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I'm not a Parcells hater, but I also don't get the sometimes over the top adoration for the guy either. That said, even I recognize that he was easily the best head coach we've had since Jimmy.

I wouldn't classify mine or anyones elses appreciation of Bill as "over the top adoration", merely an acknowledgement that for the first time since Jimmy left, the most important thing around valley ranch appeared to be winning which was a welcomed relief coming from the proceeding years.

As fans for the last 20 years its been like being stuck in the desert dying of thirst, we finally get a little water and while it may be a little dirty, it was sweeter than honey so nitpicking on where he was deficient strikes me as pointless considering they seem to have regressed since his departure.


High Plains Drifter
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I love nothing more than to have an off the record conversations with him where he is fully candid about the nonsense he had to put up with from jerri. I heard somewhere that when Bill was at ESPN, he revealed all the crap that jerri pulled. I'm admittedly skeptical of this story since I don't know how anyone would know this
It should be far enough of what we need to know, the fact that Jerruh had a stipulation in Bill's contract laying out who gets credit if they managed to win a Soup Bow. Shows us Jerruh really takes winning at least second to getting credit for it. From there we can postulate the rest fairly accurately.

First breaking point for Jimmy was when Jerruh broke the code they had, and brought that Saudi Prince Oil Sheik magnate into the locker room right after a game - right in the middle of Jimmy's post-game speech. Later he answered Jimmy's query on that by saying something like, "I think I am the owner of this team." That caused the rift that culminated a year later into their divorce.

People forget that right after the SB27 win, Jerruh doubled Jimmy's salary. It was Jerruh's attempt to patch the rift. Didn't work - Jimmy throughout his life and career writes people off when they break their word to him. Even his Alma Mater, even long time assistant coaches and friends. He simply won't work with them anymore after that. One of the reasons he was somewhat a Gypsy anyway.

And it's fair to say Bill was something of a Gypsy too. At his age at the time I am sure his tolerance for being fed plates of shit was really low.


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I don't know what the fascination is with some Cowboys fans to minimize Jimmy Johnson's or Bill Parcells' impact here. It's like bringing them down somehow brings their hero Jerry Jones higher.

Could you imagine this franchise with Jerry and without Jimmy and Bill? We'd be the worst franchise in sports. Jerry's a great salesman but he can't sell 5 wins a year for 30 plus years.

Other than Jerruh in a drunken stupor, who ever minimalizes what Jimmy Johnson did here?
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