
High Plains Drifter
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Happy New Year you slack-jawed, mealy-mouthed, wombat-faced twits!

If you're reading this, 2020 didn't get your ass.



Pro Bowler
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Happy New Years to all six of you who still post on this board!

What a strange time it is. Every year on NYE the Rose Parade route gets closed down to allow ppl to gather and start to party for New Years Eve and New Years Day.

Last night we went to pick up a pizza on Colorado Blvd (the parade route) and there was no one there. We would never even consider going anywhere near the Parade Route on NYE before because it’s a nightmare to navigate because of all the street closures and traffic from the ppl. Plus hundreds of ppl cruise the parade route for fun and to show off their cars. A bunch of old car clubs show up together and run the route which is always cool to see.

the wife and I have done a New Years Day pub crawl where we Uber to the parade route after the parade ends, then we start on one end of the route and make our way to the other end of the route by stopping at different bars/eateries along way to have one drink and one appetizer at each location. It has been a tradition for us since we started dating. This will be the first year we won’t be able to do our annual drunkin pub crawl. Covid and 2020 can go fuck themselves!

I hope this year is better than last year.
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