
Pro Bowler
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Ok the Titans fire their head coach for their 1-7 record. The Colts fire their OC for their losing record of 3-5. The Dolphins fired their head coach for his terrible start to his season

Why the fuck are our head coaches jobs still safe?

Looking around the league the rest of the teams with records similar or even a little better than ours are making coaching moves

Why aren't we? When is enough enough? Fuck the injury excuse. We should be able to win a couple games in the 8 weeks while Romo is out. But we can't. Our play calling is predictable with no imagination. Our coaches haven't done anything to help Weeden or Cassel succeed. All they did was try to help them not lose, but did nothing to help them win.

At what point does JJ look at this sad state of affairs and decide a major change is in order?

We will be lucky to go 8-8 for the season but most likely will be 7-9 or worse depending on how long it takes Romo to get back to form

That shit is not acceptable.

Other teams were able to win with 2nd and 3rd string QB's. We are not. Simply because of coaching.

I would have rather been totally blown out and completely embarrassed in each of our losses than barely loose each game the way we did. The way it stands now JJ can look at the losses and say we were close, things just didn't go our way in each of those losses. But if we were blown out he would have no choice but to look at the coaching as the problem.
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At what point does JJ look at this sad state of affairs and decide a major change is in order?

He's the orchestrator of these affairs, what his looking accomplish? Another Wade? Another Campo? Surely not another Parcells, who wasn't the most successful, but had more authority than these dopes. Plug and Play, that's Jones' MO. Dump Garrett, plug in the next dope that no one else would hire; rinse and repeat.


Pro Bowler
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The sad thing is he thinks he knows best!

So he doesn't value the HC position

He doesn't see a "need" to hire a real or a good head coach. He would rather hire a talking head.

But I'd be curious to see how he reacts when the media start blaming him for the state of this season

He certainly won't take the blame himself and might then pass the buck on to Carrot Top to deflect the blame for this failed season from himself


High Plains Drifter
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First of all Jerruh is married to Ginger, they just inked a new long term deal. Secondly, Jerruh is stupid enough to believe it's a built in valid legitimate excuse to lose 5 straight sans Romo and Dez.


Pro Bowler
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There is no excuse whatsoever that any team for any reason should lose 5 straight games

And soon to be 7 most likely


High Plains Drifter
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There is no excuse whatsoever that any team for any reason should lose 5 straight games
If you're a long-term, generationally mediocre team that loses two of its only productive stars, that ain't a excuse it's just demonstrating what you are. The better teams survive that we've had this year, the mediocre ones don't.


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There is no excuse whatsoever that any team for any reason should lose 5 straight games

And soon to be 7 most likely

There's no excuse for a 12 win team from last yr that upgraded talent in other areas to do it, but if your a team like the 1989 Cowboys or something, then its not unthinkable. This team is not the 89 Cowboys.
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There are some HCs who are such puppet masters that they ensure some levels of success from their dubious QB and truly work the hardest to minimize the errors common to those QBs. Belichick, Harbaugh, Parcells, Andy Reid, Tomlin, and Schottenheimer come to mind. When dubious QB leave their teams, they tend not to play as well, and seem to fall apart. Garrett does not orchestrate or reduce errors. He restricts the desperate offense and removes desperate need to win at any cost and sees everything as a "wait and see" philosophy.


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Belichick, Parcells, Harbaugh and Schottenheimer all have something else in common, that they did a great job of coaching up fundamentals.

Garrett and most of the other Cowboy coaches (Switzer, Gailey, Campo, Wade) don't. These were typically bad teams from a fundamental standpoint, so when faced with what we are faced with today the ability to win is far tougher. These teams make too many mistakes, whether its turnovers, missed tackles, missed blocking assignments, stupid penalties or mediocre to bad special teams plays.

I think part of the reason for this is because Jerruh doesn't believe hard work in the offseason and training camp is necessary.
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