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Well, the Cowboys left absolutely no doubt whatsoever yesterday. They're the biggest fraud team in the league and have no chance whatsoever to win in the postseason. The last 1/3+ of this season has been an abomination. They played terrible for 3 quarters vs the Colts, they played horrible vs the Texans (and should have lost the game, at home), they played an absolutely pathetic 2nd half vs Jacksonville (and lost), they lucked out and got to play Philly at home with their backup QB (who still managed to throw for 350+ on us) and they played two completely overmatched teams with nothing to play for and barely beat the Titans, and then got destroyed by the Skins.

This team is an epitome of the term LOSER. They have no spine, they don't play with any pride, they look like they hardly practice at all, the body language of the majority of players reeks of "I wish I was at home".

I've watched this team and cheered for them religiously since 1975, and I can honestly say I have never been this disgusted by them. They have too much talent to play this way, and it's a direct reflection on the fucktard ownership. There is absolutely no leadership or accountability in the entire franchise. It's a completely rudderless ship.

How any coaches could stand there and watch what this team did for 60 minutes and not blow a gasket is beyond me, but there they were again watching their 53 guys play with no effort whatsoever and not one coach said a fucking word about it. This OL has been a disgrace for weeks, does Philbin get mad? Hell no. Prescott is playing like complete shit, does McCarthy or Helen Moore get mad? Hell no. The defense has played like a bunch of fucking pussies for weeks, does Dan Quinn or any position coaches get mad? NOPE. Did Fassel read anyone on his special teams the riot act for yesterdays lousy effort? NOPE.

Winning or losing doesn't matter here to the players or coaches, because it doesn't matter to the owners and GM. They get PAID and PAID HUGE, and that's all the matters. (All of them)

Some will read what I am about to say and probably say I am a shitty fan, but I genuinely WANT them to lose next Monday, and I want them to lose BAD. I want this entire franchise to be embarrassed in the playoffs on national TV. I want them to lay a complete egg and get blown out.

Because that's the ONLY thing that has a shred of hope to start serious changes. They are never winning a championship with the football atmosphere or coaching staff they have in place now. And for the first time since he came into the league, I'm fairly convinced there's no way Prescott is ever leading this team to a championship either. He is not capable nor does he possess the right attitude.

If they somehow win, they'll assuredly get blown out the following week (likely in Philly, but potentially in San Fran), but the Jones' will claim that win is "progress", and even if they lose a close game those two fucking clowns will claim the same thing, that its "progress" because "they fought hard after playing bad at the end of the season". Only a blowout, humiliating defeat has a chance to start some real change.

I've said it several times here at the end of the year, I HATE THIS TEAM. I don't hate them like I do Philly, Pissburg or San Fran, I hate them because of their complete lack of effort, their mistake prone fuckups week after week. I hate the no accountability. They play like they DONT CARE, so as a fan why should I? I'd rather sit in a room and watch re-runs of the 1989 Cowboys season any day of the week over the garbage this team spits out now. They had no talent and most weeks absolutely no chance to win, but you know what? Those no talent scrubs busted their asses for 60 mins every week for a coach who demanded it. This team is as far from that mentality as you could possibly be.


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And for the record, the only other time in my life I "hoped" for a Dallas loss was the final game of the 1988 season.

We had an outside chance at the #1 overall pick and had to lose, Green Bay had to upset the Cardinals on the road.

And it worked out.


0le Ball Coach
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Well, the Cowboys left absolutely no doubt whatsoever yesterday. They're the biggest fraud team in the league and have no chance whatsoever to win in the postseason. The last 1/3+ of this season has been an abomination. They played terrible for 3 quarters vs the Colts, they played horrible vs the Texans (and should have lost the game, at home), they played an absolutely pathetic 2nd half vs Jacksonville (and lost), they lucked out and got to play Philly at home with their backup QB (who still managed to throw for 350+ on us) and they played two completely overmatched teams with nothing to play for and barely beat the Titans, and then got destroyed by the Skins.

