
Reaction score
I saw the movie and liked it a lot. It wasn't an all time great movie but I was very entertained
I did feel at times during the movie I had seen what I was watching already. Some retred scenes and
Plot lines
It's entertaining but not an a great movie by any means


Draft Pick
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Nothing to spoil, it's JJ Abrams. So there's no doubt it will basically be a remake of the plot from Episode IV, but with new young actors playing composite characters based on the old ones, lots of lens flares and CGI, and a mindless, predictable path. We'll find out at the end Luke went to the dark side, and the new female "Luke" is either his daughter, or the product of a Leia/Solo union. One of the main old people gets killed, sacrificing him/herself to save others much like Spock from the Wrath of Khan, (Probably Han Solo). That's about as much imagination and creativity you'll ever see from Abrams, who turned Star Trek into exactly this same shit.

You are right about some of this.
Reaction score
I thought it was great. This is a more grown-up Star Wars. Better humor, modern stylized action, and best of all, no annoying characters.


Draft Pick
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I wish this thing came out like 3 weeks ago.

Then I'd be past the point of trying to explain to people why I haven't watched any of these fucking movies.


Draft Pick
Reaction score
I thought it was great. This is a more grown-up Star Wars. Better humor, modern stylized action, and best of all, no annoying characters.

Well, Lucas was not involved, so keeping the annoying characters out was relatively easy.


Reaction score
Well, Lucas was not involved, so keeping the annoying characters out was relatively easy.

They had to remove him to save the franchise. Am I the only one who sees Jerry parallels?


Super Moderator
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Saw it last night. It was OK. It was entertaining. But I don't think it was all that. It was a reboot of "A New Hope" with some ESB and ROTJ mixed in. Nothing real "fresh" about it.


High Plains Drifter
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I'll still be going to see it, just waiting for the crowds to die down a bit.

It's really hard to get me in a theater.


Reaction score
Good movie........yes.


Worth all this Ballyhooed hype..........nope.

It mimicked the original way to much to make me thoroughly enjoy the movie. Nostalgia is good thing but it pulled way to much from SW / A New Hope without a lot of creativity in the storyline and scenes.


Pro Bowler
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It was ok, maybe even good. Could have been great. But the lead character Fin was totally miscast. I just never believed he fit the role or the movie. And the main evil character I couldn't stand either. I just don't like the actor therefore I never bought into his role

The only properly cast role was the lead female Rae (or however they want to spell her name). She fit the role and the movie well.

Since the lead character Fin is only the second African American character in the entire series I bet he turns out to be Landau Calrissians kid in the follow up to this movie. That just my guess. This isn't a spoiler and there was no hint to that effect. Just a strong feeling I have.

The story was decent. The music was great. It definitely has that Star Wars feel and brings you back to the earlier movies with the soundtrack.

It feels more Star Warsesque than the prequels did. That's for sure.

I'm sure it will satisfy most ppl. But not the die hard SW fan base.

But I can see what all the talk is about the main character. His was simply miscast. Not believable, and the role was not very well acted.

But all in all its still very watchable


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Kid enjoyed it, I thought it was ok but definitely don't get all the extreme hype over it.


Pro Bowler
Reaction score
Enjoyed it thoroughly.

Was happy to avoid the spoilers.Knew something was going to go down but didn't hear anything about the actual significant event.


Pro Bowler
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They certainly set up the next movie with the spoiler not to be named here in this thread
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It's been out for 10 days. I think those who care about spoilers would have already seen it... But I won't spoil it in this post. But if someone else posts spoilers I'll join in.


Pro Bowler
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I wouldnt.. Would hate to ruin it for anyone.

Unless it was dbair, then spoil away.


