to do it for less? And you get the bullshit about how it's the recession and there's no money. Meanwhile corporate profits are higher than ever. Wealth has been growing - it's just all gone to a very small percentage of our society. That portion of our society is very skilled at duping the "proles". You can see that every day in this forum, as they promote political policies that are counter to their own interests. "Yes, please keep passing policies that make it more difficult for us to live". They're too stupid to see they've been duped, and consistently vote against their own interests. It's a conservative epidemic.
What political policies are you talking about? Congress has been run by your guys for 6 years now.


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Great president or greatest president, history will tell the tale.


You sound like Jerry selling another bucket of failure. Most rational people understand Obama is the biggest piece of shit to ever occupy the WH. Hell, he even sucks at basketball.


Pro Bowler
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What political policies are you talking about? Congress has been run by your guys for 6 years now.

It's been a slow steady erosion of workers rights that were fought for over many years.

Or maybe not an erosion, but a stagnation? I think that would be a better term. We let it stagnate for a long while, not demanding anything more, because tbh things were pretty good.

Then, things got bad - the people who were actually at fault blamed us for it - and a good portion of our society believed it. Which is why you see people supporting the crushing of unions and the like, institutions which helped us gain excellent working conditions in the first place. Stupid people co-opted into supporting causes that are counter to their own interests.


Practice Squad
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It's been a slow steady erosion of workers rights that were fought for over many years.

Or maybe not an erosion, but a stagnation? I think that would be a better term. We let it stagnate for a long while, not demanding anything more, because tbh things were pretty good.

Then, things got bad - the people who were actually at fault blamed us for it - and a good portion of our society believed it. Which is why you see people supporting the crushing of unions and the like, institutions which helped us gain excellent working conditions in the first place. Stupid people co-opted into supporting causes that are counter to their own interests.

I think he's asking for specific legislation at the national level.


Pro Bowler
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He was asking for something I wasn't talking about (legislation passed by congress in the past 6 years) so I clarified.


Pro Bowler
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um recently things like right to work laws, etc

no need to draw you a road map you're a smart guy. mostly it has just been apathy on the parts of the working class, it can't all just be blamed on the legislature. But they certainly aren't helping, mostly because we aren't making them. And that's largely because half the country is too stupid to vote in their own self interest, and instead have bought the mantra where the job creators are to be exalted and boy-howdy isn't everyone just lucky to have a minimum wage at wal-mart and if they organize and try to get better working conditions then fuck them and etc.
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