
Anywhere on the line.
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The NFL announced the extra point will now be kicked from the 15-yard line with two-point conversions remaining at the 2-yard line. The new rule also gives the defense the ability to score two points on returns.
According to the rule change, if the defense returns a blocked extra point or failed two-point try for a touchdown (i.e. on an interception), they will be awarded two points. Under the previous rule the ball was dead on a failed try.
NFL vice president of officiating Dean Blandino said teams could change their attempt decision if a penalty occurred. For instance if a team chose to go for two points and were called for an offensive penalty they could then decide to kick a 1-point try.
The approved rule, which was decided on a 30-2 vote by NFL owners, was one of three proposals considered by owners Tuesday at the NFL's Spring League Meeting.
Owners considered a proposal by the New England Patriots similar to the adopted plan, but without the defense's ability to score. A plan proposed by the Philadelphia Eagles called for a 15-yard PAT and the ball on the 1- yard line for two-point tries.
The NFL has been tinkering with the PAT in hopes of making it a more difficult and therefore entertaining play for spectators. The latest change might be just the first step of further adjustments in years to come.
NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport also reported that the Redskins' proposal to have roster cuts done all at once -- moving from 90-man to 53-man rosters prior to the start of the season -- was voted down by owners, per a source.

Source:NFL moves extra point to 15-yard line for 2015 season -


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Getting tired of this shit.

When Romo retires, I'm outta here.


High Plains Drifter
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Personally I liked the goal post upright change better - makes all kicking harder. Hate this 15 yard line PAT shit though.


Quality Starter
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Hate it. Nothing wrong with PATs being a formality. So we want kickers having more impact on the games?

I'm sure they're trying to encourage more 2 point tries, or something.


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I'm okay with it. It makes the game more interesting and doesn't ruin the integrity of the game. Make it happen, Heir Goodell.


Super Moderator
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A FG from the 15 yard line is still just about automatic. Will kicking it from the 15, as opposed tgo the 2, really going to change anyone's mind about the extra point and go for 2 instead? These people are fucking around with the integrity of the game for no reason whatsoever.


High Plains Drifter
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A FG from the 15 yard line is still just about automatic. Will kicking it from the 15, as opposed tgo the 2, really going to change anyone's mind about the extra point and go for 2 instead? These people are fucking around with the integrity of the game for no reason whatsoever.
Yeah when they "experimented" with this, I don't recall too many misses. Certainly not enough to call the experiment a success.


High Plains Drifter
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It's a 19 yard kick, if you snap it from the 2. It's a 32 yard kick if you snap it from the 15. How many 32 yd field goals get missed?

They would have been better off just narrowing the uprights like they did in the Pro Bowl. THAT makes it more interesting IMO.
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Under the new rules, will it be possible to score 2 points from the 15 yard line?

Sure, a coach would have to be crazy to go for 2 points from the 15 instead of the 2 yard line, but then it is possible that a given extra point kick defense would totally fall asleep on a possible fake.

A more likely scenario -- a team attempting a 1 point kick from the 15 yard line could have a bad or bobbled snap and suddenly scramble to throw or run the ball into the endzone. Let's say the offense was successful in getting the ball into the endzone. Would that be 0, 1, or 2 points?
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The FG rate from 32 yards is about 91%. The PAT rate is like 99.9%. The 2 point conversion rate is roughly 50%.

That's a pretty significant decrease in conversion rate from the 15 yard line. Also, the change to allow the defense to score I think is going to make more coaches go for 2. Hell Chip Kelly may go for 2 the majority of the time.

I'm gonna love seeing smoke come out of Garrett's ears trying to figure this shit out. We went for 2 zero times last year. If you score 50% of the time on 2 points, it makes sense to go for 2 every time with those conversion rates.
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If you go for 2 every time, over the course of 100 touchdowns, you will score about 100 extra points. If you kick the PAT every time, for 100 touchdowns, you score 91.

That doesn't consider the odds that a team returns a blocked PAT or gets a turnover on a 2 point conversion and gets 2 points themselves. I would think it's low odds that happens either way, but it may be slightly more likely that a PAT gets returned when kicked from the 15 than an INT or fumble in the end zone.


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The FG rate from 32 yards is about 91%. The PAT rate is like 99.9%. The 2 point conversion rate is roughly 50%.

That's a pretty significant decrease in conversion rate from the 15 yard line. Also, the change to allow the defense to score I think is going to make more coaches go for 2. Hell Chip Kelly may go for 2 the majority of the time.

I'm gonna love seeing smoke come out of Garrett's ears trying to figure this shit out. We went for 2 zero times last year. If you score 50% of the time on 2 points, it makes sense to go for 2 every time with those conversion rates.

