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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An appeals court ruled Friday that President Barack Obama's healthcare law requiring Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty was unconstitutional, a blow to the White House.

The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to buy coverage, but also ruled that the rest of the wide-ranging law could remain in effect.

The legality of the so-called individual mandate, a cornerstone of the 2010 healthcare law, is widely expected to be decided by the Supreme Court. The Obama administration has defended the provision as constitutional.

The case stems from a challenge by 26 U.S. states which had argued the individual mandate, set to go into effect in 2014, was unconstitutional because Congress could not force Americans to buy health insurance or face the prospect of a penalty.

"This economic mandate represents a wholly novel and potentially unbounded assertion of congressional authority: the ability to compel Americans to purchase an expensive health insurance product they have elected not to buy, and to make them re-purchase that insurance product every month for their entire lives," a divided three-judge panel said.

Obama and his administration had pressed for the law to help halt the steep increases in healthcare costs and expand insurance coverage to the more than 30 million Americans who are without it.

It argued that the requirement was legal under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. One of the three judges of the appeals court panel, Stanley Marcus, agreed with the administration in dissenting from the majority opinion.

The majority "has ignored the undeniable fact that Congress' commerce power has grown exponentially over the past two centuries and is now generally accepted as having afforded Congress the authority to create rules regulating large areas of our national economy," Marcus wrote.

Many other provisions of the healthcare law are already being implemented.

The decision contrasts with one by the U.S. Appeals Court for the 6th Circuit, based in Cincinnati, which had upheld the individual mandate as constitutional. That case has already been appealed to the Supreme Court.

The Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, based in Richmond, has yet to rule on a separate challenge by the state of Virginia.

(Reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky and James Vicini; Editing by Eric Beech)


Thank you, founding fathers, for that whole checks and balances thing.


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IOW, there goes our ability to fix the skyrocketing price of healthcare. Conservatives need to put up or shut up.

What Obama implemented wasnt going to decrease the costs of healthcare, instead they went up more.

Just FYI


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What Obama implemented wasnt going to decrease the costs of healthcare, instead they went up more.

Just FYI

The cost went up because that was the direction it was headed in the first place. The program hasn't been started yet and will not immediately decrease the cost of healthcare.

Just FYI

And where is the conservative plan to fix the rising cost of healthcare? Don't have one? Didn't think so.


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The cost went up because that was the direction it was headed in the first place. The program hasn't been started yet and will not immediately decrease the cost of healthcare.

Just FYI

And where is the conservative plan to fix the rising cost of healthcare? Don't have one? Didn't think so.

I work in the industry. I think I'm alot more aware and educated on this than you.

You've been barinwashed by the community organizer and all their stooges.

There are alot of reasons healthcare costs alot. Having the government take it over and run it will not reduce costs one cent. Government has been running Medicare and Medicaid for decades and the costs of those programs have consistently went up at a rate higher than private healthcare over the same time frame. Further, because Medicare and Medicaid are so poorly run, corrupt and incompetent healthcare providers are ceasing to accept it in hordes.

Globally almost every country that has a single payor/government run healthcare system has substandard healthcare and continually make decisions that would never be made by mainstream healthcare providers. Access to specialty care, surgical treatment, complex diagnostics are all well below what it is in the US. People come across the Canadian border in droves seeking access to things that are extremely limited (or restricted) up there.


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Mopping the floors at the hospital isn't quite the same as working in the industry, and this isn't a single payer or government run healthcare system. It is obvious you have no idea what is actually in the bill so discussing this with you is pointless. Pay attention to the presentations when you take all the men in suits their coffee and donuts and you might learn something.


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I've got nothing, so I'll suggest that dbair is a janitor! SCORE! - Cythim

There is no reason to debate with him, no one here is going to change their mind. I'd rather just have fun calling him names and laughing at him.


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Mopping the floors at the hospital isn't quite the same as working in the industry, and this isn't a single payer or government run healthcare system. It is obvious you have no idea what is actually in the bill so discussing this with you is pointless. Pay attention to the presentations when you take all the men in suits their coffee and donuts and you might learn something.

