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For those who have been waiting and hoping to get confirmation, Monica Lewinski says that her relationship with Bill Clinton was consensual.

Good thing we can finally lay that mystery to rest.

Was it really necessary to say this? You sucked his dick and didn't bite it off. Dead giveaway that it was consensual.


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She must need some attention. And money. I guess it's a plus that she's not pawning a 'hidden' sex tape.
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Well I mean it is nice to know for sure that one of the greatest presidents of all time isn't a rapist.


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Domestically that is easy to make a case for, I mean the man did everything you could ask of a republican, balanced the budget, reformed welfare, kill healthcare reform, and signed free trade treaties. Really the man was damn near perfect domestically. He mastered the democratic art of saying one thing and doing another. If you ignore what he says and look what he did I have very little arguments with the man. Now I question his foriegn policy strenuously, but nobody else has lived up to my expectations and he was a fuck ton better than Obama. He talked did nothing but after 8 years our position in the world wasn't diminished.


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Domestically that is easy to make a case for, I mean the man did everything you could ask of a republican, balanced the budget, reformed welfare, kill healthcare reform, and signed free trade treaties. Really the man was damn near perfect domestically. He mastered the democratic art of saying one thing and doing another. If you ignore what he says and look what he did I have very little arguments with the man. Now I question his foriegn policy strenuously, but nobody else has lived up to my expectations and he was a fuck ton better than Obama. He talked did nothing but after 8 years our position in the world wasn't diminished.

He would have went far more left had Congress not been decidedly against him. That's what ultimately held him check.

He was at least better at judging the waters of domestic approval, unlike the Commy in the White House now.


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He would have went far more left had Congress not been decidedly against him. That's what ultimately held him check.

He was at least better at judging the waters of domestic approval, unlike the Commy in the White House now.
Agreed, but presidents are judged by what they did not what they would of done if...


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Random thought, is how crazy far to the left the country has moved in the last 20 years. Fuck, fags are everywhere. I thought this social change shit was supposed to stop after 1972 or some shit. They need to knock this off.


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Since you guys aren't staying OT (talking about the sex they had, hypothesizing possible positions and toys employed, etc.), I guess I'll throw a little OT thought of mine out there.

Whenever someone asks is the government should be involved in some area it seems like people on both sides of the aisle are pretty opposed.

"Oh, hell no. They'll fuck it up. Look at the education system and everything else they're in control of".

And yet, republicans and democrats can't wait to circle jerk with their buddies over how much of a failure 1 single guy has been with both saying that the opposite party's presidents are pretty much universally awful. Just kind of funny to me. Government as a whole is often viewed as the most incompetent entity in the country but the guy at the top of it all is expected to shit rainbows.

I rarely even give two shits to what any politician says including the President because no single fucking person in Washington can actually do anything. They're all servants to the companies dropping bags of cash at their feet. They sell their votes to whoever. They don't give a shit which way they vote so long as it comes with contributions and apparently the public doesn't care either. Who cares if someone casted a vote in favor of a bill that in no way benefits the country so long as my party is in office, right?

That's why Comcast has something like 76 lobbyists in DC right now trying to push through it's merger with TWC, a merger that will be undoubtedly bad for consumers and is just the first step in buying Comcast's ability to turn the internet into a turnpike. This will be done without a large portion of the country knowing (largely cause they're idiots) and against the wishes of those who do know.

The whole political system in the US is a complete facade and I think the sooner that people quit blindly supporting people who don't give a single fuck about them, the sooner shit will actually get done. Ya know, people will chastise the fuck out of someone who's apathetic and decides not to waste their time filling out a meaningless ballot but I think straight-ticket voting is a far bigger disservice and insult to Democracy than not voting at all.

I do not understand political fanaticism at all. David (or anyone who even identifies with either party), help me out here - and I'm serious - what is the draw? What have your favorite politicians done to earn your support?


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The whole political system in the US is a complete facade and I think the sooner that people quit blindly supporting people who don't give a single fuck about them, the sooner shit will actually get done.

Exactly. I've said it over and over - politics is one big show to keep the masses occupied.


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I do not understand political fanaticism at all. David (or anyone who even identifies with either party), help me out here - and I'm serious - what is the draw? What have your favorite politicians done to earn your support?

I honestly cant pick many "favorite politicians" right now. I think most of them suck beyond belief because all the vast majority of them care about is getting re-elected. They don't want to fix anything.

We badly need term limits in this country.

As for a favorite, Ronald Reagan would be at the top.


