NFLPA considering a Combine, Draft boycott​
Posted on: February 4, 2011 3:54 pm

Posted by Andy Benoit

DALLAS -- NFLPA DeMaurice Smith grabbed the headlines with his Super Bowl press conference on Thursday. But it’s what he’s doing Friday that could be the more punishing move in the labor negotiations.

According to Jason La Canfora of, Smith met with player agents Friday to discuss a possible boycott of the Scouting Combine and Draft festivities. A boycott of the festivities at Radio City Music Hall would be much more feasible than a boycott of the Combine.

An agent, obviously, would be concerned that a combine boycott could hurt their client’s stock. Some have reportedly said they’d be on board with the boycott if it was a consensus, but the chances of getting a consensus would presumably be minute.
But in the very least, the NFLPA is prepping to play hardball.
This is why I want the owners to play extreme hard ball with the players. They are way out of line.

Send them a fair offer. You either take it or we lock you out and play with scabs and rookies until eventually we're back in business and this current group of players has aged themselves out of consideration.

F the player union. I'm willing to sit through a few years of no or bad football to break them.


The more I think about it, go ahead and boycott, because the owners will play without them if they have to.

I've witnessed the scab players before and still watched football, and although it wasn't as good as the regular players I still got a kick out of it.

That's the one thing that would piss off the players, bring in the scabs.
My take is we pay entertainers in general way too much money. Lets go back to medieval times or roman times where the entertainer was killed if they did something stupid like forget the words to the national anthem.


That's not a bad thought.Not at all.

The internet is a powerful tool.

I was more than half joking. I font give a shit what any of these owners, players or league officials say, they don't give two shits about the fans. If they did, they wouldn't insult us with this greed war.

What if we decided to hold out for a year? $50 Sunday ticket packages for everyone. $25 tickets to games. Realistic concession prices. Free parking.

It'll never happen, but the fans could take the game back from these suits if we really put forth effort. It would take years to organize something like that. It would be worth it to see these assholes scramble.


We could start with a billboard campaign.

I need $10 donations from everyone.

It's not realistic to think it could be pulled off, but it would be a huge message sent. Not by one fanbase, but fans as a whole.

You gotta admit, the fans are the only ones without a voice in this whole mess. Goodell wants to speak for us at every turn. I say F him, he's the last person I'd want speaking for me.
By the way, this is a lockout, not a strike. If it happens the owners are not allowing players to come to work thus there would likely be no football at all. There is no picket line to cross during a lockout but scabs can still be hired. I'm not going to support either side in this and I will not watch scab football if that is what it comes to.
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