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Jones doesn't realize it's more than a show
December, 18, 2013
By Todd Archer |

IRVING, Texas -- The biggest problem the Dallas Cowboys have was announced by owner and general manager Jerry Jones on his radio show Tuesday morning on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas.

Asked if he worried about the Cowboys fans becoming apathetic, Jones quickly said no.

"Not with games like the other day," Jones said. "That's a show, if you want to look at it that way. That's not what we're there to do. We're there to win the ballgame and go forward and win the next ballgame. There's no orchestrating that the other day."

There was an announced crowd of 91,054 Sunday at AT&T Stadium. Let's just guess that 15,000 fans were there to root on the Green Bay Packers. Maybe more, maybe less. Let's say another 15,000 were just there to be at the stadium or had no rooting interest.

This is all subjective guess work, but let's say there were 60,000 Cowboys fans in attendance.

How many of those fans left the game and on the walk to their car said, "Wow, what a great show?"

Another guess, but I'm going with zero. They were crushed. They were hurt. They were disillusioned. Again. Would you care if your team won 2-0? Sure it would be boring, but your team would make the playoffs and maybe compete for a championship with a defense like that.

I'm being facetious, of course, but the name of the game is winning. General managers are measured by wins. Well, almost every general manager in the NFL not named Jones. Owners are measured by dollar signs. And that's where Jones leads the NFL.

Jones' comment the other day is a sign that he cannot or will not differentiate between his two jobs. As the owner, he's raking in the cash form those Cowboy-ritas and cotton candy and all those T-shirts. Those calling for boycotts of all things Jones and all things Cowboys, there is not enough of you. And while that money Jones makes from you is still green, the pile is not as deep as the television revenue he collects every year from the NFL's broadcast partners.

And we know the broadcast partners love the Cowboys. They would love them if they won, sure. But they really love them when they produce moments like last week. That drives the train. And is there a doubt the finale against the Philadelphia Eagles would be moved to NBC's "Sunday Night Football?" Maybe they would pick Chicago Bears-Green Bay Packers. Maybe.

But they wouldn't get the show that Jones craves the most.

It has to be disheartening to be a Cowboys fan. How do you trust Jones? How can you trust the coaches and players? This is supposed to be a joyous time of year, but their team just crushes them when it matters most.

But to Jones, it's a good show.


Pro Bowler
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It's a shit show is what it is. You proud of that show Jerry? You know, the one where you look completely overmatched as a GM?

It's really simple, I think people do not understand how difficult the game is, don't respect it, don't respect the effort on the field even in bad games, and it has gotten to the point of ridiculous.

Bill Parcells in his HOF Speech choked up when he talked of players carrying their own IVs onto planes and buses. He explained about how they are in so much pain they lie in the aisles because they can't sit in the seats.

It disgusts me that our players gives all that they have, for us, and people think so little of them. Whether that humored you or not I don't know. But I for one am sick and tired of hearing about the fans hurt feelings and frustration over 17 years. Oh, you sat on your couch and wore out the remote control rooting for this team? Great. In the meantime they did all they could to win for you to make your week special. They won some, they lost some. That's football.

I have said on this forum for years that I am wired different. I meant it. It isn't about better. I have never once claimed that I am a better fan than anyone else. But I seem to have a deeper respect for the game of football at times. I have seen hundreds of losses in my lifetime. I have never once sought to make someone else feel miserable after seeing one. If that is the man you want to be though, get on with your bad self. I just want to love my team. Hate me for it. I don't give a flying damn.
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