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I'm one of the few who doesn't think Weeden is that bad, adjusted for the state of today's QB game. Of course he's terrible compared to Romo, but watching him every week for years will spoil you. This is a league where you have scrubs like Ryan Fitzpatrick and Brian Hoyer and Ryan Mallett starting games, so of course the backups are going to be a step down from that.

Bad for Cleveland is a level a bad that only appears in fictional satire. Weeden should never have been a starter, so in comparison to other career backups, I can confidently say he still sucks. It would feel a lot better right now if our run game was working.

QB2 is a position that Jerry willingly admitted to not caring about, so now we'll have to live with the consequences of that arrogance.
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Depends on how long romo is out.

I firmly believe he'll do everything in his power to come back this year. Were not dead yet. 2-0, with two division wins. 9-7 likely wins the division this year. Giants are giving away games. Eagles seem to be bad. Washington can't be real.

By years end we'll have Romo, Dez, Hardy etc. Ready to roll for the post season.

Yeah. All the team has to do is go .500 from here until the end of the season to finish 9-7. As you say, 9-7 easily could be in the playoff hunt.

With Romo returning and playing during the final 4 weeks or so of the regular season, the team will have a chance to get hot at just the right time.

The next couple of months will be painful to watch, but after that it could be pretty good.


Pro Bowler
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I just hope that when Romo and Dez do come back that they can get in sync and don't take a game or two to knock the rust off

Weeden doesn't necessarily need to go out there and win games for us like you expect from Romo. He just has to not screw up and loose them until Romo comes back
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Nick Eatman (@nickeatman) tweeted at 2:51 PM on Mon, Sep 21, 2015:
Jason Garrett should be able to confirm Tony Romo's status at his 3 pm press conference today. Sounding like 8-10 weeks and no surgery.
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I like the Redskin/Philly Weeden. The Cardinal Weeden is frightening. Cowboys are dead if they continue to turn the ball over and commit so many penalties. They have to play cleaner football and the running game needs to be dominating.

I don’t know what is wrong with the running game, it’s not bad but something is amiss. The holes don’t seem to be there. Martin not 100%? Not having Callahan? Don’t blink now, but the Redskins might be ready to fight for the division. Fisher on Redskins' O-line: “It's Dallas all over again”.


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I like the Redskin/Philly Weeden. The Cardinal Weeden is frightening.
The Cardinals had one of the best defenses in football last year when we played them. Maybe the best. They had one of the best records in the league at that time, before Palmer got hurt. So yes, no wonder he struggled. Even with Romo that would've been a tough game.

I don’t know what is wrong with the running game, it’s not bad but something is amiss. The holes don’t seem to be there. Martin not 100%? Not having Callahan? Don’t blink now, but the Redskins might be ready to fight for the division. Fisher on Redskins' O-line: “It's Dallas all over again”.
Most likely because they got Callahan. He's a great OL coach.
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I don’t know what is wrong with the running game, it’s not bad but something is amiss. The holes don’t seem to be there. Martin not 100%? Not having Callahan?

2nd & 3rd team Left Guards are splitting time. Free doesn't appear to be 100%; Martin may not be either. It isn't like the RBs are special.


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After Weeden going 7-7 with a 42 yard TD to Williams I feel a little better about our chances of staying in the hunt for the division title. If not then maybe a wild card spot

We just need to dumb down the offense for him and we need to protect him. If the pocket collapses on him I see him making huge mistakes

We most certainly need to clean up the penalties. Setting a franchise record for penalties like we did last night isn't going to do anyone any favors.

I want to see the new RB from Seattle on the field and see what he brings to the table. Maybe we get lucky with him and he can open up the run game and take some pressure off Weeden
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I don’t think the team needs McFadden right now. He and Randle are kindof the same back. They should make McFadden inactive and get Christine Michael involved. They won’t for a number of reasons, but i think it’s a wasted active roster spot.

Bob Sacamano

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I hope Brandon Weeden gets injured. I'd rather see Kellen Moore. He's not afraid to throw the football.


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2nd & 3rd team Left Guards are splitting time. Free doesn't appear to be 100%; Martin may not be either. It isn't like the RBs are special.

I think its these things plus the Dez effect. Teams are able to completely alter the way they play defense against us when he isn't on the field.

Then throw in the lack of practice time/preseason game time for th starting OL together, and it isn't all that hard to understand. Losing Callahan hurts because he is a good OL coach, but he has been coaching these OL on his scheme for a few yrs now. It isn't like they forgot what to do.
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I think its these things plus the Dez effect. Teams are able to completely alter the way they play defense against us when he isn't on the field.

Then throw in the lack of practice time/preseason game time for th starting OL together, and it isn't all that hard to understand. Losing Callahan hurts because he is a good OL coach, but he has been coaching these OL on his scheme for a few yrs now. It isn't like they forgot what to do.

Why are you still posting? Get out until Patriot week.

But before you do, answer this: who designed and called in the running plays last year?


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Well one positive will or at least should come from Weeden under center for at least 8 weeks.

He will either step up and prove he can be the valid back up to Romo. Or he fails miserably and they finally give up on him and start looking for Romo's true replacement!


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But before you do, answer this: who designed and called in the running plays last year?

You're not making any sense. Either Callahan was designing and calling the run plays last year OR... he was the OL coach --- he wasn't doing both.

You and others are hyping Callahan, but just remember... he was a part of those three consecutive 8-8 seasons, AND... was STRIPPED of playcalling duties/OC title in favor of Linehan. The "running game coordinator" title was just created to allow him to save face.

Scott Linehan called all the plays last yr.

For the most part yes. I do believe that Garrett called a couple of games and the results were disastrous.


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Callahan may not have called the plays, but he did design the running game. And he didn't have playcalling stripped because he was so bad; he had it stripped because Garrett couldn't stand not having his hands in it and had to worm his way back into it. Fortunately Jerry corrected that last year.

And a lot of coaching is adjustments on game days. It's not just that you install a system and it runs itself indefinitely.

I know some have to bash the guy because he's in Washington now, but he has a track record of great success.


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I know some have to bash the guy because he's in Washington now, but he has a track record of great success.

Who's bashing him? Everyone knows he is an exceptional OL coach. But he was a lousy play caller and that was why he was stripped. It's also why nobody in the NFL has had him call plays except himself as a HC


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Callahan may not have called the plays, but he did design the running game. And he didn't have playcalling stripped because he was so bad; he had it stripped because Garrett couldn't stand not having his hands in it and had to worm his way back into it. Fortunately Jerry corrected that last year.

And a lot of coaching is adjustments on game days. It's not just that you install a system and it runs itself indefinitely.

I know some have to bash the guy because he's in Washington now, but he has a track record of great success.

This is bullshit. How was the running game under him before Linehan arrived?

And he did have playcalling duties stripped --- both him and Garrett, in favor of Linehan, in addition to being demoted. Bottomline we were 8-8 for three year with both Garrett AND Callahan. That changed when Linehan came in.
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