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I've been looking for the deleted tweet Trump made on Jan 6th where he says to march peacefully and cant find the damn thing anywhere.

Does anyone have a link to a copy?

The one I had was deleted fro "copyright violation"
I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt.

It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.


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Trump interview with Tucker now over 250 million views.

Fox viewers for 1st debate, 12.8 million (roughly half of the number from 2016 debate)



Quality Starter
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I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt.

It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.
thanks, I could have sworn this was a tweet video but I cant find it anywhere, really irritating

if anyone has a link to the tweet or copied video, please post it



In the Rotation
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Not anybody, but if you give someone with skills a voting machine they can hack it. This is true for any technology. If given the chance to study it, people will figure out how to hack it.


In the Rotation
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I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt.

It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil.

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.


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Gee, who'd have think it.

Common denominator in all these bogus cases- every single one of the DA's and assigned judges appear to have very radical, Marxist backgrounds.



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Defense Wins Championships
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This is what Marxism looks like.

“I Was Just Offered $400 To Make An Anti-Trump J6 Social Media Post”​

13 hours ago
0 2,269 4 minutes read


I want to make something very clear upfront in this article.
I do not know this man…
I have not spoken to him…
I cannot independently verify what he is claiming…
I am taking what he is saying at face value and assuming he is telling the truth.
Now, if he IS telling the truth, this is a huge admission!

We all suspected that Soros-money and other Far Left sources are funding anti-Trump social media teams.

But now we may have proof.

And it’s worse than we even expected.

This is not just flooding social media to make it look like Biden is more popular than Trump.

What this guy describes is essentially fabricating testimony to support charges of a crime.

Or…charges of 4 indictments perhaps?

Conditioning the public?

What I find most interesting is this guy says he’s an attorney and if that is true then it seems to me he would have a moral and ethical duty to tell the truth about this story.

And that’s why I take him at face value — because it appears that is exactly what he’s doing here.
The National Review also covered the video:

An attorney with a popular TikTok account says the Good Information Foundation, a nonprofit focused on fighting disinformation, offered to pay him $400 to make an “anti–Donald Trump propaganda post related to the January 6 investigation that is completely not true.”

“I should start out this video by saying I am not a Donald Trump supporter so that should give a little bit of context to where I’m coming from,” Preston Moore said in a video posted to TikTok over the weekend where he shares screenshots of the alleged communication.

He explains that he got an email from the Good Information Foundation — which is led by Rick Stengel, former undersecretary of state during the Obama administration — offering $400 for an Instagram post relating to January 6.
After saying he was open to collaboration, he says the group sent him an email including “important notes” and “key messaging” that should be included in the post.

“Remind your followers about the images and scenes from the January 6th insurrection,” the email said.
It then offered an example of what he might say: “You probably saw this [greenscreen of Jan 6th violence] happen but what a lot of people don’t know is that the violence on January 6 was actually planned and paid for by Trump Republicans.”

The email added: “Talk about the many aspects of their plan and the broad involvement of Trump officials, members of Congress [redacted] . . . ”

As an example, the email offers: “The Trump campaign paid literally millions of dollars to make January 6th happen.”
Another point of “key messaging” that the email suggests Moore tell his followers: “It’s important to know that this wasn’t a one day thing—there is an ongoing threat of political violence or MAGA Republicans trying to overturn elections.”

Moore said that “most importantly” the foundation said that he “must channel all of this on to the manipulation of voter agencies so that I could turn their anger around this event into defiance that would make people more likely to vote in midterms.”

Here is the full list of things he claims he was told to include in the video (note: there does not appear to be any consideration given for whether any of these things are TRUE or not, as it pertains to the guy they are paying to say them, and that’s a big problem, don’t you think?):

Now let’s watch the video…
And as a backup here is the Twitter post:

And a backup on Rumble too:

I also find this headline from the BBC very interesting because it seems to confirm this man’s video: anti-Trump social media influencers ARE being paid to publish paid propaganda videos — and apparently so many that it merited a full BBC article:

Anti-Trump TikTokkers not declaring paid content

Here’s more from that BBC article:

TikTok has removed a number of videos after a BBC investigation showed creators were posting anti-Trump material without disclosing that they were paid for by a marketing company.

The company, Bigtent Creative, funds skits and memes to persuade people to register, such as mixing rapper Cardi B’s WAP song with a message from her telling people to vote.

Some of the videos it has paid for are non-partisan, but others call for President Trump to be voted out of office and in none of the videos do the creators disclose that they have been paid.

TikTok bans political ads and requires people to declare paid-for content. When we showed TikTok what we found, the company took several TikToks down – these had already got hundreds of thousands of views.

Guidelines from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) stipulate content creators should always disclose paid partnerships, usually by using ‘#ad’ in the caption.

A TikTok spokesperson said: “These guidelines also apply to paid content by influencers, and we rely on influencers and marketers to follow FTC guidelines.

“We remove paid influencer content that’s not disclosed as such as we become aware of it and are now taking action on this.”
So….what do you think?

Is this guy telling the truth?



In the Rotation
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Gee, who'd have think it.

