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One less piece of trash in the world.

Tiffany Thompson got her wish: Demetrius Murphy met the “Right Person” and he will not be playing the Knockout Game any more. Ever.

A St. Louis homeowner shot Murphy dead late last week during a burglary. And a whole lot of people in St. Louis feel relieved, if not safer.

Murphy was a member of a group that is credited with making the Knockout Game a St. Louis tradition, then a national pasttime.

The rules of the Knockout Game are simple: Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from three to 30.

Find a white person, but an Asian will do. Alone is important. Older is better. Weak and defenseless even more so.

Without warning, punch that person in the face as hard as you can. You win if you score a Knockout.

If not, keep punching until your arms and legs get too tired to continue. Or the person dies.

You can play anywhere, but “vibrant and culturally mixed” neighborhoods are probably the best. That is where the victims are: Asians, “gays,” artists, yuppies, seniors , college students – people who won’t fight back.

Over the last two years, hundreds of people around the country have become victims. Some say over 100 in St. Louis alone. Some died. Others, like Murphy’s victim Matt Quain, suffered broken bones in his face and jaw.

Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks.

Many of these cases of black mob violence are documented in the book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return racial violence and how the media ignore it.”

Murphy and his friends were arrested in November 2011 when police found a 13-year-old girl who witnessed the Knockout Game assault on Quain. The charges were dismissed after she failed to show up. The mayor of St. Louis said there was no doubt in his mind the witness was intimidated and too frightened to testify. The mother of the witness said the same several months later.

The gang was jubilant, and took to FaceBook to say so. “FREE ALL MY TKO GUYS,” said one of the members of the mob that was freed, reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Two days later, two members of the group tracked down Quain and threatened him again.

He threatened them with pepper spray and they ran.

The pace of the Knockout Game picked up in other places with other victims. That is when Tiffany Thompson made her wish at a news site reporting the results of the latest St. Louis victim:

"As a black woman I will say this, I wish they would run into the right person who is armed to defend themselves with a firearm…I bet we will see a drastic decrease in violence in our city. It is embarrassing and shameful – the image these losers portray of blacks in St. Louis. I do not and never will reside anywhere besides the suburbs of this city, because no one is safe among these savages. do not get angry when people call them thugs, because that is exactly what they are and no excuses can be made for this barbaric behavior! it’s disgusting!!!"

That “right person” was a St. Louis homeowner who found Murphy and a friend in his backyard at 1:30 a.m.

Missouri citizens are protected by the so-called Castle Doctrine that allows the use of deadly force against intruders.

But Murphy’s friend, a 17-year-old man, was charged with murder because he was an accomplice to a felony where a person was killed.

Murphy’s grandfather, Paul Furst, told KSDK that Murphy was mentally challenged did not deserve to die:

I believe this is another one of the Trayvon Martin stories where people are getting so gun happy they shoot just on impulse now. I could understand if he was a threat. But on the property, he was not a threat.

Murphy’s grandfather had nothing to say to a neighbor who said he, too, was a victim of Murphy: Jonathan Preiss told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

“I live 3 houses down from where the shooting took place. I believe they are the ones who threw a rock and a brick into my window, stole my TV, ps3, wii and games as well right before this happened. They ransacked my room, no regard for my property. I am still freaked out over this whole thing. I hope this is a lesson of the consequences for violating my community’s privacy

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/knockout-game-perp-shot-killed/#980DUsD6P0YLzEZE.99

Bob Sacamano

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Not mentally disabled enough to recognize the difference between right and sadism, and being to attract a cult following. Although black people love to copy themselves.


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If Obama had a son, would he look like a Knockout Game participant...? :awkward

Bob Sacamano

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I'll be Bob Sharpton.

Seriously, some white dude should be at every instance of black on white crimes and in front of a camera.


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Two for one.

