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Doesn't help that companies are over taxed and corporations take advantage of other companies lack of labor laws, so a ridiculous amount of manufacturing jobs are overseas leading to a growing population stateside and a diminishing amount of employment opportunities as well hahahaha long sentence is long.


Pro Bowler
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Doesn't help that companies are over taxed and corporations take advantage of other companies lack of labor laws, so a ridiculous amount of manufacturing jobs are overseas leading to a growing population stateside and a diminishing amount of employment opportunities as well hahahaha long sentence is long.

There's no good solution to that problem.

Well there is, but it involves Americans not being able to afford iphones and tvs.

But it (the problem you mentioned) has absolutely fuck-all to do with corporate tax rates.
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There's no good solution to that problem.

Well there is, but it involves Americans not being able to afford iphones and tvs.

But it (the problem you mentioned) has absolutely fuck-all to do with corporate tax rates.

Oh I agree. Basically the entire system is completely fucked and there is no easy fix.

We need to get nuked so we can start all over again.


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There's no good solution to that problem.

Well there is, but it involves Americans not being able to afford iphones and tvs.

But it (the problem you mentioned) has absolutely fuck-all to do with corporate tax rates.

Typical....What is so bad about earning money and buying things? Why would Americans have to stop buying things? Oh yeah...I remember, you are an Obama acolyte that believes everyone should be equally poor except for those that make the rules.


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Typical....What is so bad about earning money and buying things? Why would Americans have to stop buying things?


maybe because wages are stagnant while corporate profits are through the roof, inflation has skyrocketed out of control while federal minimum wage remains pathetic?

More than 30 million Americans are living just above the poverty line. These near poor, often defined as having incomes of up to 1.5 times the poverty threshold, were supporting a family of four on no more than $34,500 last year.

They are more likely to be white than those in poverty, according to a CNNMoney analysis of Census Bureau data. They are more likely to be elderly. They are more than three times as likely to work full-time, year-round. And they are more likely not to receive help from the government.

but no....hurr durr obama and socialism and poor people want handouts.

fuck off you fucking ******. god you people are stupid.
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maybe because wages are stagnant while corporate profits are through the roof, inflation has skyrocketed out of control while federal minimum wage remains pathetic?

Not to mention companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google (and a boatload of others) barely pay any taxes on the billions in profit they take in each year by using loopholes and offshore accounts.

I can't believe minimum wage is only $7.25 here in NY. Who could actually live off that anywhere? In NY though? If I go to Chipotle for lunch and just buy a burrito bowl, it's $9. That is without a drink or anything else. This is why you have so many people on foodstamps. Even with a job, they can't afford to eat.


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maybe because wages are stagnant while corporate profits are through the roof, inflation has skyrocketed out of control while federal minimum wage remains pathetic?

but no....hurr durr obama and socialism and poor people want handouts.

fuck off you fucking ******. god you people are stupid.

That's not a good argument for the policies you support, by a President who really doesn't care about 'the poor'. That's just a reliably compelling social issue that will mobilize people to say yes to all sorts of dumb idea's.

Namely the idea of forcing the already heavily burdened tax payer to fund yet more poorly run government horse crap that's easily abused. You're right about the wage and profit disparity, but you're horribly wrong in thinking a bottom up economic system is going to do anything other than drag down those who aren't already down.

Apple and the rest of the tech companies are making huge profits, while selling cheap products made on slave labor. If any intervention is going to happen it shouldn't be on the side of causing the tax payer to feel the pressure but on the companies that send jobs out of the country.

But dopey Obama while playing the champion of the poor laughably stated he's going to 'create a fair environment' by higher taxes on corporations and tighter regulations. And the dopes in the audience clapped.

The only problem was not included in those regs was insuring that the jobs those companies create stay at home, so in effect he admitted he was forcing them to take their operations to the shores of countries that don't have stiff regulations if any at all and no minimum wage. Brilliant plan.

You might have the problem in focus but your support of this guys ideas on how to fix them is way off the mark. Squeezing the taxpayer doesn't stimulate an economy, keeping business operations in our country does.
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like I just said there's no good answer to that question, and I don't fault politicians for not being able to come up with one yet. Any proposed solution results in the businesses becoming insolvent because they can't afford American labor while still keeping costs low enough to mass-produce and distribute, or they decide to raise prices in response to the taxes which makes it harder to sell these products at low cost to consumers (because no business will EVER look at taxes and say "well that's going to cut into our profits", they look at them and say "well we have to raise prices to compensate).

And it's not just tech gadgets, although that fits nicely into the portrait conservatives like to paint of the proles who sit around collecting welfare while watching big screen TVs and driving escalades. It would affect things like cheap clothing that our working poor rely on for their families, because there is simply no way to produce affordable t-shirts within the united states.

It seems to be a currently unsolvable problem. We just need to adjust.


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You brought up the iPods and TV's. :lol

It's not unsolvable. Stop creating a hostile environment for business owners, etc and they'll be likely to work within a reasonable framework. Painting them as demonic corporate raiders won't bring about any sort of meaningful discussion and let's be honest, there are more corrupt politicians than there are business people.

The shift to go global is much larger than Obama and has been around a lot longer than his political life; it's bipartisan and they have no intention of returning to an 'isolationist' business model. They'll just blame each other and count on enough people to take sides and shout down any reasonable suggestion.


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You've brought it up before, that was the reference.

Please stop pretending America is a hostile environment for business. Or that businesses will be inclined to work within "reasonable frameworks" out of the goodness of their hearts, unless you just want to pretend that this thing called "history" never happened.


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You've brought it up before, that was the reference.

Please stop pretending America is a hostile environment for business. Or that businesses will be inclined to work within "reasonable frameworks" out of the goodness of their hearts, unless you just want to pretend that this thing called "history" never happened.

You were referencing me in a post? I'm flattered.

And again your argument isn't well rounded. Just as easy as it is to say that there exists no chance of a reasonable framewokr for honest business, the same can be said for a bureaucracy not working and being gamed from both sides. From the politicians running it to the criminals gaming it. It's worse and always is.

Yet your idea of a sound response is to burden the tax payer?? The poorest element in the entire equation? It's not working and it never will.


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Well the first burden that should be brought up is the recognition that we are being gamed. That we're watching two rich bastards pretending to fight and foolishly as spectators we're taking sides and supporting one or the other of the two.

Second; in good faith, they should take the burden then let's see what the rest of us who have been robbed enough can do.
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I just want my obamaphone.


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