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Since you guys aren't staying OT (talking about the sex they had, hypothesizing possible positions and toys employed, etc.), I guess I'll throw a little OT thought of mine out there.

Whenever someone asks is the government should be involved in some area it seems like people on both sides of the aisle are pretty opposed.

"Oh, hell no. They'll fuck it up. Look at the education system and everything else they're in control of".

And yet, republicans and democrats can't wait to circle jerk with their buddies over how much of a failure 1 single guy has been with both saying that the opposite party's presidents are pretty much universally awful. Just kind of funny to me. Government as a whole is often viewed as the most incompetent entity in the country but the guy at the top of it all is expected to shit rainbows.

I rarely even give two shits to what any politician says including the President because no single fucking person in Washington can actually do anything. They're all servants to the companies dropping bags of cash at their feet. They sell their votes to whoever. They don't give a shit which way they vote so long as it comes with contributions and apparently the public doesn't care either. Who cares if someone casted a vote in favor of a bill that in no way benefits the country so long as my party is in office, right?

That's why Comcast has something like 76 lobbyists in DC right now trying to push through it's merger with TWC, a merger that will be undoubtedly bad for consumers and is just the first step in buying Comcast's ability to turn the internet into a turnpike. This will be done without a large portion of the country knowing (largely cause they're idiots) and against the wishes of those who do know.

The whole political system in the US is a complete facade and I think the sooner that people quit blindly supporting people who don't give a single fuck about them, the sooner shit will actually get done. Ya know, people will chastise the fuck out of someone who's apathetic and decides not to waste their time filling out a meaningless ballot but I think straight-ticket voting is a far bigger disservice and insult to Democracy than not voting at all.

I do not understand political fanaticism at all. David (or anyone who even identifies with either party), help me out here - and I'm serious - what is the draw? What have your favorite politicians done to earn your support?

Great post. I don't identify with either party and all the politicians are bought.

It's odd. It is almost like you have to follow some dumb ass checklist for the party you support and most of the "issues" are just nonsense to get people riled up.
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Great post. I don't identify with either party and all the politicians are bought.

It's odd. It is almost like you have to follow some dumb ass checklist for the party you support and most of the "issues" are just nonsense to get people riled up.
quoted for truth

Just look at the self proclaimed "conservatives" here


Draft Pick
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Random thought, is how crazy far to the left the country has moved in the last 20 years. Fuck, fags are everywhere. I thought this social change shit was supposed to stop after 1972 or some shit. They need to knock this off.

I'm actually shocked it took so long. Just from a practical standpoint of how wasteful the whole thing has been.

When you try to imagine the time, effort, and money wasted it's almost laughable. How many billions (shit, maybe trillions) of dollars have been wasted and how much purposeful and productive work could have done in the time spent arguing whether or not two random people that simply exist (don't know who or where, just know they're out there) can be afforded the same perks as hetero couples. I wish there was some way to get a dollar estimate for all the time wasted debating the issue across the country at various levels of the court system over time. All the judges, lawyers, politicians, propaganda campaigning, and whatever else. It's gotta be fucking huge.

Couple of dudes want to marry each other, fuck em. Let them live their lives and quit wasting everyone's time when there are more important things to worry about like how to prevent the US school system from knocking a few tenths of a point off the average IQ of the adult population every year.

Gay, straight, whatever. Two stand-up adults want to share the rest of their lives together, doesn't mean shit to me. No impact on what I'm trying to accomplish either way, but I don't care to see the nation's time and resources focused on whether or not two people who are going to suck, fuck, fondle, blow, chew, sniff, lick, whip, gobble, and cornhole each other [anyone catch the adapted Carlin joke?]......and who are going to live together anyway should be allowed to marry.


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How many billions (shit, maybe trillions) of dollars have been wasted and how much purposeful and productive work could have done in the time spent arguing whether or not two random people that simply exist (don't know who or where, just know they're out there) can be afforded the same perks as hetero couples. I wish there was some way to get a dollar estimate for all the time wasted debating the issue across the country at various levels of the court system over time. All the judges, lawyers, politicians, propaganda campaigning, and whatever else. It's gotta be fucking huge.

It all goes back to religion. It's the biggest waste of time humanity has ever invented. Just look at all the time people waste on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays worshipping a god who doesn't exist. I'm sorry, there's nothing there. It's man's way of inventing something so he can make sense of life.

And on top of that, the crooks who run these churches don't even get taxed. It's the biggest load of bullshit I have ever seen.
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Draft Pick
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Great post. I don't identify with either party and all the politicians are bought.