Common denominator in all these bogus cases- every single one of the DA's and assigned judges appear to have very radical, Marxist backgrounds.

I read the transcripts of the hearing she presided over the other day regarding the trial date for Trump trial on Jack Smith's J6 charges. My goodness this women is either a complete idiot or so biased she shouldn't be a just let alone presiding over Trump trial. Her arguments that Trump's attorney should have been preparing for trial before any charges against him were returned by a grand jury was bizarre. Her claim that "everyone knew Trump would be indicted" is insane, especially after it took 30 months to return the indictment and months after the jury foreperson went on TV and talk with glee about confronting Trump.

Her insistence about a quick trial against the wishes of the defendants is going to be grounds for appeal if Trump loses. So are all her prejudicial statements but clearly what she wants is a quick trial, a quick guilty verdict and then she will impose a harsh sentence to stop Trump from running. I promise you in her sentencing statements she will include the word insurrection, even though Trump was not charged with insurrection, to give Dem states grounds to remove him from ballots. I believe she also knows Trump will be granted an appeal and he will win on appeal because the charges are nonsense and ignore his first amendment rights.

If I was Trump attorney, I would take her arguments about the trial date and her statement from earlier J6 sentencing hearings and file a motion to have her removed from this trial. Since it is the DC court system, the likelihood she will be replaced by another Trump hating Marxist is high, but that's why I would file for a change of venue, because Trump cannot get a fair trial in DC and everyone knows it.


Super Moderator
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I read the transcripts of the hearing she presided over the other day regarding the trial date for Trump trial on Jack Smith's J6 charges. My goodness this women is either a complete idiot or so biased she shouldn't be a just let alone presiding over Trump trial. Her arguments that Trump's attorney should have been preparing for trial before any charges against him were returned by a grand jury was bizarre. Her claim that "everyone knew Trump would be indicted" is insane, especially after it took 30 months to return the indictment and months after the jury foreperson went on TV and talk with glee about confronting Trump.

Her insistence about a quick trial against the wishes of the defendants is going to be grounds for appeal if Trump loses. So are all her prejudicial statements but clearly what she wants is a quick trial, a quick guilty verdict and then she will impose a harsh sentence to stop Trump from running. I promise you in her sentencing statements she will include the word insurrection, even though Trump was not charged with insurrection, to give Dem states grounds to remove him from ballots. I believe she also knows Trump will be granted an appeal and he will win on appeal because the charges are nonsense and ignore his first amendment rights.

If I was Trump attorney, I would take her arguments about the trial date and her statement from earlier J6 sentencing hearings and file a motion to have her removed from this trial. Since it is the DC court system, the likelihood she will be replaced by another Trump hating Marxist is high, but that's why I would file for a change of venue, because Trump cannot get a fair trial in DC and everyone knows it.

In almost 30 years and having gone though many, many trials, I've never heard of a speedy trial being granted to benefit the government. Not once....NEVER. The right to a speedy trial is guaranteed to a defendant, not the government. These radicals are so blatant they don't even hide their treacherous and treasonous behavior. There is no way that anyone's attorney can review discovery and the hundreds of thousands of documents and video evidence. And this doesn't account for any motions that can and will be filed.

Trials can take years to develop and usually do. Even for relatively minor or less serious offenses. Even (currently) working in the private sector and working on a case that is being prosecuted by the feds, it's been well over a year since the defendants were arrested (early 2022) and a trial date is tentatively scheduled for December, 2023. And this is after a few defendants have already plead guilty.

This type of conduct and reasoning by this judge is utterly outrageous and a disgrace to the judiciary.


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In almost 30 years and having gone though many, many trials, I've never heard of a speedy trial being granted to benefit the government. Not once....NEVER. The right to a speedy trial is guaranteed to a defendant, not the government. These radicals are so blatant they don't even hide their treacherous and treasonous behavior. There is no way that anyone's attorney can review discovery and the hundreds of thousands of documents and video evidence. And this doesn't account for any motions that can and will be filed.

Trials can take years to develop and usually do. Even for relatively minor or less serious offenses. Even (currently) working in the private sector and working on a case that is being prosecuted by the feds, it's been well over a year since the defendants were arrested (early 2022) and a trial date is tentatively scheduled for December, 2023. And this is after a few defendants have already plead guilty.

This type of conduct and reasoning by this judge is utterly outrageous and a disgrace to the judiciary.
So there was no need to bring charges right after Trump did all the garbage they accuse him of (instead they took years) but now they need super fast trials after slow walking this shit for several years.

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that this only happened after they saw Trump was still far and away the run-away winner for the primary. If Trump would have just rode off into the sunset, it's almost a 100% lock the corrupt Marxist regime wouldnt be doing any of this.


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Either the Republicans are every bit the collection of pussies they have always shown to be, or maybe deep down they don't want to impeach Biden because they know he's far more beatable in an election than someone the Dems would probably prefer to run out there.

There's just no other justification that anyone could argue for why they arnt impeaching this corrupt piece of fucking shit. They have mountains of impeachable offenses they could charge this clown with.

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