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By Chris Moody, Yahoo! News

Political Reporter

The Senate on Wednesday rejected a bipartisan amendment that would have expanded background checks on gun purchases, a blow to advocates calling for more strict firearm laws after the mass shootings in Newtown, Conn., late last year.

The measure, the product of intense negotiations between Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, would have extended background check requirements on gun owners. It needed 60 votes to pass, but failed 54-46.

Democratic Sens. Mark Begich of Alaska, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Max Baucus of Montana voted against it. (Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada switched his vote to no at the end, a procedural tactic that allows him to bring it up for a vote later.) In addition to Toomey, Republicans who supported the amendment were Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Susan Collins of Maine and John McCain of Arizona.

Scores of onlookers filled the Senate gallery to watch the vote. When Vice President Joseph Biden read the final tally and announced the amendment had not passed, Patricia Maisch, who helped disarm the man who shot former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, yelled, "Shame on you!" before walking out

As late as Wednesday afternoon, the fate of the measure appeared dire for its supporters. Shortly before the vote, Biden tamped down expectations for it to pass.

“This is going to be a close vote, and I can assure you of one thing—we’re going to get this eventually," Biden said during a live video for Google. "If we don’t get this today, we’ll get this eventually.”

The vice president promised the White House and gun-reform supporters will continue to move ahead regardless of Senate action.



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“This is going to be a close vote, and I can assure you of one thing—we’re going to get this eventually," Biden said during a live video for Google. "If we don’t get this today, we’ll get this eventually.”

The vice president promised the White House and gun-reform supporters will continue to move ahead regardless of Senate action.

Why do they want it so bad?


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Harry Reid voted against it... SP can just stop now lol

What a weasel.
When it looked like a loss he voted against so he could pony it up again while telling his idiot voters he is pro gun.
Lying sack of shit had a Freudian Slip naming the bill "anti-gun"...fuck him.


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i have zero issue with stronger, more consistent background checks.

but stop the "we're going after assault rifles cause they kill people!" when they're the least used guns in crimes. it's all government FUD and the media pushes it cause people eat FUD up.
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Apparently 90% of the country approved of this bill... not sure where those numbers came from, but it's a bit perplexing it didn't pass. I'm not opposed to background checks, though I'm not sure what the specifics of this bill were.

And apparently Harry Reid only voted against it as a procedural tactic so it could be brought back up for a vote. There were 4-5 dems who voted against and 4-5 repubs who voted for it.


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Apparently 90% of the country approved of this bill... not sure where those numbers came from, but it's a bit perplexing it didn't pass. I'm not opposed to background checks, though I'm not sure what the specifics of this bill were.

And apparently Harry Reid only voted against it as a procedural tactic so it could be brought back up for a vote. There were 4-5 dems who voted against and 4-5 repubs who voted for it.

Yeah I'm sure they polled 90% of 300 million people.


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Sad damn day, really. I believe this is a bi-partisan thing that could help. Not a crazy nutjob initiative from either side. But, a real step forward in helping to prevent crazy shit like Newtown from happening again. Silly that this one couldn't pass. No reason for it not to.


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from CNN:
"Instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill," Obama told White House reporters.

this the same obama that said a FULLY AUTOMATIC weapon was used at sandy hook?


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What the hell does what the gun lobby say have anything to do with how the votes fell? These congressmen don't read the fucking bill themselves?

As much as I think this amendment to the bill should have passed, I think this is bullshit.


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Apparently 90% of the country approved of this bill... not sure where those numbers came from, but it's a bit perplexing it didn't pass. I'm not opposed to background checks, though I'm not sure what the specifics of this bill were.

And apparently Harry Reid only voted against it as a procedural tactic so it could be brought back up for a vote. There were 4-5 dems who voted against and 4-5 repubs who voted for it.

LOL....which one is it?


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Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon -- by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.
but it's ok when he does it.
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