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EVERY American citizen should be pushing TERM LIMITS.

Virtually every problem we have as a nation can be solved by a thorough turnover of these slobs and losers we have in office today. Like Dodger said above, they don't really give a shit about anyone but themselves. Everything they do up there is for one purpose and one purpose alone, ensure they get their free ride through life for as long as possible.


High Plains Drifter
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EVERY American citizen should be pushing TERM LIMITS.
We have term limits. It's called "election day." You really want the federal government telling you that you can't vote for an incumbent legislator or senator you like?

You think forcing a senator or congressman out by X number of years will reduce corruption and graft? Think about it - a legislator or senator who knows he doesn't have to worry about keeping his job will be MORE apt to "cut deals" in his/her known last 2 years in office, (six for senators) and will certainly be grooming his/her replacement. You're giving them lame duck status, where all bets are off. You're giving them 2 to six years of not having to worry about answering to their constituents. Two to six lame duck years of "anything goes."


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We have term limits. It's called "election day." You really want the federal government telling you that you can't vote for an incumbent legislator or senator you like?

You think forcing a senator or congressman out by X number of years will reduce corruption and graft? Think about it - a legislator or senator who knows he doesn't have to worry about keeping his job will be MORE apt to "cut deals" in his/her known last 2 years in office, (six for senators) and will certainly be grooming his/her replacement. You're giving them lame duck status, where all bets are off. You're giving them 2 to six years of not having to worry about answering to their constituents. Two to six lame duck years of "anything goes."

You put way too much faith in the rank and file voters educating themselves enough to be that proactive.

And yes, term limits will have a massive impact on a horrendously corrupt system thats up there. Again, the masses that go there are only motivated to do one thing, get re-elected. When you take that out of the equation you will eventually get people pursuing office that for the most part want to do what is right for 1) their constituents and 2) the country as a whole.

Too many people either don't vote at all or only vote for someone they have heard of. the vast majority of voters spend almost no time learning what a candidate is all about.


High Plains Drifter
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You put way too much faith in the rank and file voters educating themselves enough to be that proactive
You understand it will be YOUR representatives and senators too, not just 'enemy' ones or ones from the other party, who will be subject to arbitrary term limits if you get what you're asking for.

We HAVE term limits already. In my district we have great representatives and senators who do great work for us in Washington and who are not corrupt and are honest brokers. And you want to tell us they arbitrarily gotta go? They're not your reps! You want to limit my district's self determination! And you want to use the federal government to do it, by increasing its power and scope. By giving it still more power. That's the polar opposite of conservatism.


Pro Bowler
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Nancy Pelosi has been a politician since 1976. She has never held a real job. She has been in politics supposedly serving her constituents her entire adult life.

She is worth north of $114 million dollars

Yes there should be term limits


High Plains Drifter
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Nancy Pelosi has been a politician since 1976. She has never held a real job. She has been in politics supposedly serving her constituents her entire adult life.

She is worth north of $114 million dollars

Yes there should be term limits
Good thing it'll never happen. Constitutional amendments is hard to do. I'm not about to tell Pelosi's district voters who they can and can't elect. It's their district, their business.


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You understand it will be YOUR representatives and senators too, not just 'enemy' ones or ones from the other party, who will be subject to arbitrary term limits if you get what you're asking for.

We HAVE term limits already. In my district we have great representatives and senators who do great work for us in Washington and who are not corrupt and are honest brokers. And you want to tell us they arbitrarily gotta go? They're not your reps! You want to limit my district's self determination! And you want to use the federal government to do it, by increasing its power and scope. By giving it still more power. That's the polar opposite of conservatism.

We don't have term limits Dooms, quit saying that. Only the President in DC has a term limit.

Congress and Senate can be elected and re-elected forever, and that's why our system is failing miserably. There is absolutely zero motivation to do what is right or best for the country, the only thing that matters to that collection of losers is getting re-elected.


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Good thing it'll never happen. Constitutional amendments is hard to do. I'm not about to tell Pelosi's district voters who they can and can't elect. It's their district, their business.

Then you are part of the problem with your head in the sand.


High Plains Drifter
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We don't have term limits Dooms, quit saying that.
The PEOPLE are the term limit! They can make changes on ELECTION DAY. You don't seem to grok that.

Good job ignoring all of the cons I brought up though.

Once again the Constitution saves us from populist idiocy. You can't get term limits without an amendment, and amendments is hard. By design. Thankfully.


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The PEOPLE are the term limit! They can make changes on ELECTION DAY. You don't seem to grok that.

Good job ignoring all of the cons I brought up though.

Once again the Constitution saves us from populist idiocy. You can't get term limits without an amendment, and amendments is hard. By design. Thankfully.

If people could be trusted to be informed and do their due diligence then you'd be right.