Super Moderator
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******SPOILER ALERT*********

It was decent and fun but I'm not sure it lived up to the hype or the SW canon. There's too many questions and shortcomings:

-How does Kylo Ren, who can stop laser blasts in mid air, lose a light saber duel with a relative novice.
-Speaking of Kylo Ren, why does he even wear a mask? I mean, he takes it off at the end but it's obviously a requirement to make him more menacing and Darth Vader like......except he's not.
-We hear about Luke who went into hiding because Ren betrayed him but we don't really get any further explanation to help develop the plot....and even then we see Luke at the end of the film but I really didn't see the urgency to finding him to give him his light saber.
-Luke was on a mission to train Jedi's but all that goes to hell when one turns. Count Doku turning didn't destroy the Jedi and I'd assume other Jedi turned to the Dark Side in SW canon since turning to the dark side is a common theme in the previous movies but Kylo Ren turns and it all ends.
-The First Order has become this fighting force but no one can explain what happened to weaken the Republic or how they came to be the "resistance" once again.
-The major confrontation with the First Order to destroy the new Death Star had no battleships and just a handful of X-Wing fighters for the Republic.
-Using the force to retrieve a light saber stuck in the snow? Been there, done that.
-So Fin has been a Storm Trooper almost from birth and trained to be a fighter but he turns on the First Order after they kill the villagers. I guess the First Order became this huge fighting force, led by a wanna be Sith, whose aim is to take over the Galaxy but that didn't include killing anyone along the way.
-Attack the new Death Star to drop the shield so the Republic could attack....been there done that.

The show would have been better, IMO, if they'd start off with the rise of the First Order and Ren turning to the Dark Side. The story was just not developed enough nor were the characters for that matter. It's a remake of the original with some sprinklings of the first trilogy thrown in there. What made the original trilogy special is the story line and character development. There was nothing fresh or new about this film.
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High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
It was decent and fun but I'm not sure it lived up to the hype or the SW canon. There's too many questions and shortcomings:

-How does Kylo Ren, who can stop laser blasts in mid air, lose a light saber duel with a relative novice.
-Speaking of Kylo Ren, why does he even wear a mask? I mean, he takes it off at the end but it's obviously a requirement to make him more menacing and Darth Vader like......except he's not.
-We hear about Luke who went into hiding because Ren betrayed him but we don't really get any further explanation to help develop the plot....and even then we see Luke at the end of the film but I really didn't see the urgency to finding him to give him his light saber.
-Luke was on a mission to train Jedi's but all that goes to hell when one turns. Count Doku turning didn't destroy the Jedi and I'd assume other Jedi turned to the Dark Side in SW canon since turning to the dark side is a common theme in the previous movies but Kylo Ren turns and it all ends.
-The First Order has become this fighting force but no one can explain what happened to weaken the Republic or how they came to be the "resistance" once again.
-The major confrontation with the First Order to destroy the new Death Star had no battleships and just a handful of X-Wing fighters for the Republic.
-Using the force to retrieve a light saber stuck in the snow? Been there, done that.
-So Fin has been a Storm Trooper almost from birth and trained to be a fighter but he turns on the First Order after they kill the villagers. I guess the First Order became this huge fighting force, led by a wanna be Sith, whose aim is to take over the Galaxy but that didn't include killing anyone along the way.
-Attack the new Death Star to drop the shield so the Republic could attack....been there done that... There was nothing fresh or new about this film.
Typical Abrams crap - very similar to the last ST movie where McCoy discovers Khan's blood can bring a dead tribble (I shit you not) back to life, then later when the enraged Spock is killing Khan, McCoy tells Uhura we need Khan alive to get another blood sample, to save the dead Kirk. Nevermind that McCoy has 72 of Khan's followers who have the exact same Augment blood, sitting right there at his ready disposal.

Also we have a English, Anglo Khan who in the original series was a Sikh from India, we can't do that though because as they later admitted they didn't want the bad guy to be in any way confused with a Muslim, so they made him Anglo and never explain it in the movie. And really that was a one line deal, Khan could have told Kirk that Marcus changed his appearance for whatever reason. They don't care to explain it..... BUT - earlier in the film they have a man who is obviously a Muslim, set off Khan's explosive at the Starfleet archive! Go figure, a terrorist bomb set off by a Muslim!

They write themselves into corners then just depend on you to check your brain at the door.
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