I havent read the entire sack of garbage, but I have read alot of it.

And no, I dont mop floors at a hospital.


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There is no reason to debate with him, no one here is going to change their mind. I'd rather just have fun calling him names and laughing at him.

Yes, the person who takes ECON at school from a blind liberal, and believes in all things Obama is "the source" we should all listen to when it comes to real life scenarios
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IOW, there goes our ability to fix the skyrocketing price of healthcare. Conservatives need to put up or shut up.

Federal payments required by President Barack Obama’s health care law are being understated by as much as $50 billion per year because official budget forecasts ignore the cost of insuring many employees’ spouses and children, according to a new analysis. The result could cost the U.S. Treasury hundreds of billions of dollars during the first ten years of the new health care law’s implementation.

“The Congressional Budget Office has never done a cost-estimate of this [because] they were expressly told to do their modeling on single [person] coverage,”

Read more:


Even before President Obama signed the bill on Tuesday, Caterpillar said it would cost the company at least $100 million more in the first year alone. Medical device maker Medtronic warned that new taxes on its products could force it to lay off a thousand workers. Now Verizon joins the roll of businesses staring at adverse consequences.


A survey of 1,300 employers finds that 30 percent will “definitely or probably” stop offering health insurance to their employees due to new requirements imposed by the Obamacare health reform law.
The survey, conducted by business journal McKinsey Quarterly, found that contrary to government estimates a large percentage of employers will drop their employee health plans, forcing employees to buy coverage on the government-mandated insurance exchanges.

Further, the study finds that 45 to 50 percent of employers will be changing the ESI plans that they do offer when the Obamacare mandates kick in, in 2014 – a finding that further undermines the Obama administration’s promise that Americans could keep the plans they have in the wake of the new law.

Obama has constantly touted that you could keep your existing plan. But there's no way you can keep it if it is taken away by your employer due to the penalties and high costs that are going to be enacted.

We also see that instead of costs going down we suddenly find out that the budget office "understated" the amount it's going to cost.

Also,ObamaCare’s employer mandate will discourage business development and growth. Small firms with 50 or fewer workers will have very strong disincentives to expand. These businesses can avoid the new penalties by staying small; growth will simply add new costs and burdens. Other companies just over the 50 employee limit will have the incentive to lay off workers in order to get below that line and avoid the government mandate.

Of course I know that the main goal for Obama and the Dems is to get the majority of Americans on their government run system. They can tout how you can keep your own insurance, but intentionally put penalties and fines on companies to encourage them to drop the coverage and force people onto their system. And no amount of spin by them or you is going to convince me that the gov't run system is going to be of a better quality and service as that which I have through my own employer currently.
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Yes, the person who takes ECON at school from a blind liberal, and believes in all things Obama is "the source" we should all listen to when it comes to real life scenarios

My professor is a blind liberal? You don't know him or his view, you just spout this garbage because he teaches accepted economic theory. This is why you are such a worthless poster around here, anything you disagree with is 100% wrong because you say so. The self-proclaimed expert who has an agenda.

Can someone demote this worthless hack so I can add him to my ignore list right next to Laz?
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This is why you are such a worthless poster around here, anything you disagree with is 100% wrong because you say so. The self-proclaimed expert who has an agenda.

Sounds like an exact description of yourself.


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Sounds like an exact description of yourself.

Then you haven't been reading my posts with objective thought. Am I telling you to believe me because I "work in the industry"?

I'm tired of seeing a cowboy in boxers.


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My professor is a blind liberal? You don't know him or his view, you just spout this garbage because he teaches accepted economic theory. This is why you are such a worthless poster around here, anything you disagree with is 100% wrong because you say so. The self-proclaimed expert who has an agenda.

Can someone demote this worthless hack so I can add him to my ignore list right next to Laz?

You posted some of his thoughts did you not? Anyone that believes some of what he said has to be a liberal.
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