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  1. bkeavs

    Ray Donovan

    Anyone watching this Shotime masterpiece? Cable channels really putting out some superior television Banshee is another great show
  2. bkeavs

    Why Warren Buffett Is Right About Raising Taxes on the Rich

    Why Warren Buffett Is Right About Raising Taxes on the Rich By Henry Blodget PostsWebsiteEmailBy Henry Blodget | Daily Ticker – 2 hours 2 minutes agoEmail0Share2PrintAsk any non-partisan economist how this country can begin to address its debt and deficit problem, and the answer is "raise taxes...
  3. bkeavs

    DNC Video "voting Blunder"
  4. bkeavs

    Birther Saga Continues: Romney Releases Birth Certificate

    Birther Saga Continues: Romney Releases Birth Certificate Mitt Romney has added another element to the rising “birther” storyline by releasing a copy of his own birth certificate. Or, as the document states, a “Certificate of Live Birth” from Michigan. Romney gave the document to Reuters as...
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