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Read the first comment I responded to.

The problem is the United States of America cannot afford to take care of anyone. The USA is essentially on welfare, their check comes from China.

Not even remotely true. That is the point. I am not the one being flippant here.
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I understand what your point was... I asked a question that was a take-off from your point.
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Your questions reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of the nation's debt. Like what even is a treasury bond? You are trying to be cute but if you don't even understand that part how can we have an actual conversation about it? With regards to this discussion (immigration) the idea that China owns us is not only false, but foreign debt holdings are a complete non-issue. Trying to bring rhetoric to what should be a nuanced discussion about how much immigration costs us, how much money it saves us, real world solutions (not "lol build a wall") that can mitigate the bad issues, just stupid.

Factor in how small of an issue this is economically speaking - how much worse is the economic hardship put on this country by banks and wall street, tax breaks to the wealthy and large businesses for shipping their business overseas, etc - they absolutely DWARF the immigration issue in comparison. (Read: Immigration is definitely an issue, a problem, but in comparison - miniscule) and people like me are absolutely dumbfounded when people fall for this shit. It is an emotional appeal to what is a small issue, because it gets people to get upset over almost nothing. Immigrants are easy to hate. They look different, they are different, and resentment for "different" goes back a long way. You can fall for it when the politicians harness that hate to win political points and distract you from the people who are really costing this country money, but it's irresponsible as an American.


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Hey fuck face. Christians are very good at skewing statistics and facts. If you believe in the bible be sure to know that i don’t value your opinion very much. You are going to find all the info you need that supports your negative view on immigration. I have looked up info that supports what i believe. I am too lazy and unmotivated to look them up for you at this time. BTW, i don’t hold to any labels. I believe in what makes sense. I don’t hold to any political parties.

The crime numbers are facts.

And your doing exactly what every liberal does when presented with facts.


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So you would start fighting the murderous cartels who will no doubt kill you and everyone that you love because they control everything in many parts of the country rather than flee and save your family. That's very noble of you.

It is better than giving up your country to the cartels. It damn sure is not the USA's problem when the Mexican people had rather flee than fight for their country. Are you saying that Mexico should be handed over to the cartels and be allowed to become an barbaric wasteland? I would support US military action to help Mexico if they really wanted to take their country back. It would make more sense than wasting money in the Mid-East. The USA wasn't formed by cowards that ran from the British. They fought for their own country. I see no indication that Mexico wants to change. They encourage their people to sneak into the U.S. They go so far as to pass out maps to help people sneak across the border.
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yeah i get it bro you'd be the Mexican Jon Wayne

I would support US military action to help Mexico if they really wanted to take their country back. It would make more sense than wasting money in the Mid-East.

Interesting. It's almost like we're totally ok with what's going on in Mexico, isn't it?

Now, 101 years after the US initially declared war on drugs in 1914, you’d think the country might have noticed that it’s not exactly working out.

But as Boullosa and Wallace demonstrate, there are potent forces pushing for a continuation of business as usual. The US Drug Enforcement Administration, they note, would "be hard-pressed to justify its annual budget of roughly $2.5bn if the legal ground shifted beneath it" towards drug decriminalisation.

Arms manufacturers, too, have made a killing off of the southward flow of weapons, both to the Mexican drug cartels - which are awash in American-made arms - and to the Mexican state, to battle the cartels.

As of the mid-2000s, according to Boullosa and Wallace, there were no fewer than 6,700 licensed gun dealers along the US-Mexico border. And US security assistance to Mexico wouldn’t be complete without lucrative contracts to American firms like Northrop Grumman.

Also rooting for a perpetuation of the status quo, the authors write, is the "mammoth incarceration complex [in the US] that … will likely resist any diminution in the production of felons, its lifeblood".


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Yeah. 6,000 have died in smuggling operations. A wall. lol. Is this ancient China? Peoples ideas on dealing with this are similarly outdated.

It's a non-issue. But it's razzle-dazzle the people eat up.

Israel's wall is not razzle-dazzle. They have enough balls to have a wall and they are not worried about hurting feelings, but this country had rather destroy itself than offend somebody.


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Super punk is just scared his drugs will be harder to get and the prices will go up.
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yes lets emulate the middle east's border solutions

i hear post ww2 germany had some great ideas
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Bottom line: to US policymakers, there is in reality NO MEXICO PROBLEM. No immigration problem. No problem at all.

This is a ploy to get people who dislike immigrants to vote.

