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Jones isn’t alone. Few of the top stories of late in the NFL concern actual gameplay; between protest controversies, criticism from the White House, farcical disciplinary courtroom gymnastics involving Ezekiel Elliott and the ever-present question of concussions, the NFL stumbles from crisis to crisis like a quarterback in the open field. And many place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Goodell, who has chosen to rule with an iron fist in some disputes and dispassion bordering on passivity in others.

However, Goodell apparently believes he’s doing a fine job and would like to continue doing it. ESPN reported Sunday morning that Goodell’s contractual demands, made in early August, included a $50 million annual salary, the lifetime use of a private jet and lifetime insurance for his family. Assuming that report is accurate — and it always bears considering that anyone leaking such outrageous terms just might have ulterior motives for doing so — those demands seem presumptuous given the league’s recent strife.

“That number for Roger just seems too much,” one owner said, per ESPN. “It’s offensive. It’s unseemly.”

The NFL has denied the report about Goodell’s demands, and ESPN has clarified to say that the $50 million figure was rounded up from $49.5 million per year:

NFL owners consider new contract for Goodell



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And now there's this:

Owners have their own nuclear option for dealing with Jerry*Jones
Posted by Mike Florio on November 12, 2017, 10:06 PM EST

When it comes to the lingering dispute regarding the Roger Goodell contract extension, much has been written and said about the potential nuclear option possessed by Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. But the rest of the owners (or, more accurately, those who oppose Jones) have a nuclear option of their own.

They could, in theory, attempt to trigger forfeiture of the Dallas franchise. A league source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT that multiple owners already have been discussing the possibility, which flows from Article VIII of the NFL’s Constitution & Bylaws. Specifically, Section 8.13 authorizes the Commissioner to determine that an owner “has been or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football.” If the Commissioner believes the available sanction (a $500,000 fine) is “not adequate or sufficient,” the Commissioner may refer the issue to the NFL’s Executive Committee, which has the power to compel “[c]ancellation or forfeiture of the franchise in the League of any member club involved or implicated,” with a directive to sell the team.

It’s obviously an extreme outcome, and it surely would trigger years of litigation. But the possibility has emerged primarily because Jones has opted to take family business outside the family. As the source explained it, the primary affront comes from the belief among owners that Jones instigated Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter to disparage the NFL, blaming league leadership for ratings declines and, in turn, a reduction in Papa John’s revenues.

It’s unknown whether the NFL or any of its owners has warned Jones of a potential attack on his ownership of the Cowboys, and at this point it’s unlikely that any such effort will be made. However, the topic has emerged among owners, due directly to Jones’ recent threats of litigation and related efforts to disrupt the business of the league.

So, basically, if Jones’ ultimately doesn’t oust Goodell, Jones may need to worry about Goodell ousting Jones.


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And now there's this:

Owners have their own nuclear option for dealing with Jerry*Jones
Posted by Mike Florio on November 12, 2017, 10:06 PM EST

When it comes to the lingering dispute regarding the Roger Goodell contract extension, much has been written and said about the potential nuclear option possessed by Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. But the rest of the owners (or, more accurately, those who oppose Jones) have a nuclear option of their own.

They could, in theory, attempt to trigger forfeiture of the Dallas franchise. A league source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT that multiple owners already have been discussing the possibility, which flows from Article VIII of the NFL’s Constitution & Bylaws. Specifically, Section 8.13 authorizes the Commissioner to determine that an owner “has been or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football.” If the Commissioner believes the available sanction (a $500,000 fine) is “not adequate or sufficient,” the Commissioner may refer the issue to the NFL’s Executive Committee, which has the power to compel “[c]ancellation or forfeiture of the franchise in the League of any member club involved or implicated,” with a directive to sell the team.

It’s obviously an extreme outcome, and it surely would trigger years of litigation. But the possibility has emerged primarily because Jones has opted to take family business outside the family. As the source explained it, the primary affront comes from the belief among owners that Jones instigated Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter to disparage the NFL, blaming league leadership for ratings declines and, in turn, a reduction in Papa John’s revenues.

