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Nothing. Don't worry about it. Tune in to Jersey Shore on MTV. All is good.

Go America!

Obama RULES!


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We're getting ripped over it, apparently.

This is the market telling the government to stop fucking around. If they didn't make a political showcase out of the debt ceiling it wouldn't have been this bad.


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This is the market telling the government to stop fucking around. If they didn't make a political showcase out of the debt ceiling it wouldn't have been this bad.

So instead of saying, "Hey, can we not just try and fix this and balance the budget" They should have just said, "Do it" and just let it keep going? The debt has almost doubled in 2.5 years. It is insane to believe that folks would just keep letting us borrow money every fucking year and letting us spend like drunken sailors.

The rest of the world is burning, from doing the same crap we are jumping over ourselves to continue to do, only faster. And we should just sit idle and let the debt over take the GDP and make us all slaves? Seriously man, think about this.

If the US were a household and we were making 50k a year and spending 75k a year plus were carrying 250k in debt. What creditor in their right mind would lend you money to pop it up another 8% every year with no end in sight and no way of knowing you could if ever pay it off?

You'd be in foreclosure already.


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Only if we want to be isolationists, have no imports nor exports and be hated around the world as a Country that won't pay it's debt. Oh yeah and piss on the Constitution of the United States, by not paying our debts.

Bob Sacamano

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Then let's subjugate the world!

BTW George Washington stressed an isolationist sentiment when he said to not involve the US in the affairs of Europe. You calling George Washington a bum??!
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Then let's subjugate the world!

BTW George Washington stressed an isolationist sentiment when he said to not involve the US in the affairs of Europe. You calling George Washington a bum??!

Nope, But if you declare to the world that you are no good to pay your debts. You will be an isolationist, because no one will trade with you or buy your products again. By next year I'd be surprised if the World is still using US Dollars to buy everything. When that happens all those folks that laugh at the Mexican Peso will find they need about 1000 X more dollars to buy anything anyway.


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This is the market telling the government to stop fucking around. If they didn't make a political showcase out of the debt ceiling it wouldn't have been this bad.

Its the market telling government to can socialism


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So instead of saying, "Hey, can we not just try and fix this and balance the budget" They should have just said, "Do it" and just let it keep going? The debt has almost doubled in 2.5 years. It is insane to believe that folks would just keep letting us borrow money every fucking year and letting us spend like drunken sailors.

The rest of the world is burning, from doing the same crap we are jumping over ourselves to continue to do, only faster. And we should just sit idle and let the debt over take the GDP and make us all slaves? Seriously man, think about this.

If the US were a household and we were making 50k a year and spending 75k a year plus were carrying 250k in debt. What creditor in their right mind would lend you money to pop it up another 8% every year with no end in sight and no way of knowing you could if ever pay it off?

You'd be in foreclosure already.

What the fuck are you ranting about?


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Obviously something that is way way way over your head if you think that our national debt has nothing to do with Socialism


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Obviously something that is way way way over your head if you think that our national debt has nothing to do with Socialism

Who mentioned national debt and socialism? Your blindness has you reading way too much into what I've said. The drop in the credit rating is due to congress playing games instead of running the country. The markets don't care if it is socialism or not, they only care that the bills get paid.


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Who mentioned national debt and socialism? Your blindness has you reading way too much into what I've said. The drop in the credit rating is due to congress playing games instead of running the country. The markets don't care if it is socialism or not, they only care that the bills get paid.

And they would, if not for Socialism!

We make enough money to pay the debts we owe other Countries.

We don't make enough to do that AND pay all the crazy shit we give away for "free" in this Country.

But that is the problem with Socialism. Sooner or later you just run out of other people's money to give away to other people.

See what's going on in Europe right now? That's coming this way soon as the folks that get that free shit, figure out that we can't afford all that free shit. The credit going down is a direct result in that they thought we would reduce our spending to the point that we were paying off debt, not making MORE.

It didn't happen and now we got fucked up the ass by S&P and Moodys will be next.


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You like to say socialism, but what exactly are you talking about when you say it? I get this feeling that you've watched too much Faux News


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Sigh, what does Fox News, CNN, or any other new organization have to do with the fact that we have Socialized retirements, Medical, etc etc that have continually gotten larger and larger to the point that almost our entire budget are these programs. If you think our Military Budget is ridicules you should check out the SS and Medicare budgets, now add Obamacare to that. It's just insane.

Look to Europe to see where we are heading. They had all this before we did. It isn't pretty.

We are the most taxed nation on this planet, our GDP is insanely high, yet we still can't balance our budget, because idiots on both sides of the isles like to throw straw man arguments such as, "You watch to much Faux News" into a discussion, instead of saying, hey, there is an elephant in the room that we need to get under control before we do that.

What next, I'm a racist, because I don't like Obama?
Or maybe, I'm a looney right wing hick from Texas that doesn't know what he's talking about.


How about you come at me with some something you can prove instead of accusations and talking points. Teach me that what we have and are moving more and more towards isn't a form of socialism and less and less a free market that allows folks to make it or fail on their own merits and not just take take take and give to the voting block of the politicians choice.

Tell me at least once that, this is so simple, even Al Gore understands it. Please do educate this simple minded man that just doesn't get how talking about the Elephant in the room (our debt as a nation) was only to scare people and that it isn't that bad.

You ever taken a look at this?

or really checked ouut the CBO's numbers on all our programs and their funding and where it will end?

But ya know, I must get all my facts straight from Fox, I must not know anything about anything!! Keep on keeping up the fight there Cythim.

I'm just gonna let this die down as I do like your posts over here and the fastest ways to make enemies with someone is to talk religion or politics and it's simply not worth trying to convince anyone else what's going on out there in the real world, if they won't even do their own research.

So carry on carrying on and lets talk football.
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