
Pro Bowler
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Carr and his $12.7 cap number. Which by the way is the highest salary that hits the cap of anyone on the team.
I didn't see Romo's salary listed (maybe because he's on IR)

It still pisses me off that Carr refused to restructure in the off season. He is getting paid like the top players at his position but is playing near the bottom in the league for that position


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Sure the players like Ginger. He's failed miserably and made millions off it. He has no authority to bench anyone or hold anyone accountable and I'm certain they don't view him as the guy who could make personnel decisions on the field. In addition, Garrett's football stupidity takes the heat off of players.

The flaws within this organization are plain as day and while I hate losing, I like the fact Garrett, his offense and this concept that he somehow built a culture and team over the past 5 years is getting exposed for the fraud that it is.
I think the players probably like him okay because he doesn't mess with them. He's just a nice, well-spoken guy who likes to drop the occasional F-bomb to sound tough, but the players know he isn't. Witten or Murray don't want to come out of games? They don't. Dez doesn't want to be on a pitch count coming off injury? He isn't. I go back to the story I've probably told too many times years ago when Broaddus was asked by Gruden before a Monday night game if anyone really coached Romo hard out there at practice and he said, no, they don't. So it's not like he's some hard-ass butt kicker out there. The Garrett fans tried to paint him as that when he took over because he made them wear pads on Wednesdays, but that's not his personality and he doesn't have that authority anyway. The players aren't dumb, they all know Jerry really runs things. Greg Ellis talked about this a couple of years ago when Garrett had been in place for a couple of years already.

And the whole "culture change" thing is such a joke. If anyone bought that years ago, they can't possibly now unless they're just a blind Garrett fanboy. We've brought in more guys with criminal and character problems under Garrett than we have any coach since probably Switzer, or at least maybe Campo: Randle. McClain. Hardy. Gregory. Keeping Josh Brent around. Even some of the bit players who have effort and discipline issues. The whole thing is a lot of nonsense. Even respected people who follow the team closely like Bob Sturm have to admit -- like he did on the pregame show last week -- that Jason never wanted Hardy and never wanted to draft Gregory, but has to sit there and take it because Jerry wants it. They basically admit he's a puppet but won't trash him like they did Wade or Campo because they spent years pumping him up and can't fully admit they were wrong. But they were.
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I hate the Browns. They haven’t played Johnny all season, but preparing him to start on a short week against the undefeated Bengals. Fuck you Pettine!


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I think the players probably like him okay because he doesn't mess with them. He's just a nice, well-spoken guy who likes to drop the occasional F-bomb to sound tough, but the players know he isn't. Witten or Murray don't want to come out of games? They don't. Dez doesn't want to be on a pitch count coming off injury? He isn't. I go back to the story I've probably told too many times years ago when Broaddus was asked by Gruden before a Monday night game if anyone really coached Romo hard out there at practice and he said, no, they don't. So it's not like he's some hard-ass butt kicker out there. The Garrett fans tried to paint him as that when he took over because he made them wear pads on Wednesdays, but that's not his personality and he doesn't have that authority anyway. The players aren't dumb, they all know Jerry really runs things. Greg Ellis talked about this a couple of years ago when Garrett had been in place for a couple of years already.

And the whole "culture change" thing is such a joke. If anyone bought that years ago, they can't possibly now unless they're just a blind Garrett fanboy. We've brought in more guys with criminal and character problems under Garrett than we have any coach since probably Switzer, or at least maybe Campo: Randle. McClain. Hardy. Gregory. Keeping Josh Brent around. Even some of the bit players who have effort and discipline issues. The whole thing is a lot of nonsense. Even respected people who follow the team closely like Bob Sturm have to admit -- like he did on the pregame show last week -- that Jason never wanted Hardy and never wanted to draft Gregory, but has to sit there and take it because Jerry wants it. They basically admit he's a puppet but won't trash him like they did Wade or Campo because they spent years pumping him up and can't fully admit they were wrong. But they were.

Right on TE and I appreciate the tidbits you offer from the various radio shows that a lot of us don't get....good stuff.

It's funny because I was giving some thought a while back to the bolded part of your post regarding the troubled players. It's obvious that Jones knows his time is running out and he's pulling out all the stops. I'm sure Jerry likes Garrett in a fatherly way and probably sees things in Garrett he wished he saw in his sons and even grandson (Spalding....who the fuck names their kid Spalding?). But I don't think he respects Jason as a football coach and why should he? He never hired Jason for his coaching prowess but rather as a type of investment in the future. That's what Jerry does. He's and invester, a risk taker. He took a shot.....and lost.

This is why I think Garrett isn't long for this organization. It's a hunch. Jerry just burned another year with Garrett. Sweet Jesus is whispering in Jerry's ear and it's almost time. I'm going to break open the Johnny Blue the day Garrett is no longer here and I don't think that day is all that far off.


Pro Bowler
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Well we just released Joseph Randall


I guess whatever his personal problems that he has dealing with recently is pretty bad

I wonder why we didn't try to trade him and at least get a pick or something else for him
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