It's odd. It is almost like you have to follow some dumb ass checklist for the party you support and most of the "issues" are just nonsense to get people riled up.

Yeah, I don't care for accepting all the baggage that would come with supporting a single stance of either party. It's fucking mentally lazy and quite honestly I don't see how everyone can just "fit the mold".

Oh, you're a republican? Well then, that means you support A, B, and C, right?

Oh, you're a democrat? Then I would assume that you're in favor of X, Y, and Z, correct?

On the one hand it's hard to imagine how someone would allow themselves to be type casted into a specific role and not just have their own personal beliefs, but then on the other hand you realize a large portion of it is likely handed down to them from their parents.

I remember when I was in undergrad during an election year. Me and a good number of people just not giving a shit about the whole process at all. Almost zero interest, where's the beer and where are those fine young ladies who are just entering into their "exploring" phase? Dorm room down the hall housed 2 friends from a well-off area in their home town. Their hanging on the edge of their seats with the debate going on, ridiculing one of the candidates and actually applauding his opponent. Sitting in a dorm chair bought from Target or Bed, Bath, and Beyond and their applauding the points being made on TV.

I walked by their room and broke the apparent unwritten rule of politics by asking who they were going to vote for. They were taken back at first and then said "republican, probably". I didn't respond just so I could propt a little more out of them. Fucking 18 year old kid starts talking about taxes. Probably never worked a fucking day in his life and never having had to actually examine a pay stub to see what taxes taken out even looks like. Freshman in college, ain't doing shit that would require filing any sort of tax paperwork while he's in college, and not getting a job where he'd even see the effect of a tax increase until at least the next election. No personal implications that he could stand on so basically just casting a vote for daddy.

OT, but not discussing a person's vote is a completely chicken shit idea. If you voted, or will vote for someone, fucking own it. This whole, "oh, don't wanna talk about that" bullshit is just childish. If you're supportive enough to vote for the guy, you should be able to fucking say so. Stand up, be a man, and support your position...........provided you actually can. I'm suspicious this is a fopaux to some people because they can't tell you why they voted for their candidate. Not being asked absolves them from having to explain why they supported the guy. They can continue being fucking ignorant to every issue other than the initial next to each name, the least shitty of the two candidates may or may not win but that doesn't really matter, and then everyone can go back into their comfort bubble where everyone has the same beliefs.

My dad has one of the most fucked up voting patterns I've ever seen but he'll openly tell you who he voted for and how pissed he is that he chose that candidate. I think he votes mostly to fulfill that civic duty bullshit he was fed back when he was growing up. He'll vote for 1 party during one election and flip the following. He generally hates both parties and is usually least thrilled with the party currently holding office so he'll vote for a party switch more often than not. Fucked up as his strategy is, I at least respect the fact that he's willing to say his vote sucked......even if it always sucks because he's become jaded with that party at that particular time. Registered party members don't do that. If their vote turns out shitty, the first line they'd go to is that things would have been EVEN WORSE under the other candidate. I guess that's just politics in general though. People aren't elected by presenting themselves as the most competent candidate, they're elected by painting their opponent as someone who is less competent than they are.

If any candidate ever comes out (and I don't care what party they belong to) and says, "listen, I'm not hear to try to convince people to choose the least crappy option. I'm hear to tell you why I am the better candidate", and doesn't go down the constant smear campaign path but strictly builds their platform around their own accomplishments and leadership qualities........fucker's got my vote.


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It all goes back to religion. It's the biggest waste of time humanity has ever invented. Just look at all the time people waste on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays worshipping a god who doesn't exist. I'm sorry, there's nothing there. It's man's way of inventing something so he can make sense of life.

And on top of that, the crooks who run these churches don't even get taxed. It's the biggest load of bullshit I have ever seen.

I think the biggest load of un-taxable bullshit you've ever seen is the NFL, which makes far more and gives far less than a good church and pays no taxes. You can't blame this disconnect on your brothers brick. Silly.

Don't worry tho', the church is probably going to take a beating in the near future.


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My dad has one of the most fucked up voting patterns I've ever seen but he'll openly tell you who he voted for and how pissed he is that he chose that candidate. I think he votes mostly to fulfill that civic duty bullshit he was fed back when he was growing up

I don't even think it matters anymore. If people don't think the Electoral College would have elected Obama anyway then they're mistaken. Romney should have defeated Obama in a landslide. He let him win debate after debate and I still believe Romney got the popular vote.
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