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Classic Bushisms and Idiotic Bush Gaffes
''You're working hard to put food on your family.''
—Presidential candidate George W. Bush, Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000 :WTF


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Classic Bushisms and Idiotic Bush Gaffes
''You're working hard to put food on your family.''
—Presidential candidate George W. Bush, Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000 :WTF

Hey Obama asskisser, the last thing you guys need to be doing is talking about the "gaffes" of others, when your assclown leader has gaffes on almost a daily basis. Sometimes he makes them even with his stupid proof teleprompter running.


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[Linda J. Bilmes, a lecturer in public finance at Harvard University’s Kennedy School, is a former assistant secretary for administration, management, and budget in the U.S. Department of Commerce. Joseph E. Stiglitz is University Professor of Economics at Columbia University and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics. Bilmes and Stiglitz are co-authors of The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict.]

In the eight years since George W. Bush took office, nearly every component of the U.S. economy has deteriorated. The nation’s budget deficits, trade deficits, and debt have reached record levels. Unemployment and inflation are up, and household savings are down. Nearly 4 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared and, not coincidentally, 5 million more Americans have no health insurance. Consumer debt has almost doubled, and nearly one fifth of American homeowners are likely to owe more in mortgage debt than their homes are actually worth. Meanwhile, as we have reported previously, the final price for the war in Iraq is expected to reach at least $3 trillion.

So let's make sure everyone is covered that can afford it without predetermined qualifiers. Wonder how many will actually have insurance when this goes into full effect? Employers are dropping health care benefits like hot potatoes since the restrictions make it it insane to carry it so folks will have to go to a health insurance plan they buy over the internet or at a store that will cost more and cover less.

Then in a few years they will pass the bill that will make it so the US government runs the whole thing and we will be in Canada or Britain's shoes. It isn't the POTUS job to provide health insurance, nor is it the Congress. If a state wants to have a run at it, that is on them. The wars Bush started were after the worst attack on US soil ever and you seem to think that had we not gone to those wars the economy would have just kept on chuging like it was mid 90's internet bubble.

The dream world that you live in is why we were attacked to begin with. There is no such thing as a Utopia. Someone always has to pay for it. Either with lives, sweat, blood, tears, or cold hard cash. And sooner or later you run out of them all. Even with that all. Bush was running 4% unemployment up until the Democrats took over in Fall '06. As a lame duck president he couldn't do a damn thing to the economy. Look no further than Nancy and friends for why the wheels fell off.


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I'm pointing out that all you do is sit in the high bird perch with no links, no substance, just your opinion. What is SAD is that folks like yourself, believe your point is the correct one and don't back it up with anymore more than, "You must be a FAUX NEWS watcher" or my favorite. "Go kill yourself"

The whole, worst president in history kinda seems a bit odd seeing as Obama in less than his first and hopefully only run at the whole POTUS had not only continued most of what Bush did in the wars, Gitmo, etc, but has actually looked at it and said, I can do worse... and actually has done worse than Bush did with 8 years in less than 3.

Here's a guy who has completely forgotten how abysmal Bush was.


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Here's a guy who has completely forgotten how abysmal Bush was.

I don't care how bad you think he was. Numbers don't fucking lie. All you do is sit back and make pot shots and don't show any proof, but that MSNBC told me that. So it's true.

You compare Obama to Bush and say he's better. I compare him to Bush and say he's done NOTHING to help and has in many ways, just kept on doing what Bush did, even though for 2 years he had majorities in both houses of Congress and could have passed everything he wanted with the Republicans sitting at home watching it on TV and eating TV dinners cause they couldn't do shit to change it if they tried.

He's a one term President. If you don't think so, show me how and on what planet you got your information.


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Obama hasn't done all that he's promised, but if you are comparing him (unfavorably) to the moron who got us into pointless wars and presided over the complete collapse of our economy simply because he tried to pump money back into the economy and take steps toward providing healthcare for everyone...then you are a gigantic fucking moron and it's a shame you can vote.


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Here's a guy who has completely forgotten how abysmal Bush was.

lol. Only because the moron in office now has made some forget. No doubt, W. Bush wasn't my favorite president. He got us into a lot of shit we had no business being in.

Obama hasn't done all that he's promised, but if you are comparing him (unfavorably) to the moron who got us into pointless wars and presided over the complete collapse of our economy simply because he tried to pump money back into the economy and take steps toward providing healthcare for everyone...then you are a gigantic fucking moron and it's a shame you can vote.

Pointless wars? Libya???? Or, does that not count. lol

And, by the way, your messiah now STILL .. Hasn't closed Gitmo. Although, prisoners have been released (and most are RIGHT BACK with their terrorist cells, good job there lol).

We are still in the two pointless wars the other dipshit got us into. When we gettin out again? Not this July as stated. Or, was it last July? Who knows with all the lies this bullshitter conned on the inept crowd that voted for him.

Complete collapse of the economy DEFINATELY is on BOTH parties. And has been. W. Bush had 9-11. Obama and Co. are just keeping the economy in the pisser. But, yet, Obama and company still point the finger, not taking any responsibilities at all. First stimulus was a dumbass mistake by Bush. And the puppy dog community organizer just followed suit with TWO that failed.

