Pro Bowler
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its funny to see a guy with a 141 rating, 4 tds no turnovers and 34 points shoulder the blame, but that is what is happening. Peter kings second topic in his mmqb this morning is that if you want to know the difference between romo and manning its that romo couldnt make the throw and manning did.

insane. The game should have been won on the throw to dez, but a poor group of players on defense coached by a poor coach is finally showing up against good competition. I almost dont even feel like blaming the defense, I just expect them to play poor at this point.

that first down at the goal line where manning basically just throws the ball to alan ball and ball miss times his jump, stumbles and then bats the ball down. That was a bad throw and should have ended the game, would have been mannings second pick and he would have been killed for it. but ball is just so poor he cant even catch a ball thrown right to him in a critical moment of the game.

oh well. We all knew it was a 9-7 ish team and hopefully we get to 9 or 10 wins. 8-8 seems more like it though.

Then Ball acted like he did something. That should have been an INT. Just pathetic.


Pro Bowler
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I almost dont even feel like blaming the defense, I just expect them to play poor at this point.

Part of the problem, for me at least, is that our defense has very little heart. We don't have that guy who wills the defense to make plays. DeMarcus Ware, Jay Ratliff, and Sean Lee are VERY GOOD but are not emotional, fiery guys. What little attitude and swagger we have on D comes from Ryan but he is also responsible for confused players, schemes that don't cover the deepest WR, and over-evaluating certain players.

We need an ILB that will blow players up, another pass rusher, a true NT, and a safety with the footspeed to cover a lot of ground. If we cut Newman, you can add a starting caliber CB to that list of needs.


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its funny to see a guy with a 141 rating, 4 tds no turnovers and 34 points shoulder the blame, but that is what is happening. Peter kings second topic in his mmqb this morning is that if you want to know the difference between romo and manning its that romo couldnt make the throw and manning did.

Anybody that points the finger solely at Romo is wrong, bad. But the Austin play was a big play, and I dont agree that he ran a bad route. He got open easily and Romo's throw was close enough to him that I dont think Romo threw to the "wrong" area. It was just slightly overthrown. As I said in another post, it was close enough and such a big play that maybe Austin could have laid out to attempt the catch, although I dont know if it would have mattered.

With that said, Romo played a really good game. 34 points should be enough to win games, especially at home. The defense had a 2 score lead late in the game and blew it and they deserve the majority of the blame. But it was a team loss, as all of them are. There were individual plays/players in all areas who screwed up at some point (offense, defense and special teams)

We have the record we have because this team cant play a complete game.


Quality Starter
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Anybody that points the finger solely at Romo is wrong, bad. But the Austin play was a big play, and I dont agree that he ran a bad route. He got open easily and Romo's throw was close enough to him that I dont think Romo threw to the "wrong" area. It was just slightly overthrown. As I said in another post, it was close enough and such a big play that maybe Austin could have laid out to attempt the catch, although I dont know if it would have mattered.

With that said, Romo played a really good game. 34 points should be enough to win games, especially at home. The defense had a 2 score lead late in the game and blew it and they deserve the majority of the blame. But it was a team loss, as all of them are. There were individual plays/players in all areas who screwed up at some point (offense, defense and special teams)

We have the record we have because this team cant play a complete game.

your missing the point, austin made a technical mistake and didnt allow himself to get there. The throw was fine, it just looks so bad because austin messed it up.

There have been an inordinate amount of mistakes from wr this year, seemingly more than ever. I have no idea how that is explained. The opening posession austin runs the route the wrong way and kills the drive. Its something we have seen all year.

They can barely lineup correctly half the time. Its impossible to figure out why.
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Man this is a great write up, db. I agree with all the points. We really need to see what we have at center over these next 3 games because it would help us to determine need for the draft.

How are Jones and Fisher so close? I really wanna see this play out simply because we need some experienced coaches in here to developed the skill positions. It is pretty sad when a lot of our current staff would not be hired by any other NFL franchise. That goes for Houck, Campo, the Garretts, and probably even DeCamillis now. These guys are not being coached properly on any level and it's showing on gameday.

Romo has been pulling a Peyton Manning and hiding a ton of this team's deficiencies...including poor coaching.
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Anybody that points the finger solely at Romo is wrong, bad. But the Austin play was a big play, and I dont agree that he ran a bad route. He got open easily and Romo's throw was close enough to him that I dont think Romo threw to the "wrong" area. It was just slightly overthrown. As I said in another post, it was close enough and such a big play that maybe Austin could have laid out to attempt the catch, although I dont know if it would have mattered.

With that said, Romo played a really good game. 34 points should be enough to win games, especially at home. The defense had a 2 score lead late in the game and blew it and they deserve the majority of the blame. But it was a team loss, as all of them are. There were individual plays/players in all areas who screwed up at some point (offense, defense and special teams)

We have the record we have because this team cant play a complete game.

I don't think there was any question that it was Austin's fault outside of what a few fans thought, and the opinion of Michaels and Collinsworth in the booth. Even Romo said that Austin lost it under the lights in his press conference. Romo has never been one to pass the buck when he makes mistakes, and he didn't even hesitate to answer that question. Austin played the route incorrectly and it cost us.


Anywhere on the line.
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It's obvious the Cowboys are now a front for the Reynosa drug cartel.
Who else would spend 1.2 billion on a stadium for this shit team?
Good thing the Bills offense was slumping,or the Cowboys could have blown a 37 point lead.
Money laundering at it's finest.
Don't forget to buy a couple rocks on your way out.


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It's obvious the Cowboys are now a front for the Reynosa drug cartel.
Who else would spend 1.2 billion on a stadium for this shit team?
Good thing the Bills offense was slumping,or the Cowboys could have blown a 37 point lead.
Money laundering at it's finest.
Don't forget to buy a couple rocks on your way out.


This post made me feel a little better.

I turned down sex last night like a little bitch because of this team.


Quality Starter
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This post made me feel a little better.

I turned down sex last night like a little bitch because of this team.

Must be nice to not need though money though......right?


Quality Starter
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I don't understand you right now.

A night off from turning tricks must have been nice, right.

I love my days off, shoot the pimps Get enough rest. Hoes need a day off too.


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A night off from turning tricks must have been nice, right.

I love my days off, shoot the pimps Get enough rest. Hoes need a day off too.


I don't kiss on the lips.

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Terrence Newman - I remember Chris Collinsworth suggesting Newman was playing well last night. Not sure what the fuck he was watching. I've been a Newman fan for years, and he's done an admirable job in Dallas. We got 9 years and multiple Pro Bowls out of him. But it's time to move on.

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