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but I could have figured that out just looking at them. Liberals have some strange look to them. Kind of nerdish and frail who need someone to tell them what to do in their life and when to do it.



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It must be where I live; a lot of people, broken up by district.
I was out in under 5 minutes.


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Bbgun you'd think if you knew why you hated me it'd be easy to vocalize.

Make mb4 vip again!

well, you shared your password with a banned member (a big no no), and when you do bother to post here (like once every three months), you're a complete twat. other than that you're a fantastic human being.


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Rubio was set up perfectly but ruined it with that Gang of 8 thing.

I think he might have ran away with the primary and the election.

Plus, Christie exposed him as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Had we nominated him, we'd be saying to the country "Here's the best Hispanic candidate we could find, not the most qualified man for the job." Republicans shouldn't pander to voters on race or gender (see: Sarah Palin).


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Plus, Christie exposed him as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Had we nominated him, we'd be saying to the country "Here's the best Hispanic candidate we could find, not the most qualified man/woman we could find." Republicans shouldn't pander to voters on race or gender (see: Sarah Palin).

Yep, agree


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I was watching some freaks in front of me who were following the election on MSNBC (on their cell phone) so I knew they were liberals; but I could have figured that out just looking at them. Liberals have some strange look to them. Kind of nerdish and frail who need someone to tell them what to do in their life and when to do it. But I digress.....

Liberals look either sick, weird, or freakish in some way. And the nerdish part is right on. And when you look in their eyes there is something weird going on. Its strange like an emptiness of soul or sort of a blank hollow look. And you can spot many of them on the road right away even if they arent driving a Prius or Subaru, or a car with a coexist sticker. They have a goofy simple retarded look on their face when they get behind the wheel. Strange bunch.
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Out of those 16 candidates Trump was/is the only one that had a shot at beating Hillary. Maybe Christie, but doubtful.


Super Moderator
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Liberals look either sick, weird, or freakish in some way. And the nerdish part is right on. And when you look in their eyes there is something weird going on. Its strange like an emptiness of soul or sort of a blank hollow look. And you can spot many of them on the road right away even if they arent driving a Prius or Subaru, or a car with a coexist sticker. They have a goofy simple retarded look on their face when they get behind the wheel. Strange bunch.

They're the nerds who had their lunch taken when they were young. They grew up sucking on Mommy's tit and now the government has taken her place. They're just strange, strange people. Like you know when a neighbor comes over they're libs because there's just something "off" about them. You just don't even want to hang out with them they think so fucked up.
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well, you shared your password with a banned member (a big no no), and when you do bother to post here (like once every three months), you're a complete twat. other than that you're a fantastic human being.

From what I remember you and jon88 crossed the line of charming racism and turned this place into a klan rally so that banned member stopped putting in effort to engage you guys so you banned him.

Pardon me for thinking this place had rules how many Alts do you have mid?? :dbair

I had the keys to a few of the parody accounts what is the big deal again exactly?

If I'm barking up the wrong tree just let me know but I feel like you have more going on in your life that you'd hold a grudge about accounts bc you hated superpunks politics THAT much. Don't let that terrorist win. Only a guy who is a shutin would act this way and that certainly isn't you


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From what I remember you and jon88 crossed the line of charming racism and turned this place into a klan rally so that banned member stopped putting in effort to engage you guys so you banned him.

Pardon me for thinking this place had rules how many Alts do you have mid?? :dbair

I had the keys to a few of the parody accounts what is the big deal again exactly?

If I'm barking up the wrong tree just let me know but I feel like you have more going on in your life that you'd hold a grudge about accounts bc you hated superpunks politics THAT much. Don't let that terrorist win. Only a guy who is a shutin would act this way and that certainly isn't you

1) "Racism" had nothing to do with Jon's departure.
2) I wasn't the person who banned you, so I have no idea why you're singling me out.
3) If you didn't agree with his ideology, SP would smear you as a racist. That's not fair fighting.
4) You don't have to act like a dick just because you're denied VIP access. The Cowboys are having a surprisingly good season. Try concentrating on that instead.
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1. I don't care about jon88
2. You're clearly the only one with a gripe against me (anyone else would have the balls to vocalize it)
3. Superpunk trolled you guys well. He's since passed.
4. I can multitask

The race shit brought out the worst out of everyone, not my fault the ones with the bam hammer were on the other side of my opinion.

You didn't address how we all shared accounts and this forum was the fuck-it forum. You came here after me. Then changed the rules under my ass. Even cz righted their wrong and now they're prospering in all the sweet sweet mb4 posts

1) "Racism" had nothing to do with Jon's departure.
2) I wasn't the person who banned you, so I have no idea why you're singling me out.
3) If you didn't agree with his ideology, SP would smear you as a racist. That's not fair fighting.
4) You don't have to act like a dick just because you're denied VIP access. The Cowboys are having a surprisingly good season. Try concentrating on that instead.


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The race shit brought out the worst out of everyone, not my fault the ones with the bam hammer were on the other side of my opinion.

still have no idea what you're referencing. someone sent Bob a PM asking him to cut some things out for fear of alienating potential new members, but that's about it. if there was a DCU race riot, I missed it.
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Jon was talking about shooting blacks who went near him and how Trayvon was a niglet or something does it matter anymore?

The troublemakers are gone. This is it. Randy's back In



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Jon was talking about shooting blacks who went near him and how Trayvon was a niglet or something does it matter anymore?

The troublemakers are gone. This is it. Randy's back In


Well, Trayvon was a POS who got what he deserved. He mouthed off to the wrong fool.

And yes I believe if obama had a son it would be just as big a POS as Trayvon was.


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They're the nerds who had their lunch taken when they were young. They grew up sucking on Mommy's tit and now the government has taken her place. They're just strange, strange people. Like you know when a neighbor comes over they're libs because there's just something "off" about them. You just don't even want to hang out with them they think so fucked up.

Not just nerds. Basically any kind of misfit or weirdo that has no ability to think for himself.
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