
But of course this was bad ass in it's time.



PlayStation Network Back Up For Matchmaking Soon?
Possibly some good news for PS3 owners
Josh Wolford | May 10, 2011 @ 1:12pm

UPDATE: This was just posted to the official PlayStation blog:
I know you all want to know exactly when the services will be restored. At this time, I can’t give you an exact date, as it will likely be at least a few more days. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this process.

Last time Sony said that it would be rolling out “some services” of the PSN following April’s massive attack and outage, it was last week and their timeline of “the next couple of days” proved to be inaccurate.

The latest news does not come directly from Sony, however, as their latest official blog post came May 6th. Eurogamer is reporting that a “trusted source” confirmed that Sony plans to restore matchmaking on the PSN within the next couple of days.

Yesterday we learned that a Tokyo-based spokesperson warned that full PSN and Qriocity services may not be restored until May 31st, a timeline than devastated many PS3 owners. The key word in that announcement is “full,” however, as some services will most likely begin popping back online before others. May 31st is simply the likely “full reboot” day.

European Playstation community manager @MusterBuster seems to think that online gaming function will be restored before other services as he tweeted this after the May 31st announcement:

Sony said in its latest update that they were still “verifying the system security.” The above “phasing” remarks suggest it’s possible that they will feel confident enough to begin restoring some services before the end of the month.

If online multiplayer comes back relatively soon – say within the week – how will that affect your attitude towards Sony? Have they already done too much damage to their reputation in your eyes?

Over the weeks that this has been playing out, I’ve written quite a bit on the subject. Most of the time I’ve received hundreds of comments, most of them passionate to say the least. I’ve noticed the common threads running through the comments, such as paid Xbox Live vs. Free PSN, whether to blame Sony or the hackers for the intrusion and debate over how Sony has handled the outage.

Here’s the question I want to ask PS3 owners: If online gameplay comes back within the next couple of days, will you go back to gaming and be content? If not, what exactly will you expect from Sony?

Also, out of personal curiosity, how many have actually switched to Xbox due to this outage?


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Another 80's classic:



PlayStation Network Returns Today

The wait is over; the PlayStation Network returns today. Nearly four weeks after a hacker attack forced Sony to take the PlayStation Network offline, Sony announced a "phased restoration by region of PlayStation Network and Qriocity Services" begins today.

According to a press release, the first services users can expect to return are:
Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity services, including the resetting of passwords

Restoration of online game-play across PS3 and PSP

Playback rental video content, if within rental period, of PlayStation Network Video Delivery Service on PS3, PSP and MediaGo

Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity, for current subscribers, on PS3 and PC

Access to 3rd party services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and MLB.tv

'Friends' category on PS3, including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc
PlayStation Home

This phased restoration will be on a country by country basis beginning in the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Middle East. No specific times for the PSN return were announced. However, a new firmware update for the PS3 is available right now. While it'll seem like it does nothing, Firmware 3.61 will force users to change their passwords when the PSN is live again.

"We strongly recommend that all PSN account holders with PS3s update their systems to prepare for when PlayStation Network is back online," said Eric Lempel, vice president of the Sony Network Entertainment, on the PlayStation Blog. "The release of this update is a critical step as we work to make PlayStation Network significantly more secure."

When the PSN is back up, it's go time. Your password can only be changed on your PS3 or a PS3 your account was activated on. If you try to use a system where your account isn't activated, an email will be sent your registered email account.

"This e-mail will contain a link that will enable you to change your password," Lempel said. "In this email, click on the link and follow the instructions to change your password. Once you have changed your password you can sign-in to your account using your new password."

Amid the news of the PSN return, Sony Online Entertainment also turned its servers back on. Sony as a company stated that it has beefed up its security.

"The company has made considerable enhancements to the data security, including updating and adding advanced security technologies, additional software monitoring and penetration and vulnerability testing, and increased levels of encryption and additional firewalls," the statement said.

"The company also added a variety of other measures to the network infrastructure including an early-warning system for unusual activity patterns that could signal an attempt to compromise the network."

Sony expects to have the services fully restored by the end of May 2011.


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Good that they're back online, but I just can't see how they recover from this. I don't have the foggiest idea of how much revenue they bring in through PSN but if that revenue doesn't take a HUGE hit, I'll eat my hat. Although they've said that the only credit cards that were comprimised were those in Europe, I cancelled the one I had on file with them and sure as shit won't be giving them a new one. The way this has been handled, both prior to and after the intrusion, is inexcusable and if ever a company deserved to implode, SOE is it.


I live in New York and my network is up and running.

First, I had to download the system update, then they have you change your password.

It's nice to be back online. :YES


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Mine ain't and gives me some ****ing error still. POS hackers, what is the point? Don't hackers have anything better to do? Like, maybe just shooting themselves?


Mine ain't and gives me some ****ing error still. POS hackers, what is the point? Don't hackers have anything better to do? Like, maybe just shooting themselves?


I guess it depends on where you live, I don't think everyone is up and running properly except the Northeast.

Bob Sacamano

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I live in New York and my network is up and running.

First, I had to download the system update, then they have you change your password.

It's nice to be back online. :YES

lol John Rocker was right.
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Just throwing my two cents out there.. but i don't think we see any reports about credit card info being stolen from PSN and used to run up fraudulent charges. That is, if it was in fact, Anonymous who were behind the operation. Doesn't seem like their MO.
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Just throwing my two cents out there.. but i don't think we see any reports about credit card info being stolen from PSN and used to run up fraudulent charges. That is, if it was in fact, Anonymous who were behind the operation. Doesn't seem like their MO.

The reports say the data was stolen. If Anonymous is willing to cripple computer systems "to prove a point" it isn't that hard to imagine some of the members going further for financial gain. The whole "we are legion" joke does not take into account that each member has their own personalities and can do things beyond what the collective finds acceptable.
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The reports say the data was stolen. If Anonymous is willing to cripple computer systems "to prove a point" it isn't that hard to imagine some of the members going further for financial gain. The whole "we are legion" joke does not take into account that each member has their own personalities and can do things beyond what the collective finds acceptable.

Im not saying what will or will not happen.. im just saying what i believe will happen. To my knowledge, in every issue Anonymous has gotten involved in, they did so on behalf of people who were being oppressed in their minds. I have yet to see them conduct an operation for their own personal gain, although who knows if they have or not.

As for what was reported, im aware that we are being told that the data was stolen. Im saying i don't think we will see any reports of that data being used for any fraudulent purchases.


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Up and running friggin sweet.

But, where is my free shit that Sony is giving it's customers?


Up and running friggin sweet.

But, where is my free shit that Sony is giving it's customers?

I think you have to go to the Playstation store for that. I haven't downloaded any yet.


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Up and running friggin sweet.

But, where is my free shit that Sony is giving it's customers?

Sony has revealed which games it will give away in its “Welcome Back” package as compensation for the last four weeks of PlayStation Network downtime.

Some elements of the service, including streaming media and online gameplay, were restored this weekend, while the PlayStation Store is due to open once again for business toward the end of May. When those digital doors reopen, gamers on PlayStation 3 and PSP will get to pick a handful of titles to download and keep.

On PS3, there’s patchwork creation station LittleBigPlanet, open-world superhero game inFamous, futuristic antigravity racer Wipeout HD and its Fury expansion pack, mini-adventure Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty and zombie blaster Dead Nation.

You’ll get to download two of these for free from the PlayStation Store, unless you’re in Germany, where inFamous and Dead Nation are replaced with Super Stardust HD and Hustle Kings.
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