However we can give you countless examples of garbage that has no business being elected (or even running) that gets voted in.

And unfortunately, the majority of people that go up there are not doing what they are sworn in to do. That's why something has to change. When it's no longer a "career" for people, the ones that choose to serve will be (for the most part) doing it for the right reasons.


High Plains Drifter
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If people could be trusted to be informed and do their due diligence then you'd be right
None of that is any of our business and none of it is required. It's also none of our business what voters in districts outside our own, do.

And it's none of the federal government's business either.

Smaller less intrusive government used to be a conservative value.


High Plains Drifter
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And unfortunately, the majority of people that go up there are not doing what they are sworn in to do.
They're representing the people of their district who elected them. It's up to those people to kick 'em out if they don't like what they do.


High Plains Drifter
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I point out, it hasn't worked in any state it's been instituted including California, where the state assembly there continues to have all the issues you highlight, with no help in sight for the voters.

Plus, I'm yet to see any specifics from anyone on how this would look on the national level not even from Gingrich when he made it part of his "contract with America." Details such as, how many terms and such.

Interested to see proposals.


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Smaller less intrusive government used to be a conservative value.

I'm with you on that, but it has to be with better quality people doing it.

We have the biggest collection of losers ever in congress and senate today, and if Biden/Harris win in November we can kiss the American way of life good bye forever because of it.

You think the federal G'ment is too big today, wait till January.


High Plains Drifter
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I didnt ignore it, but there are ZERO cons to term limits.


Should have been done eons ago.
I see a bunch of cons and I see results from states that did it... It doesn't do what you think it does. I'm yet to find anyone advocating it who has actually studied it or given it much actual thought.


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I see a bunch of cons and I see results from states that did it... It doesn't do what you think it does. I'm yet to find anyone advocating it who has actually studied it or given it much actual thought.

There are plenty of folks that advocate for it. The ones who don't are generally the crooks and losers up there in office today.


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The Debate Over Term Limits for Congress
The Pros and Cons of Imposing Terms Limits for Congress
By Tom Murse
Updated February 18, 2020
The idea of imposing term limits for Congress, or a mandatory restriction on how long members of the House and Senate can serve in office, has been debated by the public for centuries. There are pros and cons and strong opinions on both sides of the issue, perhaps a surprise, given the electorate's less-than-flattering opinion of their representatives in modern history.

Here are some questions and answers about term limits and the ongoing debate surrounding the idea, as well as a look at the pros and cons of term limits for Congress.

Are There Term Limits for Congress Now?
No. Members of the House of Representatives are elected for two years at a time and can serve an unlimited number of terms. Members of the Senate are elected for six years and also can serve an unlimited number of terms.

What's the Longest Anyone Has Served?
The longest anyone ever served in the Senate was 51 years, 5 months and 26 days, a record held by the late Robert C. Byrd.1 The Democrat from West Virginia was in office from Jan. 3, 1959, through June 28, 2010.

The longest anyone ever served in the House is 59.06 years (21,572), a record held by U.S. Rep. John Dingell Jr.2 The Democrat from Michigan was in office from 1955 to 2015.

Are There Term Limits for the President?
Presidents are restricted to only two four-year terms in the White House under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which reads in part: "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice."

Have There Been Attempts to Impose Term Limits on Congress?
There have been numerous attempts by some lawmakers to pass statutory term limits, but all of those proposals have been unsuccessful. Perhaps the most famous attempt at passing term limits came during the so-called Republican revolution when the GOP took control of Congress in the 1994 midterm elections.

Term limits were a tenet of the Republican Contract with America. The contract called for a removal of career politicians through a first-ever vote on term limits as part of the Citizen Legislature Act. Term limits never came to fruition.

What about the Congressional Reform Act?
The Congressional Reform Act does not exist. It is a fiction passed off in email chains as a legitimate piece of legislation that would limit members of Congress to 12 years of service - either two six-year Senate terms or six two-year House terms.

What Are the Arguments in Favor of Term Limits?
Proponents of term limits argue that restricting the service of lawmakers prevents politicians from amassing too much power in Washington and becoming too alienated from their constituents.

The thinking is that many lawmakers view the work as a career and not a temporary assignment, and therefore spend much of their time posturing, raising money for their re-election campaigns and running for office instead of focusing on the important issues of the day. Those who favor term limits say they would remove the intense focus on politics and place it back on policy.

What Are the Arguments Against Term Limits?
The most common argument against term limits goes something like this: "We already have term limits. They're called elections." The primary case against term limits is that, indeed, our elected officials in the House and Senate must face their constituents every two years or every six years and get their approval.

Imposing term limits, opponents argue, would remove the power from voters in favor of an arbitrary law. For example, a popular lawmaker seen by her constituents as being effective and influential would want to re-elect her to Congress - but could be barred from doing so by a term-limit law.
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