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Shut up you socialist idiot. You entire belief system is fucked. Go whine to someone else about the fact you are so useless you can not find anyone willing to pay you more than $7.50.

Your pathetic party is the same bunch of assholes that want to flood the market with more losers with no skills from third world shit holes. Fucking brilliant!
You're like a caricature of Sean Hannity.



Pro Bowler
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The proposed federal minimum wage increase is $2.85. For them to break even on cost, a $3.50 cone now costs $3.79. Even if we take compounded costs from bulk ice cream vendors and cone manufacturers (who may be paying more than minimum wage already) we are probably barely breaking 4 dollars. If that.

How did you figure the math on that?
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No, it isn't. It's about what drives inflation and whether monetary policy is one of those factors.

Maybe a more accurate summation of the article is:

Monetary policy does not drive inflation. Monetary policy is a reaction to inflation, which is chiefly caused by four major market forces.

In this case, monetary policy is meant to protect our most vulnerable citizens, who have absolutely no power in the market whatsoever and thus require protection because businesses will always act in their best interest. You can find yourself in sort of a chicken-egg argument here. After all, employers will be hesitant to absorb these costs rather than just pass them on - but will do so if forced by policy, and the market. If other employers find a way to shoulder the monetary policy and keep costs down, they come out ahead. If the market can bear it, they will pass the cost on to consumers.

The effect of monetary policy pales in comparison to things like speculation, though - which can catastophically impact the market on a day to day basis. You know this, I don't understand why you'd pretend this is some sort of liberal bogeyman.
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In that article it's talking about interest rates. But they are similar. I don't get why you're trying to deny this.


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I really despise Democrats and Republicans.

Which party is interested in cutting government spending?


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I really despise Democrats and Republicans.

Which party is interested in cutting government spending?

TEA party people want to cut it quite a bit.

But agree, for the most part everybody up there is fucked up.

Until there are term limits nothing is EVER going to get done to actually help anyone. Right now the whole goal of those pieces of shit is to get re-elected. And now that one party has succeeded in making half the country leech off the other half, we are royally fucked.


Pro Bowler
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It's all political. It's one big professional wrestling show for America to watch and get enveloped in.


Quality Starter
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They aren't similar at all, CK. I don't know why you're even disputing it. There are probably a zillion articles out there arguing that raising the minimum wage doesn't hurt anything, so I don't know why you picked out one on Fed policy and the money supply.

Anyway, it's my bad for even getting involved in a political thread. But I was talking about the economics of it. Like the others said, government is so big and there's such an astronomical amount of money sloshing around out there, the scumbags in power are just looking to get theirs. Very few, too many to matter, actually care about the common person beyond trying to get their votes. It's just a career for them, no different that those CEOs who have risen to the top of their profession.
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Thanks for the intelligent discourse.
I've never met a socialist who can have intelligent discourse. Instead, I know a bunch who throw out terms like intelligent discourse without for one second taking the time to consider the flaws in their own system.

How can you justify a minimum wage of $10.10, when college-educated entry level jobs are at around $12 a lot of times. The ice cream shop might not be impacted, but a 100 person small business that has to raise salaries for everyone is going to take a massive hit to their bottom line.


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Is it the fault of the policies or the fault of business?

If the government says "Business - you can't continue to take advantage of the poor, you have to pay them more. Your profits are at record highs, you can't keep fucking people over and taking advantage of government subsidies and welfare to keep costs low just to please your stockholders..."

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” –Adolf Hitler

“A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage — the political paradise of communism.” -Sal Alinski
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See what you did TE? Because you didn't post your opinions in the Political Forum here, Obama got re-elected. Thanks a lot.
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