
Pro Bowler
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I just can’t see Zeke sitting out games and missing the $250k (or whatever the actual number is) game check each week

According to some reports he’s spending the money as fast as he makes it and he really needs the new contract. Which means he can’t afford to miss out on the $4mil he would miss if he sat out the entire season

I understand that players need to get their money while they can. Especially running backs. But Zeke still has two years left on his current contract. If he pulled this next season then I’d have no problem with him trying to get his money. But sitting out with two years left on your contract is bullshit. If he’s not willing to honor his contract then fuck him.

I’m fine with letting him sit and waste his prime for the next three seasons. I’m also fine with trading him to any team not in the NFC East for a 1st round pick.

With the way JERUH stood up for Zeke and went to bat for him with the Commish over his suspension you would think Zeke would have some sort of loyalty to the team.


Quality Starter
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apparently riled Zeke up pretty good

If this dipshit is really stupid enough to find offense over this, then fuck him! I'd be proud as hell if jeri used his leverage and tied up his fucking career for 3 years forcing him sit out and earn nothing or get paid according to his contract

I despise jeri with the heat of a 1000 suns but cant think of another owner who takes care of their players more than he does, so if Zeke is too stupid to see this and how jeri has had his sorry ass during all his dumb ass decisions, then he's completely clueless

I think he's being influenced by the players association and agent to fight for terms he doesnt really care about but is being peer pressured to use his leverage to give agents & the PA better a basis for future negotiations

or he could be hung up on being the highest paid RB therefore letting his pride fuck up a deal which is IDIOTIC when you consider all the opportunities that come with playing for the Dallas Cowboys.

If jeri was the "genius" people like to say he is, then he would be able to show every player how playing for the Cowboys is a salary multiplier because the marketing opportunities and cost of living associated with playing here make accepting a lower salary worthwhile because a better team (via spreading the salary cap around to more good to great players) increase wins and longevity, both of which impact a players bottom line in a positive way. This is the one advantage the Cowboys have and jeri, et al should be leveraging the shit out of it


Pro Bowler
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Supposedly Zeke and Melvin Gordon were training together before the preseason and talked about holding out together to put more pressure on team owners to value RB’s higher than they currently do or have in the recent past

Trying to show a united front for RB’s type of deal to increase their value league wide

The problem is that the local media here in LA is talking like Gordon is about to sign his contract soon so he can play week 1

I hope he does and leaves Zeke as the lone holdout. Then I hope Jeruh plays hardball and lets Zeke sit or trades him to an irrelevant team for the second Great Train Robbery!!!!!!

He needs to have Jimmy advise him on Zeke’s trade


Practice Squad
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I would have liked to see Zeke sit out for at least half the season. I would want to know just how well Dak can play without an elite RB behind him. If the Cowboys offense is abysmal without Zeke, do they pay Dak 35M a year? But I have a feeling he'll only be out for one game at best. Interesting to see what will happen.


Super Moderator
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i like that dallas just re-signed la'el collins and jaylon smith to long term deals as a big fuck you to zeke


0le Ball Coach
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Sure hope Jerry put lots of “Turd Clauses” in EE’s contract to protect the organization. Personally I would have traded EE for the long term financial health and competitive position of the organization . Cowboys are headed toward salary cap hell. It’s not “if” Zeke will screw up but only “when” he will screw up. You can’t fix stupid... it’s terminal.


Pro Bowler
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The deal is done and Zeke is now the highest paid RB in NFL history

So much for Jeruh finally having a backbone

At least the drama is over and everyone can focus on the season.

Like I mentioned before, I sure hope there is a ****** clause in his contract that frees up the team from paying him if he get himself suspended again.


Quality Starter
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The deal is done and Zeke is now the highest paid RB in NFL history

So much for Jeruh finally having a backbone

At least the drama is over and everyone can focus on the season.

Like I mentioned before, I sure hope there is a ****** clause in his contract that frees up the team from paying him if he get himself suspended again.

Jeri drug this out on purpose to keep everyone talking about him and his cowboys, he cares about that far more than winning, he never had any plans of not signing him, over-paying is a core belief of his



Pro Bowler
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It appears Jeruh did exactly what I had hoped he would do. He added a full on ****** clause in Zeke’s contract.

If Zeke does something stupid and gets suspended again nearly all of his $50mil in guaranteed money is voided. Plus he will lose his game day and roster bonus checks. It’s essentially an 8 year contract.

We all know Jeruh is going to ride Zeke till the wheels fall off in 3 years. Then throw him away and get a shiny new RB fresh off the showroom floor anyway

So I ain’t mad at Jeruh for this one.


Pro Bowler
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Now wonder the deal got done today.

Jeruh just said fuck it, pay the man, I will make that contract back in a couple hours anyway. Who cares


0le Ball Coach
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It appears Jeruh did exactly what I had hoped he would do. He added a full on ****** clause in Zeke’s contract.

If Zeke does something stupid and gets suspended again nearly all of his $50mil in guaranteed money is voided. Plus he will lose his game day and roster bonus checks. It’s essentially an 8 year contract.

We all know Jeruh is going to ride Zeke till the wheels fall off in 3 years. Then throw him away and get a shiny new RB fresh off the showroom floor anyway

So I ain’t mad at Jeruh for this one.
Where did you get your information on the ****** clause? I’ve been all over the Internet trying to find out what protections Jerry built into this contract. EE will screwup again without a doubt. It’s only a matter of when. I personally do not like this extension. I believe it will come back to bite the Cowboys. Too many fresh legs out there to run behind our offensive line.


Pro Bowler
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I don’t remember who reported the details which included the clause that would void the majority of Zeke’s guaranteed money “if” he got suspended again

I figured that the report with all the details would be everywhere in minutes so I didn’t include the link

If I see the same article again I’ll post the link
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