Here’s one more report:

Murphy’s mother says her son was mentally disabled. She says he was coming back from the store with a friend and she has no idea how he wound up in the backyard of the home.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2013/02/uh-oh-demetrius-murphy-met-his-match/#YRttVbGzFHaWiIdw.99

Big shock. Another mother who has no idea what the hell their kid is doing at 1:30 in the morning. Maybe she should try taking responsibility for her failures as a parent. Same for the idiot grandfather. 3 generations of fail.


Pro Bowler
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Big shock. Another mother who has no idea what the hell their kid is doing at 1:30 in the morning. Maybe she should try taking responsibility for her failures as a parent. Same for the idiot grandfather. 3 generations of fail.

Good thing there won't be a 4th from him.


Pro Bowler
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Seriously, something needs to be done. This problem needs to be nipped in the bud. Instead, they're encouraged. It makes no sense.
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Am I only one that saw this:

Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks.

I haven't heard this on espn or the local radio shows(The Fan).


Quality Starter
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Yeah, I thought the same thing. I heard about the Alabama player(s) using a stolen credit card, but I had no idea it was part of this knockout game.


Reaction score
Am I only one that saw this:
I haven't heard this on espn or the local radio shows(The Fan).

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I heard about the Alabama player(s) using a stolen credit card, but I had no idea it was part of this knockout game.


It was just another Knockout Game except for one thing: The assailants in this black mob were all members of Alabama’s national championship football team.

The rules for the Knockout Game are simple: First, start with a crowd of black people. Then, find a white person. Beat him until he is unconscious. Or until your arms and legs get tired. Repeat as desired. Some people keep score. Others yell “Knockout Game” and laugh.

Victims report hundreds of examples of it around the country over the last three years.

This version took place – twice – late Sunday night on the campus of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Samuel Jergens was returning to his dorm when three black men asked if they could borrow a lighter.

That is the last thing he remembers before waking up on the sidewalk, bloody, with head injuries and bruises.

His friend Chris Burks told the campus paper: “His left side of his face was gigantic. The jacket he was wearing and his headphones were completely drenched in blood, the bottom half of his face was completely covered in blood; he was bleeding badly from his lip. He had clearly been badly beaten.”

An hour later, the three members of the Crimson Tide allegedly did it again. Both men were beaten unconscious with “excessive force:” punched and kicked about the body and face, say police reports.

Both students were robbed as well: One losing a backpack with an Apple MacBook computer, the other his wallet.

Police arrested Tyler Hayes, Eddie Williams, Dennis Pettway in connection with the beating, and Brent Calloway for using a debit card stolen during the robbery.

All four are freshman and were among the most heavily recruited high school seniors in the country. Three had extensive playing time this year, Williams was a redshirt. Calloway has a previous arrest for possession of marijuana in the fall of 2011 while he was a redshirt freshman.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/college-football-stars-and-the-knockout-game/#Rhbi8wXwS3AOADlB.99

The police reports.



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Degenerate mongoloids running around attacking people for fun is just another in a long line of reasons I always have my .40 on me. I would urge everyone to seriously consider getting their CC license and to practice on a regular basis at the range.

The Knock Out game is no joke. People are being attacked in every major city. This is a race based crime, though not many prosecutors have the balls to admit it. Shoot enough of these non-humans and hopefully the rest will wise up and start behaving like humans or end up in a body bag.


Pro Bowler
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Degenerate mongoloids running around attacking people for fun is just another in a long line of reasons I always have my .40 on me. I would urge everyone to seriously consider getting their CC license and to practice on a regular basis at the range.

The Knock Out game is no joke. People are being attacked in every major city. This is a race based crime, though not many prosecutors have the balls to admit it. Shoot enough of these non-humans and hopefully the rest will wise up and start behaving like humans or end up in a body bag.

If you see a pack of them just watch out. They have a pack mentality.


Pro Bowler
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And apparently the police are doing nothing about it and they're like wild hogs as far as breeding is concerned.

Whatever we're doing is not working. I would probably feel like I could do anything I wanted too if everything was handed to me and I was told nothing was ever my fault.


Pro Bowler
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In many ways this country is a fucking joke.
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