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VTA do you think homosexuality is a choice?

Of course. All sin is a choice. It may be 'natural' for me to want to commit adultery, because sin does come natural for all men, but the decision to act on it most definitely is a choice. I can't simply give in to crap because it feels natural to me. Our hearts are not right, and we want what we want, regardless of whether or not it's good for us or the people we do it with.
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it's an abomination a detestable thing

So are goddam eagles.

And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

Get out of here with that shit. You have an infant's understanding of scripture.


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:lol The purpose of Kashrut is to avoid foods that will make you sick. The language correlation should be a hint to anyone with a working brain cell why God detests homosexuality.


Practice Squad
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I'm guessing it's easier to repent from slaughtering thousands than it is of loving another person...

Just noticed my avatar doesn't go well with this discussion. NTTAWWT...


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I'm guessing it's easier to repent from slaughtering thousands than it is of loving another person...

Why worry about it? Is God a spaz? Are you genuinely concerned with the lot of the homosexual or merely with finding reasons to avoid your own standing with your creator?


Practice Squad
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I really don't care since I'm not gay NTTAWWT, nor religious, but it seems to me that if only God is to judge man, shouldn't the baker just bake them their cacke, send them on their merry way and hope to God they repent? Afterall God gave them freewill, live and let live or kill them all, either way let God sort them out right??
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:lol The purpose of Kashrut is to avoid foods that will make you sick. The language correlation should be a hint to anyone with a working brain cell why God detests homosexuality.

It should also set off alarm bells in anyone with a working brain who is picking and choosing scripture via biblical hopscotch to justify their personal hateful bigotry.


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In this case, I do agree with you. I think he has a right to run his business, but I don't agree with not providing a product for people because they're gay.


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It should also set off alarm bells in anyone with a working brain who is picking and choosing scripture via biblical hopscotch to justify their personal hateful bigotry.

Sorry, you can't run to the cherry-picking argument in this case. The bible cross references the bible and it all ties in to form the exact message God has for His creation. It's apparent you have some biblical knowledge, so these cheap-win tactics won't work with someone who does as well.

And again, if you need to mischaracterize it, despite all evidence to the contrary, maybe you should just say "I hate you and don't believe in God" and bow it.

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It's apparent you have some biblical knowledge, so these cheap-win tactics won't work with someone who does as well.

Well it's apparent you don't.

Biblical knowledge aside, if your god can forgive mass murder, genocide, adultery and conspiring to get a guy killed - and what's more can absolve a sinner who is seconds from death of his errors simply because he asked - but can't abide two men or women loving each other, that shouldn't be someone you consider worthy of worship or praise.

At the very least, given the hazy and somewhat scatterbrained meting out of forgiveness from the god of the bible, you should be willing to say (at worst) about gay people - "hey man, I just don't know. That's between them and the Lord", rather than try to administer social justice on your own and chastise people who live in a different way than you. Because if you cherry-pick verses regarding things like ceremonial uncleanness and sin, and ignore the surrounding sins (lying and drunkenness, etc) as being just as bad, it says alot more about you than it does your god.


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Well it's apparent you don't.

Biblical knowledge aside, if your god can forgive mass murder, genocide, adultery and conspiring to get a guy killed - and what's more can absolve a sinner who is seconds from death of his errors simply because he asked - but can't abide two men or women loving each other, that shouldn't be someone you consider worthy of worship or praise.

So I'll repeat myself:

No where does anyone, aside from an animal like Phelps, state that God can't forgive homosexuals...

At the very least, given the hazy and somewhat scatterbrained meting out of forgiveness from the god of the bible, you should be willing to say (at worst) about gay people - "hey man, I just don't know. That's between them and the Lord", rather than try to administer social justice on your own and chastise people who live in a different way than you.

Administer social justice? You're really stretching to keep up.
So I'll repeat myself again:

There does come a time of a calcified heart where repentence is not an option, but we don't know when that is and mischaracterizing the proper Christian view say's more about whether or not you're capable of being honest in these discussions. I don't know if you're truly ignorant or at least hoping I am and won't catch these things, but you're wrong in any event.

His view has never changed concerning it. Our responsibility to it as a sin has, but He hasn't.

Because if you cherry-pick verses regarding things like ceremonial uncleanness and sin, and ignore the surrounding sins (lying and drunkenness, etc) as being just as bad, it says alot more about you than it does your god.

If you're concerned with those other sins, bring them up for in-depth discussion. Am I ignoring communism in a discussion concerning homosexuality too? Sorry I like to avoid non-seqiturs; keep the topic linear.

Sodom wasn't destroyed over its drinking habits and lying. The tribe of Benjamin was delivered to the other tribes for an act that amazingly parallels Genesis Ch 19. with far worse results for the inhabitants of the house. God didn't chide his own nation for following the sins of her sister Sodom because He was at a loss for a better example. Sodom wasn't mentioned by Jesus as the standard by which to judge because he was at a loss for words. It goes on and on and all the pretensions of critical thinking and lies won't change God's word, His immutable position on a sin, nor His people's understanding of it.
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They aren't non-sequitirs. They are sins, mentioned alongside homosexuality and described in the same manner with the same language. Focusing on one and not the others is a reflection on you. If god's forgiveness is attainable on it at any point (as it is apparently for genocide), then it's not yours or anyone else's business and Christians should stop waging their Pharasaical holy war of words on gays - since apparently, seconds before death a homo could say "yo god, sorry about that homo shit, can I be with you in paradise?". Again, their inability to do so, and their unquenchable obsession with homosexuality, says a ton about them. Jesus broke bread with tax collectors, whores and other sinners - and this guy can't bake a couple ******s a cake? Whose spirit are they really reflecting? Whose are you?
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If I owned a cake shop and SP came and asked me for any kind of cake I'd tell him to fuck off.

Sorry, I don't serve crackhead idiots.

Sue me.
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Maybe you could bake a cake that helps explain why you keep wanting to make this thread about me. Title it something like "Fell in Love with a Boy". Is there enough room in your conversion van for baking cakes out behind the Kmart?
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