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Seriously. Is there a loony leftwing Ivory tower piece of fantasy that he hasn't gotten? Short of getting the Department of Defense renamed the Department of Peace what hasn't been accomplished?

Defense Gutted. Checked
America downgraded. Checked.
Other nations empowered and emboldened. Check.
Russia given free rein. CHeck.
China allowed to dominate the Pacific. Check.
Iran given the "equality" of nuclear development. Check.
Israel ostracized. Check.


Gay Marriage. Check.
Restrictions of freedom of conscience. Check.
Liberal policies implemented in regards to
A)energy policy. Check
B)Social Policy. Check
1/6th of the economy place under Government control. Check
Eliminating checks and balances. Check
Paying off/subsidizing crony green initiatives. Check

One could go on and on. The only reason the Left grouses these days is that it might take a few extra weeks to get what they want done, not that it isn't going to get done.

All hail Obama most successful President EVAH!


Super Moderator
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Disgusting. Truly disgusting. I tell my kids all the time that in 20 or 30 years the story will be re-written and our kids and grandkids will be told in elementary school how he was one of our greatest presidents. He's destroyed the country, destroyed the economy, destroyed small business and on and on. His tyranny is only matched by uter Congresses failures.


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Is this idea from a headline or just something observed in some instances?
Or are you just venting? :)
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its really pretty amazing what he's accomplished even having to deal with an obstructionist congress. turned the economy around, reformed health care, so much social progress he's been at the helm of - history will no doubt sing his praises. it will be nice if Bernie takes it to the next level.


High Plains Drifter
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Oh yeah and Top Cat is a "privileged racist white wing terrorist" for pointing any of this out.
its really pretty amazing what he's accomplished even having to deal with an obstructionist congress.
Nonsensical, since in his first two years he had a total, lapdog, democrat super majority in both houses, Congress and didn't get shit done.

"Obstructionist Congress" is totally okay with you though, if it is a repug president. Just like when Pelosi and Reid shot down Bush's health care reform, and Pelosi was asked where was the democrat plan, and she said "Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop HIM!"
it will be nice if Bernie takes it to the next level.
You're too drug addled to notice how these democrat and leftist presidents never actually solve or fix any of the problems they decry, over the generations. They can't actually solve any of them because if they did they would have no way to attain and keep power.

Hitlery is objectionable to you? Are you a misogynist?


Super Moderator
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its really pretty amazing what he's accomplished even having to deal with an obstructionist congress. turned the economy around, reformed health care, so much social progress he's been at the helm of - history will no doubt sing his praises. it will be nice if Bernie takes it to the next level.

Really? Has anyone talked to working class Americans? Everyone (and I mean everyone) I talked to from business people to plumbers to employees of good companies have told me they now pay more and get less benefits under Obama Care then they did before. Companies that offered good benefits have made cuts and the insurance plans are no where near what they were. What am I missing?
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Economy is looking pretty fixed to me. Or at least on it's way there, provided we don't get anti-worker Republicans back in office. Among other things

I find that my political values more closely align with The Bern. Hil is too much of a politician. I just dont know if Bernie can compete with her money.


High Plains Drifter
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Economy is looking pretty fixed to me.
It's supposed to look that way. It is a manufactured bubble, a bubble which Yellen will happily burst if the next election doesn't go Hillary's way. So idiots like you will blame the mean ole repugs.
anti-worker Republicans
We still have by most cautious estimate, something like 20 million people still out of the workforce. They don't count on the unemployment rolls since they're not collecting bennies. That's about as anti-worker as it gets.
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are you suggesting democrats are in charge of some sort of make believe economy that they can manipulate in order to win elections

oh so it wasnt a problem with retarded fiscal policies and trickle down economics, the democrats were just playing possum til they could win the white house back. forget about john kerry.


High Plains Drifter
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are you suggesting democrats are in charge of some sort of make believe economy that they can manipulate in order to win elections

oh so it wasnt a problem with retarded fiscal policies and trickle down economics, the democrats were just playing possum til they could win the white house back. forget about john kerry.
Moron. All one has to do is look at the timing of the "crash" and the result. Perfect to break open what was at that time, a tight election. The "obstructionist congress" Bush had, worked to undermine the economy from the moment it took super majority power - because this was the ONE THING they could never assail him on. It only took them a year and a half to destroy was WAS a very strong REAL economy, not the sham we see today.


Super Moderator
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It's supposed to look that way. It is a manufactured bubble, a bubble which Yellen will happily burst if the next election doesn't go Hillary's way. So idiots like you will blame the mean ole repugs.

I just don't see it. Folks are struggling. The cost of goods is increasing and these dolts hide inflation and anyone that shops at a supermarket can see it.
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"privileged racist white wing terrorist"

Ooh baby, Ooh Baby, ooooooh! :)

Down in the street they're all singing and shouting
Staying alive though the city is dead
Hiding their shame behind hollow laughter
While you are crying alone in your bed

Pity Cassandra that no one believed you
But then again you were lost from the start
Now we must suffer and sell our secrets
Bargain, playing smart, aching in our hearts

Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us could
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour

So in the morning your ship will be sailing
Now that your father and sister are gone
There is no reason for you to linger
You're grieving deeply but still moving on
You know the future is casting a shadow
No one else sees it but you know your fate
Packing your bags, being slow and thorough
Knowing, though you're late, that ship is sure to wait

Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us could
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour

I watched the ship leaving harbor at sunrise
Sails almost slack in the cool morning rain
She stood on deck, just a tiny figure
Rigid and restrained, blue eyes filled with pain
Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us could
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour

I'm sorry Cassandra
I'm sorry Cassandra
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To hell with both Democrats and Republicans. Both are corrupt and controlled by big money.

Wake me up when there is a third party given an equal opportunity.
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