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Posted by Michael David Smith on December 13, 2012, 3:08 PM EST

ReutersRedskins quarterback Robert Griffin III recently said in a recent interview that he didn’t want to be defined as an African-American quarterback. One ESPN commentator says that raises questions about Griffin.

In fact, ESPN’s Rob Parker said Thursday morning on First Take that as an African-American, he has a lot of questions about Griffin.

“My question is, and it’s just a straight, honest question: Is he a brother, or is he a cornball brother,” Parker said. “He’s not really. He’s black, he does his thing, but he’s not really down with the cause. He’s not one of us. He’s kind of black, but he’s not really like the kind of guy you really want to hang out with.”

Parker said he wants to know more about Griffin’s personal life before he can accept Griffin as authentically black.

“I want to find about him,” Parker said. “I don’t know because I keep hearing these things. We all know he has a white fiancee. Then there was all this talk about he’s a Republican, which there’s no information at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper into why he has an issue. Because we did find out with Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods was like, ‘I’ve got black skin, but don’t call me black.’ So people wondered about Tiger Woods.”

Asked by fellow panelist Skip Bayless about the fact that Griffin braids his hair, Parker said that’s an aspect of Griffin that he approves of.

“That’s different, because, to me, that’s very urban,” Parker said. “Wearing braids is, you’re a brother. You’re a brother if you’ve got braids.”

Another panelist on the show, Stephen A. Smith, said he wasn’t comfortable with how Parker had framed his argument.

“First of all, let me say this: I’m uncomfortable with where we just went,” Smith said when asked to respond to Parker. “RG3, the ethnicity or the color of his fiancee is none of our business, it’s irrelevant, he can live his life in whatever way he chooses. The braids that he has in his hair, that’s his business, that’s his life, he can live his life. I don’t judge someone’s blackness based on those kinds of things. I just don’t do that. I’m not that kind of guy.”

I asked an ESPN spokesman whether the network had any response to Parker’s comments on the air and will post it if ESPN does issue a response. But ESPN obviously thought Parker’s comments were worth repeating: When Best of First Take aired on Thursday afternoon, the show ended with a replay of the discussion about Griffin.
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This is the guy who heckled Rod marinelli about his son in law's defense in their 0-16 season

He asked if he wishes his daughter married someone else


Quality Starter
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He's right. Rg3 isn't black.

Parker is black so it's ok for him to say it, dumb fuckin society.
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Cliff note version: RGII may look the part, but he's not black cuz he talks and acts like his IQ is in the triple digits.


Pro Bowler
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I don't get it. That is one of the most racist things I have ever read but I guarantee you this guy talks about how racist White America is on a frequent basis.

I am sick and tired of the double standard.


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Yep, you never see honkeys questioning each other's "whiteness."
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I question Rob Parker's "blackness" before RG3's. I mean we know RG3 is fast.


Really though. This is an absurd thing to say. I didn't see the clip... was he trying to be funny?


Pro Bowler
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I won't hold my breath for this guy getting fired like a white guy would be.
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The dumber blacks are just intimidated bc this is the first time that one of their popular QBs is not some spouse/dog/grammar abusing lazy fuckup.

Maybe the community should be proud that literate, intelligent athletes like RGIII and Fitzgerald are actually getting press, instead of "true black real ****" like Vince Young and Vick, who are an embarrassment to the human race.
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Pro Bowler
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^ What he said.

That racist POS needs to be fired just like anyone else would be.
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