And they will never never never never do anything about it.

Because it's set up just the way they want it.
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Country is in great shape.

Rob Peter to pay Paul is a great economic position.

i don't think this is SP, he wasn't dumb enough to argue $19 trillion worth of debt is a good thing.


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And the $18 an hour I know may not be the going rate in the late 70s/early 80s everywhere, but I do know that's what it was in these parts.

I have two uncles that were in that trade.


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Just wanted to be here to work and be left alone. Just like that other illegal who murdered that poor girl in SF a few weeks ago.

OPEN THOSE BORDERS!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illegal Arrested in Rape and Hammer Slaying of Veteran

By Cathy Burke | Friday, 07 Aug 2015 10:18 PM

One of two men arrested in a savage rape and hammer slaying of a military veteran was an illegal immigrant with a long record who'd been arrested — and let go — days before the attack, Fox News reports.

The July 24 violence against and subsequent death of Marilyn Pharis, 64, in Santa Maria, Calif., has reignited outrage over federal policies blamed for letting criminal illegal immigrants remain free — and in the country.

"I think this is a national issue — it starts with administration and their policies," Santa Barbara County Sheriff Ralph Martin tells Fox News.

"You can draw a direct line to this governor and Legislature," adding: "I am not remiss to say that from Washington DC to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom."

According to the Santa Barbara News-Press, Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, 29, who's charged along with Jose Fernando Villagomez, 20, in the attack, was on probation for committing battery against a woman and methamphetamine possession in May 2014.

He also was charged twice this year for violating probation, once for possessing a concealed knife and the other for drugs, but a Santa Barbara judge allowed him to enter a substance abuse center in Santa Maria in lieu of jail, the newspaper reports.

County jail officials tell the newspaper Immigration and Customs Enforcement declined to issue an immigration detainer that would've required local authorities to hold Ramirez for deportation.

ICE said it didn't issue the detainer after Ramirez's most recent arrest "based on the agency’s enforcement priorities after a thorough review of his case history showed he had no prior deportations or felony criminal convictions," Fox News reports.

ICE said, however, it issued one on Ramirez after he was picked up by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department in May 2014 — and asked to be notified prior to his release, Fox News reports. A spokesperson said that never happened.

Pharis, a civilian employee at the Vadenberg Air Force Base — and a military service veteran — was sleeping after a night shift when two men allegedly broke into her home, bludgeoned her with a claw hammer, strangled and raped her and left her for dead, Fox News reports. She died days later at a hospital.

Both suspects are being charged with first-degree murder, rape and burglary, while Ramirez is also being charged with murder by torture, Fox News reports.

The attack comes a little over three weeks after the shooting death of Kathryn Steinle, allegedly by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, and less than a week before an undocumented Mexican national went on a deadly crime spree after being released by Ohio sheriffs.

"Immigration laws have been nullified and law enforcement has been neutered," Bob Dane of the Washington-based Federation for American Immigration Reform tells Fox News.

"The one exception — and glimmer of hope for the citizens of California — has been rising opposition by sheriffs who will hopefully spark needed statewide reforms before more citizens die."

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yes lets emulate the middle east's border solutions

i hear post ww2 germany had some great ideas
Heh - how quickly the posts get shifted from "the wall can't work!" to "Jews are just like the NAZI!"

It's like an inviolate law of nature - scratch a liberal and out comes the raging anti-Semite.

Anyway, here's another heart throb story about how illegals come to America FOR LOVE - literally, in this case:

Rapist-murderer of California woman was here illegally and had recently been arrested | Power Line

Rapist-murderer of California woman was here illegally and had recently been arrested

64-year-old Marilyn Pharis was sleeping in her home in Santa Maria, California on July 24 when 29-year-old Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez and 20-year-old Jose Villagomez broke in. The two men sexually assaulted, strangled, and repeatedly struck Pharis in the head with a hammer. She died eight days later.

Martinez Ramirez, it turns out, was in the U.S. illegally. Not only that, he had been arrested just two weeks before he murdered Pharis for possession of methamphetamine.

This arrest was Martinez Ramirez’s sixth in 15 months. Yet, all he received was a citation.

Why? Santa Maria police chief Ralph Martin explained that his department does not have the authority to hold suspects in custody because of their illegal immigration status, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) never provided a federal order to keep Martinez Ramirez in custody on an immigration hold as required by current law.

There is no place in American society for people who don't appreciate rape-murder!
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