It'll be like the NBA and the 3pt shot. I think it was Mike Dunleavy who was explaining how if you just have a guy make 33% of his 3 pointers, that equates to a guy that makes 50% of his two pointers. Therefore it pays to load up a team with outside shooters now. Theoretically you'd be better off attempting 100% of your shots either as lay ups/dunks or 3 pt shots.

While the FG rate you quoted of 91% means it is worthwhile for teams to weight going for two more often, Bailey is basically automatic from under 40 yds so you'd have to weigh whether it was worth the risk to give up the automatic point. With so many clsoe games in the NFL, teams with really good kickers will still elect to take the 1pt IMO. Teams with average or below average kickers would definitely consider it more though.


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If you go for 2 every time, over the course of 100 touchdowns, you will score about 100 extra points. If you kick the PAT every time, for 100 touchdowns, you score 91.


Counselor, that would only be true if you made the 2pt conversion EVERY time. (100x2= 200, 91x1= 91)

You MIGHT net an extra 9 pts if you assume a 50% conversion rate of the 2pt shot AND your kicker fails 9% of the time on the PAT. Again teams with good kickers have a much higher than 91% conversion rate on FG's under 40 yards.

I didnt read the rule change yet, did the NFL add the getting pts for a returned blocked PAT like college has?
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Counselor, that would only be true if you made the 2pt conversion EVERY time. (100x2= 200, 91x1= 91)
My statement is correct. If you made the 2 pointer every time, then it would be 200 points, not 100.

You MIGHT net an extra 9 pts if you assume a 50% conversion rate of the 2pt shot AND your kicker fails 9% of the time on the PAT. Again teams with good kickers have a much higher than 91% conversion rate on FG's under 40 yards.
Yeah, this is assuming league-wide numbers. It certainly depends on your kicker. Plus the kicker gets to line up the PAT anywhere between the hashmarks, which they don't get to do on FG attempts. But if it's not 100% makes from 15 yards out, then mathematically it makes sense to go for two every time if there's a 50% conversion rate. I also tend to think if the coaches devote more time and practice to going for 2, those conversion rates will go up. Kicking a PAT hasn't always been an automatic thing, but practicing it over and over has increased the reliability. I think the same will happen with going for 2.

I didnt read the rule change yet, did the NFL add the getting pts for a returned blocked PAT like college has?
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Kickers, coaches react to PAT rule change

By Conor Orr
Around The NFL Writer
Published: May 20, 2015 at 08:29 a.m.
Updated: May 20, 2015 at 09:47 a.m.

Amid an offseason of sweeping change, the NFL has now added the extra point to its list of alterations.

For the full rundown, check out colleague Kevin Patra's piece here. Basically, the extra point try will be moved back to the 15-yard line and two-point conversions will remain at the 2-yard line. Defenses can now score on returns.

Not surprisingly, the change elicited a wide range of opinions around the league. Kickers are mostly against it while some coaches are intrigued.

Here's a quick morning-after run down of the first reactions:

Ravens kicker Justin Tucker: "I think the idea is to add excitement to every single play, but really what it does is make every kicker's job a little bit harder," he said, per the Ravens' team site. "The guys that do well with it, it increases their value."

Former Cardinals kicker Jay Feely: "Don't like it," Feely told The Arizona Republic. "Sixty or so more plays that offensive linemen can be injured because they are in a precarious position and defenses will undoubtedly rush harder from the 15 with the ability to score."

Cowboys coach Jason Garrett: "Well obviously it makes the extra point that much more challenging," Garrett said, via "I think the percentage to make a PAT the way it is is north of 98 percent, and I think it's about 93 percent to kick a field goal that's 33 yards. So there's a little bit of a difference there obviously. I'm glad they did the thing where the defense can return it and get two points. I think that's a good rule, and I'm glad they kept it at the 2-yard line."

Broncos coach Gary Kubiak: "It'll be interesting, because I don't really think things are going to change, except the fact that percentage goes down from 32 or 33 yards," Kubiak said via the team's official web site. "So the minute you miss an extra point, the two-point play comes into effect."

Broncos kicker Connor Barth: "Narrowing the uprights would make it a lot more challenging than moving the extra point," Barth said via The Denver Post. "Most guys can hit 33-yarders in their sleep."

He added: "It'll probably change the percentages a little bit, but we're all pretty good kickers, and I still think we'll be in the high 90 percent range on extra points from the 15," he said. "I think they're just trying to find something to change."

Personally, I agree with Barth. Having seen the Pro Bowl in person this year, I can attest for how frustrated the kickers were with the skinny goal posts and increased distance put together. That would truly force offensive coordinators to re-think the traditional three-down offense.



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My statement is correct. If you made the 2 pointer every time, then it would be 200 points, not 100.


Its only true if you make it every time. If everybody knew they were gonna make it every time, they'd do it without even thinking about it.

Except for Midswat. He's a ****** and probably couldnt figure that out.
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