It’s unknown whether the NFL or any of its owners has warned Jones of a potential attack on his ownership of the Cowboys, and at this point it’s unlikely that any such effort will be made. However, the topic has emerged among owners, due directly to Jones’ recent threats of litigation and related efforts to disrupt the business of the league.

So, basically, if Jones’ ultimately doesn’t oust Goodell, Jones may need to worry about Goodell ousting Jones.

If they pulled this off, it would be as sweet as the Super Bowl XXX win, nah, even sweeter

To never have too see that mother fucker and his family associated with the Cowboys would be one of the greatest days of my life


High Plains Drifter
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Section 8.13 authorizes the Commissioner to determine that an owner “has been or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football.”
And this stuff didn't seem to qualify.


This fucking pig should have been made to sell the team over this shit.


Pro Bowler
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If they pulled this off, it would be as sweet as the Super Bowl XXX win, nah, even sweeter

To never have too see that mother fucker and his family associated with the Cowboys would be one of the greatest days of my life

Despite how you and I may feel about Jones, his marketing of the Cowbvoys is without peer. He has made the NFL and those owners a lot of money. He's not going anywhere by this method. Alos... with the reports of collusion between Goodell, Blanks, and Mare over suspending Zeke... this will only make them look even worse.


High Plains Drifter
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What conduct is or was Jerry guilty of?
Defendant Jerry Jones intentionally, knowingly, and forcibly rubbed and/or grabbed Plaintiff's breasts multiple times. Defendant Jerry Jones performed these acts without the consent of Plaintiff.

Defendant Jerry Jones intentionally and knowingly forced Plaintiff to touch and/or rub on his penis multiple times. Defendant Jerry Jones forced Plaintiff to perform these acts without the consent of Plaintiff.

Defendant Jerry Jones intentionally, knowingly, forcibly penetrated Plaintiff's vagina with his fingers without the consent of Plaintiff.

Defendant Jerry Jones intentionally and knowingly received oral sex from another female while in the presence of Plaintiff. When Defendant JERRY JONES intentionally and knowingly received oral sex from the female, he knew that Plaintiff was present and intentionally and knowingly wanted Plaintiff to see said oral sex act. Plaintiff did not want to see Defendant JERRY JONES receive oral sex from the female.

Defendants Jerry Jones and Cowboys intimidated Plaintiff and told her to keep quiet and not tell anyone else "or else".

Defendants Jerry Jones and Cowboys bullied Plaintiff into believing that she would somehow be in trouble if she told anyone about the sexual assault.

Defendants Jerry Jones and Cowboys intimidated her into signing documents against her will, without giving her a copies, or access to legal counsel.​

Out of court settlement admits guilt?


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Despite how you and I may feel about Jones, his marketing of the Cowbvoys is without peer. He has made the NFL and those owners a lot of money. He's not going anywhere by this method. Alos... with the reports of collusion between Goodell, Blanks, and Mare over suspending Zeke... this will only make them look even worse.

I have ZERO illusions that they can or would ever pull this off but god damn brotha, can't I dream about it for at least a few minutes?


High Plains Drifter
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You actually don't know if that is true or not.
I do know Jones is a fucking pig, who has ruined our once proud franchise, and who I hope to hell fucking DIES a horrible suffering DEATH, today.


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Blank and cronies sent Jones a cease and desist letter today over Jones' potential lawsuit.

At this point I wish the league would just implode and not exist anymore. They all deserve it over the litany of junk that's come up over past few years, and especially the happenings of the last 12+ months.


High Plains Drifter
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At this point I wish the league would just implode and not exist anymore. They all deserve it over the litany of junk that's come up over past few years, and especially the happenings of the last 12+ months.
This seems rather mean spirited.


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At this point I wish the league would just implode and not exist anymore.

If it weren't for the little people who derive their income from the NFL, it wouldn't bother me a bit if it disappeared tomorrow, its a waste of my passion, time and energy but I'm too addicted to quit on my own
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