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Theismann blasts Tony Romo and Jerry Jones
October 2, 2012 by Paul Jackiewicz

Former Washington Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann went after both Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and owner Jerry Jones today by blasting them on the radio.

“Soon or later we have to come to the realization that Tony isn’t a very good quarterback,” Theismann told Brady & Lang on Sportsnet 590 The Fan Tuesday, via the Dallas Morning News. “He throws interceptions that (make) you shake your head. If it’s all the wide receivers’ fault then maybe he should get some new wide receivers, or they need to come up with some new route combinations that guys can understand.”

After watching Romo last night, Theismann says he realizes that he’s not very good.

“What hit me last night is, Tony isn’t really that good,” Theismann said. “Just because he wears a star on his helmet — we all think that people who are Dallas Cowboys, ‘ooh they’re wonderful and ooh they’re terrific, ooh they’re the next Roger Staubach’ or whatever the heck they want to say. They’re full of bologna.

“Tony makes bad decisions with the football. And I’ll tell you something else; he missed two wide open touchdowns last night that nobody’s talking about. Forget about the five interceptions; he misses Miles Austin and Dez Bryant with easy touchdown throws, and he airmails the ball over their heads.

“You can say, ‘well, everybody has a bad game.’ Tony has too many bad games. Tony Romo is not a very good quarterback. Somebody has to say it so I just did. He should be a lot better, or the reputation he’s carried should have him play a lot better.”

Theismann didn’t stop at ripping Romo, he also went after Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

“It took him five years too long to change the offensive line, which isn’t very good. It took him three years too long to change his secondary. He’ll do the same thing again. This is what happens when you’re not a football guy.

“You have to ask yourself, ‘is the owner holding back this football team with football decisions?’ And I think yes.

“I think you have a couple issues in Dallas. Number one, I think you have a team, they think they’re pretty good. They’re not. Number two, their quarterback thinks he’s pretty good. He’s really not. Number three, their owner is their general manager and he doesn’t make good decisions from a personnel standpoint.”

Theismann says Romo doesn’t get when it comes to being a quarterback.

“Tony Romo continues to do things to hurt his football team,” Theismann said. “He doesn’t understand how to play the quarterback position. Somebody had to say it, and I just said it. Tony, you have to start proving to everyone you understand football. You’re doing things that Pop Warner kids would get benched for.”

I do believe that Romo is a talented quarterback that puts up nice numbers, but is prone to making dumb mistakes that costs his team games. So I do agree with Theismann to a degree.

But at the end of the day, I think Theismann needs to worry more about his former team than the Cowboys. Both teams do have a 2-2 record, so it’s not like the Skins are tearing apart the NFL right now.
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What dumb mistake did Romo make that cost us the game? The fumble/pick to Briggs?

It's not a dumb mistake to miss a receiver.

Tony Romo is the only QB in the NFL who is EXPECTED to hit every open WR and make everyone around him step up their game.

OL doesn't block? Tony is not a good QB.

WRs/TEs can't catch? Tony is not a good QB.

False start penalties on every position but QB? Tony shouldn't run the play clock down. He's not a good QB.

Tony misses a WR? No other QBs in the NFL ever do that. Tony is not a good QB.


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I am pretty sure theisman and florio do this once each year.

then they just avoid talking about him the rest of the way.


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Theisman's an idiot. No one thinks Romo is good because he has a star on his helmet -- no one ever thought Quincy or Hutch or Vinny were good. They think he's good because he's put up the numbers on the field.

He's right about Jerry though.


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i didnt realize this was on a toronto radio station.


poor joe. Pretty soon he will have a blog and a blogtalkradio show with VA Cowboy as his guest.
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I was wondering... what does Joe even do anymore? I havent' seen him on TV in years. (which is a good thing)


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I just wish he didn't wait until Tony had a bad game to say this. If he's a lousy QB, that would have been so last summer, too. Yet Joe remained silent. As for Jerry, well, we already knew that.
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Theismann, of all QBs lol, should understand the importance of a good oline for blocking defenders and making an offense click.

Hell even Rodgers, who many view as the league's best QB, looked at like dogshit a couple seasons back when they had no oline and he was getting sacked and hurried over and over again. Same with Ruthlessraper last season. His team got beat by the very shitty Broncos in the playoffs bc they couldn't move the ball on offense.

Theismann is a leach just looking to make headlines and stay relevant. He's been fired from every prominent gig he's had as an analyst (SNF on ESPN, SNF on TNT, MNF, Thursday night on NFL network, etc) and he was a national punchline after that "Danny Woodcock" debacle. His opinion is irrelevant and every major network that shows NFL games agrees bc none of them will touch this dude with a ten foot pole now.


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Theisman's an idiot. No one thinks Romo is good because he has a star on his helmet -- no one ever thought Quincy or Hutch or Vinny were good. They think he's good because he's put up the numbers on the field.

He's right about Jerry though.

Exactly correct. All these leaches come out to dine after the shitty Romo games but they're no where to be found when Romo is carving teams up. I saw enough Hutchinson, Henson and Carter to know firsthand that Romo is pure lethal, but no QB in history has been asked to block, run and catch his own passes.

They were just KILLING Cutler for the entire week and now they've moved on to the next short term headline.


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god, I want to cry when I watch games in the old stadiums in the nfc east and hear summerall and madden.

That was the football that made this league great. No one ever talked about the owners of any of the teams. There were not five million sideline shots looking for reactions, five million shots of the coaches.......over analyzation of everything and the screen is just empty, just fantasy stats, no constant scores, no ads....

it was all about football in 4 terrific venues, rfk, the meadowlands, the vet and texas stadium.

god I hate getting older.


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No doubt, theebs. The NFL right now is going through the same thing as the Olympics right now -- they're trying so hard to broaden their customer base and appeal to a wider audience that they're changing what they are. I used to love the Olympics, and now I can barely stand to watch it, or at least the NBC primetime part of it. It's hardly about the sport anymore, it's about the human interest stories and how many tears we can jerk and the TMZ aspects and how many females we can get to watch. Because of course that means more money.

Texas Stadium to Jerryworld is sort of a microcosm of what the whole league is going through. And it's sad.


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and the screen is just empty, just fantasy stats, no constant scores, no ads....

True, but I prefer to know what the score is, what quarter, and how much time is left.


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ha ha

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