I can't believe we gave up Pence like that. I understood the moves last year because of age and salary, but Pence was one of the best things we had going on this team. I also understand building up your farm system, but the MLB team is the one I watch and right now I have no reason to want to tune into games.
I can't believe we gave up Pence like that. I understood the moves last year because of age and salary, but Pence was one of the best things we had going on this team. I also understand building up your farm system, but the MLB team is the one I watch and right now I have no reason to want to tune into games.

Even less of a reason to watch today.. they just traded Bourn too.
Good deals for Texas bull pen

Buster Olney
The combined number for Koji Uehara and Mike Adams this year -- 95 innings, 17 walks, 111 strikeouts, and a 1.42 ERA.
I think it is safe to say Pittsburgh is done now. They are 5 games back and play 7 games each against Milwaukee and St Louis this month as well as 3 against San Francisco and Cincinnati.


Take that, Boston.



Dude I have ESPN alerts on my iPhone. It seems everytime the Marlins play they lose. Most depressing updates ever.
Dude I have ESPN alerts on my iPhone. It seems everytime the Marlins play they lose. Most depressing updates ever.

The Marlins have won like 20 more games than the Astros. We probably won't reach your current win total by season's end.
Ive seen Texas do that before and the last time I saw it was Josh on second. It sure is fun to watch them run the bases because they are so aggressive.

Yup. Elvis murdered people on the base paths in the playoffs last year. Hopefully we can see more heads up plays like last night as we wind down.
I prefer those types of plays to homeruns. I actually hate homeruns and the fact that so many teams rely on them as the sole way to score runs.
Texas maybe getting their shit back together. West lead back up to 3.5 games, and we seem to be getting back on a little roll. Downside is we have a brutal schedule the rest of the way out, and the Angels have a cake walk. Luckily we play them three more times to wrap up the season.
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