This team is an epitome of the term LOSER. They have no spine, they don't play with any pride, they look like they hardly practice at all, the body language of the majority of players reeks of "I wish I was at home".

I've watched this team and cheered for them religiously since 1975, and I can honestly say I have never been this disgusted by them. They have too much talent to play this way, and it's a direct reflection on the fucktard ownership. There is absolutely no leadership or accountability in the entire franchise. It's a completely rudderless ship.

How any coaches could stand there and watch what this team did for 60 minutes and not blow a gasket is beyond me, but there they were again watching their 53 guys play with no effort whatsoever and not one coach said a fucking word about it. This OL has been a disgrace for weeks, does Philbin get mad? Hell no. Prescott is playing like complete shit, does McCarthy or Helen Moore get mad? Hell no. The defense has played like a bunch of fucking pussies for weeks, does Dan Quinn or any position coaches get mad? NOPE. Did Fassel read anyone on his special teams the riot act for yesterdays lousy effort? NOPE.

Winning or losing doesn't matter here to the players or coaches, because it doesn't matter to the owners and GM. They get PAID and PAID HUGE, and that's all the matters. (All of them)

Some will read what I am about to say and probably say I am a shitty fan, but I genuinely WANT them to lose next Monday, and I want them to lose BAD. I want this entire franchise to be embarrassed in the playoffs on national TV. I want them to lay a complete egg and get blown out.

Because that's the ONLY thing that has a shred of hope to start serious changes. They are never winning a championship with the football atmosphere or coaching staff they have in place now. And for the first time since he came into the league, I'm fairly convinced there's no way Prescott is ever leading this team to a championship either. He is not capable nor does he possess the right attitude.

If they somehow win, they'll assuredly get blown out the following week (likely in Philly, but potentially in San Fran), but the Jones' will claim that win is "progress", and even if they lose a close game those two fucking clowns will claim the same thing, that its "progress" because "they fought hard after playing bad at the end of the season". Only a blowout, humiliating defeat has a chance to start some real change.

I've said it several times here at the end of the year, I HATE THIS TEAM. I don't hate them like I do Philly, Pissburg or San Fran, I hate them because of their complete lack of effort, their mistake prone fuckups week after week. I hate the no accountability. They play like they DONT CARE, so as a fan why should I? I'd rather sit in a room and watch re-runs of the 1989 Cowboys season any day of the week over the garbage this team spits out now. They had no talent and most weeks absolutely no chance to win, but you know what? Those no talent scrubs busted their asses for 60 mins every week for a coach who demanded it. This team is as far from that mentality as you could possibly be.
You nailed it right on the head. You are 100% accurate with everything you said. The most important part is the lack of accountability. When Jimmy Johnson coaches there would have been a couple of players cut after what happened yesterday. Jerry has cut the nuts off every coach since Jimmy Johnson. The players know they can do whatever they want because Jerry will protect them. You know from almost all of my posts that Dak Prescott ain’t the guy. Nice man, upstanding citizen, great company man but you are not winning a super bowl with him at QB. I hate saying that but it’s true. I was at the game at Fed Ex field and witnessed the loser body language from the moment they came out for warmups. No one was getting their ass chewed. Everyone including the coaches were just going through the motions. I could go on and on. I am Dallas Cowboys fan but I am also a realist. I don’t watch basketball baseball hockey soccer or anything else. I look forward every year to see the Cowboys and praying that something might be different. It never is and it’s sad because their is talent on this team. They are perennial underachiever and don’t seem to care. I appreciate your thoughtful heartfelt educated reasonable post. I can feel your disappointment!


Quality Starter
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the problem is the current person basically saying "dont worry about the losing, you'll feel better when you pick up your check" isn't going anywhere because he's the owner

and he's basically told us for the last 30 years, there will be no more lists:

Parsons seems to have the same mentality as Irvin but it'll be slowly beaten out of him and he'll have to get solace from his paycheck because he'll never get it from winning in Dallas

the culture is rotten to its core and cannot be cvercome

as the saying goes, a fish rots from the head
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