It's been announced.

Richard Dent
Marshall Faulk
Chris Hanburger
Les Richter
Ed Sabol
Deion Sanders
Shannon Sharpe
Such great players to choose from, so no matter how you go you're snubbing all timers. But I wish Charles Haley would have made it.

Glad to see Sabol make it.


Anywhere on the line.
Such great players to choose from, so no matter how you go you're snubbing all timers. But I wish Charles Haley would have made it.

Glad to see Sabol make it.

Agree and agree.

Congrats to all.

The down side:Shannon Sharpe gets to speak w/o interruption.
Haley didn't even make the top 10 finalists.

Its gonna take a while for people to forgive him for the antics.

...If Howie Long can make it as fast as he did, Haley should have made it a lot sooner. He had much much more of an impact on the game.
I hate Faulk, and his pudgy face.

Did anyone pay attention to the HOF Announcement show on NFL network?

It was really corny. Rich, Irvin, Woodson, and someone else were sitting on a stage, with an audience, talking about the players.

Then, they throw it to some HOF exec, who announces the 10 finalists.

Then, more talking.

Then, maybe 15 minutes later, the same HOF exec comes back to the podium and says it's time for some other guy to hand him the envelop. Some guy walks up, hands him an enevelop, shakes his hand, and walks off.

HOF exec reads the names.

I turned it off after that. Basically, it just seemed very cheesy. Like they were trying to force a show out of a simple announcement.

Not unlike the Heisman show, I guess. But much more cornier, IMO.
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