The worst part is, is a that NEITHER side has anyone worth a shit to vote for this 2012. The presidents of the past 12 or so years have sucked balls. No doubt about it. I am sure both would be great to sit down in a bar with and shoot the shit. But, as presidents?


And come 2012? Fuck, I only pray that book is correct and the world ends.


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Yeah, like I totally already said that Obama hasn't delivered and has been a pretty big disappointment.

Worse than Bush though? Bitch, please.


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Obama hasn't done all that he's promised, but if you are comparing him (unfavorably) to the moron who got us into pointless wars and presided over the complete collapse of our economy simply because he tried to pump money back into the economy and take steps toward providing healthcare for everyone...then you are a gigantic fucking moron and it's a shame you can vote.

this basically.
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Conn Carroll: Obamacare is already on its deathbed

When the United States Supreme Court examines the individual-mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act sometime next spring, it will undoubtedly give great weight to the text of the United States Constitution and relevant Commerce Clause case law.
But, whether or not any justice will ever admit it, some on the court may be hesitant to invalidate the new law because of the significant strain it would place on an already divided Congress.

These worries are misplaced. Obamacare is already a very sick patient whose symptoms will inevitably require major action by Congress. A Supreme Court decision invalidating some, or all, of the law would only hasten the inevitable.

The signs that Obamacare was never long for this world began to appear soon after the bill became law last spring. Reports began leaking about large employers securing waivers from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Seems many firms were considering dropping their insurance plans since their policies didn't meet the new law's minimum annual benefit requirements. Almost 1,500 waivers have been granted since then, covering more than 3.2 million Americans.

Obamacare's next blow came in December when Congress needed money to prevent Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors from falling by almost 30 percent.

Earlier versions of Obamacare had included a permanent fix for the doctor reimbursement issue, but the provision was stricken from the final bill because Democrats were unwilling to reduce spending elsewhere in the federal budget in order to pay for it.

The $19 billion Congress used to pay for the one-year fix in December came from increased penalties on consumers whose eligibility for Obamacare health insurance subsidies decreases midyear because of income fluctuations.

Then in May this year, Congress increased the Obamacare health exchange subsidy penalties by another $19 billion. This time Congress had to pay for the repeal of the law's 1099 provision, which would have required small-business owners to file tax-reporting documents for almost all of their vendors.

Fast-forward to Aug. 12, when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals found Obamacare's individual mandate unconstitutional. That same day, the Treasury Department issued new regulations rendering millions of Americans ineligible for health insurance subsidies based on a technical definition of "affordable."

Judy Solomon of the liberal Center for Budget Priorities think tank said, "The proposed rule would mean that many spouses and dependents who are uninsured today because they can't afford family coverage would remain uninsured in 2014."

Treasury promised to mitigate the problem by exempting affected families from the law's insurance mandate. But while these families might not have to pay penalties for violating the mandate, they still have to cope with an insurance market where premiums will be much higher because of Obamacare's other insurance regulations.

Congress will have to find some way to help these families. Congress must also find a long-term solution to the Medicare reimbursement problem. Not to mention the impending backlash from the millions of Americans who will be forced to pay $38 billion in health exchange fines just because they managed to get a raise.

And we haven't even touched the inevitable controversy and litigation that will come when the Independent Payment Advisory Board begins making cuts to Medicare and refusing to reimburse providers for selected procedures.

Obamacare has never been popular. It debuted with a barely 50 percent favorable rating, which sunk to the low 40s by the time it passed, and stands in the high 30s today.

The law is unmanageable, unsustainable, unpopular and, according to the 11th Circuit, unconstitutional. If the justices on the Supreme Court have any sense of mercy, they will officially put the law out of its misery and invalidate the entire act.

Conn Carroll is a senior editorial writer for The Washington Examiner. He can be reached at

Read more at the Washington Examiner:


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One can only hope so. With that bill they decided to just say fuck it and instead of regulating the insurance companies that have lobbyists... They decided to fuck over the People whose only answer is to vote for one idiot or another. Regarless of how great it may or may not be to have Obamacare, the only way to do it and make it effective is for the Government to do it and put all insurance companies out of business, tax everyone's payroll and move on. They couldn't get that passed, because no one wants to have yet another stupid ass tax on their payroll nor do doctors want anyone telling them they just spent 10-12 years in School and eating ramean noodles that they now have to pay for their half a million in student loans with the lowest bid the government thinks they should take.


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Government has no business in the healthcare field. Let the private sector sort it out.


Pro Bowler
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Someday we'll have government run healthcare like the rest of the civilized world - providing needed care for ALL of our citizens, not just those who can afford it or have jobs. That will be a great day. God bless Obama for putting us on that path.


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Someday we'll have government run healthcare like the rest of the civilized world - providing needed care for ALL of our citizens, not just those who can afford it or have jobs. That will be a great day. God bless Obama for putting us on that path.

You seriously have some major issues.
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