
The Elite :-P
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well myself personally, it should be outlawed still... It harms your health and your brain. what you all think???


The Elite :-P
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It still is.
Yes but now house just passed to legalize pot and now it’s at senate then if they vote yes because Vp, Kamala Harris, supported it with her senate version of the bill, and if it’s signed into law then we get full of potheads in USA.


High Plains Drifter
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Yes but now house just passed to legalize pot and now it’s at senate then if they vote yes because Vp, Kamala Harris, supported it with her senate version of the bill, and if it’s signed into law then we get full of potheads in USA.
This has zero effect on state laws even if it passes the Senate.

Dopers don't realize this move is all about taxation and regulation not liberty. Feds want another revenue stream. Want another part of lives they can control. Dems get to pander to dopers, while at the same time prepping the setup for far more draconian measures.

Growing or selling Mary Jane without a federal tax stamp? Welcome to federal pen. You dumbass dopers wanted it to be just like alcohol, you're fixinta get it.


The Elite :-P
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I got that. The bill does include erasure of all pot related convictions. just FYI if it pass and signed into law.


High Plains Drifter
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I got that. The bill does include erasure of all pot related convictions. just FYI if it pass and signed into law.
No it does not. It does only for FEDERAL cases. Not state cases. There's not a ton of people in federal pen for Mary Jane. But there will be.

Silly people think this is anything good are just ignorant.


High Plains Drifter
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Just so you catch the drift, the US Congress cannot make state law. Only federal law.

This was done primarily so states that have "legalized" it, won't be in technical violation of federal law. And so that the federal govt can tax it and regulate it.

It does NOT force states to also legalize.


High Plains Drifter
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Real world example. Dude gets stopped by the Texas DPS (Or even county or city cops) on interstate 40 west of Vega. Trooper finds 50lbs of MJ in his trunk. That's a federal case, transporting a schedule 1 narcotic across state lines. It's also a state case, possession of controlled substance X pounds or more, a state felony. What happens is, we let the Feds know about it and they decide whether to bring charges in federal court or not. The local DA also gets the case and decides whether or not to charge the state felony - which invariably, they do. Dude is arrested and taken to the county jail pending charges, in either event. He gets bail set unless the Feds put a hold on him.

All this new federal law does is take the Feds out of it, initially. Later after they pass laws taxing MJ and regulating it, when the trooper finds the stash and it doesn't have the federal stamp, it's again a federal case related to bypassing taxation. A felony. JUST LIKE ALCOHOL BOOTLEGGING IS.

Let's say the trooper found only personal use amount, like maybe an ounce. It's just a ticket. But it IS technically a violation of FEDERAL law. It does not get charged or prosecuted. Never has never will.

Anyone today in federal pen over MJ is there because it was a LOT of it and was being transported across state lines. Nobody's in federal pen for simple possession of small amounts. Or any state pen either. It's just a lie.

It's certainly not anything related to greater liberty and it's not at all anything like these idiot journalists are peddling.


High Plains Drifter
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One thing it does do though is open the door for big pharma and big tobacco to start producing MJ for the retail market just like brewers do for alcohol. There's good and bad in that. Also, states are gonna want to get their chunk of the taxation revenue so it's likely many will follow the example. Some slower than others.

This also opens the door for medical research.

It'll be a brave new world so to speak.


Super Moderator
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Anyone today in federal pen over MJ is there because it was a LOT of it and was being transported across state lines. Nobody's in federal pen for simple possession of small amounts. Or any state pen either. It's just a lie.

Your whole post, especially this part, is spot on. Well done....


Super Moderator
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One thing it does do though is open the door for big pharma and big tobacco to start producing MJ for the retail market just like brewers do for alcohol. There's good and bad in that. Also, states are gonna want to get their chunk of the taxation revenue so it's likely many will follow the example. Some slower than others.

This also opens the door for medical research.

It'll be a brave new world so to speak.

You know big pharma is going to get in on any money maker and these small mom and pops will be out of business. This whole thing is one big lie from politicians. Every time someone would want to argue with me about legalization of marijuana to let these poor personal users out of prison, I'd always ask them to name one person that's in state or fed prison for personal use marijuana. Crickets.....


High Plains Drifter
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Every time someone would want to argue with me about legalization of marijuana to let these poor personal users out of prison, I'd always ask them to name one person that's in state or fed prison for personal use marijuana. Crickets
They're just mindlessly quoting propaganda from NORML which has flat-out lied for decades on this issue. Getting dumbasses to believe we have "pot gulags." We don't and never have.


High Plains Drifter
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Soon we'll see "Marlboro Brite" or Winston's "Acupulco Gold" on store shelves.

"No stem no seed that you don't need, Acupulco Gold is.... A badass weeeed."


The Elite :-P
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