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Except you are completely wrong. I don't expect "Obamacare" to save the world or fix healthcare completely, but it is a step in the right direction. No one is going to like the plan 100%, but it needs tweaking instead of just trying to shove it out the window. Our healthcare system is broken, and if "Obamacare" gets shitcanned the system will never be healed.



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1 trillion dollars is what caught Osama. That result was as close to an eventuality as anything possibly could be. And recessions hit us every 6 or 7 years. We would have gotten out of this one even if they named sbk president.

There goes two, main talking points out the window.

And, with the help of W. Bush. But......................

OH HELL NO!!!!! He didn't just say that??? lol


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The recession might be over, but the economy is still more fucked up than a bag of dead babies.

And him being commander in chief when Osama was finally caught is as much luck than anything. I already said I give him props for decided to go and get the guy when we realized where he was. Ballsy call.
Midswat, you are a HATER. No other way around it, so get ready for 4 more years to get really good at it. Bunch of idiots on here blaming Obama for having the courage to except the job after George "I don't know my right hand from my left hand" Bush left the economy in a complete mess. What a bunch of:jerkoff's
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Midswat, you are a HATER. No other way around it, so get ready for 4 more years to get really good at it. Bunch of idiots on here blaming Obama for having the courage to except the job after George "I don't know my right hand from my left hand" Bush left the economy in a complete mess. What a bunch of:jerkoff's

And Obama has done nothing except make it worse. Hope and change. Woot...woot!


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Midswat, you are a HATER. No other way around it, so get ready for 4 more years to get really good at it. Bunch of idiots on here blaming Obama for having the courage to except the job after George "I don't know my right hand from my left hand" Bush left the economy in a complete mess. What a bunch of:jerkoff's


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I'm extremely moderate. I have some conservative views and some liberal. I'm also willing to talk to both sides about why they think a certain way. I don't usually bother online because it turns into a group of assholes ganging up on the guy with an opposing view, but I find these threads extremely entertaining. My feeling toward federal gov't is that their role should be much more limited than it currently is with little involvement in social programs. Social programs should be left to the state and local govts to decide what is best for their areas. I also understand that the Feds already have these programs running and can't just cut bait and run. The reform that needs to happen never will so we need to make the programs work as best they can.


Yeah ok, and I've got primo beachfront property in Arizona for sale


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nope it's legit.

Again, dont see how it could be unless maybe its leaving out alot of other stuff. Its well known that Obama has outspent everyone and the deficits are at record highs because of his spending. You can even find CBO comments and articles on it.


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Midswat, you are a HATER. No other way around it, so get ready for 4 more years to get really good at it. Bunch of idiots on here blaming Obama for having the courage to except the job after George "I don't know my right hand from my left hand" Bush left the economy in a complete mess. What a bunch of:jerkoff's


Oh man I just spit up my breakfast. That shit is funny right there. The "courage". lol. Oh lord, our HERO.

Here is an idea, how about taking Obama of the cross and beating your self with the wood, or build a bridge and get over yourself.

The courage, good fucking christ. I have heard everything now.

Course, it will be another 4 yrs with this douchebag, repukes offer nothing and the morons that voted for this dipshit in office now will do so again.

We seal our own fate, we are all dumbasses and suckers thinking either side gives a shit about any of us.


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Have faith, the Marxist will be defeated

I don't know what good it is going to do though. Even if he is, Congress will have to be Repuked owned as well.

And, with me not trusting a soul in Congress. I don't know if that is a good thing.

I still don't know if anything will get accomplished. I think this system is broken and Washington needs to be wiped out of all the politicians and get NEW , actual WORKING stiffs that deal with real shit every day in there.

Sorry Cythim, you need not apply. lol


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Again, dont see how it could be unless maybe its leaving out alot of other stuff. Its well known that Obama has outspent everyone and the deficits are at record highs because of his spending. You can even find CBO comments and articles on it.

There are plenty of things that are "well known" that aren't exactly "true".


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Okay, here are the facts. You can look at actual cash expenditures of the U.S. government here:

Download the "Table 1.1".

I took the liberty of converting the actual U.S. outlays for every year from 2000 to 2011 (estimated) to "real dollars" based on the year 2000.

Here are the "real dollar" capital outlays for the U.S.

2000 - $1,788,950
2001 - $1,812,107
2002 - $1,924,300
2003 - $2,020,486
2004 - $2,090,101
2005 - $2,179,856
2006 - $2,267,336
2007 - $2,266,350
2008 - $2,386,035
2009 - $2,823,176
2010 - $2,730,026
2011 - $2,971,844

I will assume (and that's a big assumption) that Bush is "responsible" for increases from year-end 2000 to year-end 2008, and that Obama is "responsible" for increases from year-end 2008 to year-end 2011. If you aggregate the amount by which outlays in each year exceed the outlays for the year immediately preceeding each president coming into office, then Bush increased spending by an aggregate $2.63 trillion and Obama increased spending by an aggregate $1.36 trillion.

Both can be classified as big spenders. That is inescapable. The question is merely whether the spending is justified and worthwhile. For Bush, absent 9/11 and absent the bubble and subsequent recession, he would not have spent as much. For Obama, absent the financial crisis and subsequent recession, he would not have spent as much.

Edit: Note that this comparison does not include tax cuts as capital outlays. I express no opinion about whether tax cuts are similar to capital outlays or should be considered together. However, if you aggregate the Bush tax cuts and tax credits with the additional capital outlays during his respective years, he outstrips Obama's spending by a significant margin. I would also note, however, that if you count the "Bush tax cuts" against Bush's years, you also have to count them against Obama for his years.
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I don't know what good it is going to do though. Even if he is, Congress will have to be Repuked owned as well.

And, with me not trusting a soul in Congress. I don't know if that is a good thing.

I still don't know if anything will get accomplished. I think this system is broken and Washington needs to be wiped out of all the politicians and get NEW , actual WORKING stiffs that deal with real shit every day in there.

Sorry Cythim, you need not apply. lol

TEA Party Baby
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