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By Kevin Patra
Around the League writer
Published: March 27, 2014 at 08:42 a.m. Updated: March 27, 2014 at 09:30 a.m.

Jerry Jones isn't yet making any demands on the Dallas Cowboys' 2014 performance.

The man who said he wouldn't rebuild while quarterback Tony Romo still was slinging the pigskin with a star on his helmet, insists embattled coach Jason Garrett doesn't have to make the playoffs in 2014 to keep his job.

"I don't think so," Jones said at the NFL Annual Meeting, per the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "I don't look at it that way at all. It's no secret that we probably are shoulder to shoulder on the success we'd like for this team to have with him as head coach and what it would do for our fans' future, our future.

"He's more capable today than he was when he took over as head coach. If that arrow is going up, it just makes sense to have our future with Jason."

Jones has invested much in Garrett over the years and hasn't seen results. Garrett is just 29-27 in three and a half seasons helming the Cowboys, including an 8-8 three-peat.

"We really haven't talked about (my future)," Garrett said Wednesday. " ... We've played in the Week 17 game to win the division the last three years. We put ourselves in the position to achieve our immediate goal, which is to win the NFC East."

Garrett's influence on the offense -- the part of the game he hung his hat on -- has been diluted with Bill Callahan taking over play-calling duties in 2013 and the offseason hiring of Scott Linehan to the crowded offensive room.

Jones can talk up Garrett all he wants, but a fifth consecutive season out of the playoffs (the team's longest streak since 1986 to 1990) would make it difficult for the owner to justify sticking with Garrett.


Pro Bowler
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If some of you already noticed or maybe not have noticed, but I haven't been on here much lately. I'll poke up in here once in awhile. But after this... I'm pretty much done. I used to think that if it wasn't for stupidity, it'd be sabotage. But I realize now that with Jerry, those two are not mutually exclusive.

People compare Jones to Al Davis. I disagree. Say what you want about the late Al Davis, but if Garrett was his coach, he would have been fired after the second 8-8 season and losing the last game of the season with the playoffs on the line. Al Davis was not shy about firing coaches.


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I've been saying for awhile that I think Garrett gets extended


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"We really haven't talked about (my future)," Garrett said Wednesday. " ... We've played in the Week 17 game to win the division the last three years. We put ourselves in the position to achieve our immediate goal, which is to win the NFC East."
I can't believe he constantly brings this up as such a big point in his favor.

Hey dumbass, you've flopped horribly all three years when you had the division there for the taking. That's not a positive.

I'm with Laz and Mid. Al Davis might have made idiotic hires (Kiffin) but at least he'd admit his mistake and turn on them just as fast. If Jerry gives his pet an extension after years of suckage, I'm done.


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Rewarding failure does not set the proper tone for the players. Why is that so hard for the Jones boys to understand?

Thank God Baseball and Soccer seasons have started. I need the distraction.


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If Garrett gets extended minus a playoff birth, I'm done with the team altogether.

This is pretty much me only minus a playoff win.

Would be convenient for me too. After next season, I'll be moving onto a 4-year school and I'm trying to take on more responsibility with coaching. This teams sucks up a lot of time and since we are so damn inept, it's time spent being miserable.
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itt: false bravado.

ya'll bitches ain't goin nowhere

You'd be suprised. I barely root for the team anymore as it is. And I was a fanatic just a few years ago.

I'm pretty much barely a fan and mostly mock the team anymore.


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itt: false bravado.

ya'll bitches ain't goin nowhere

No, I'm serious. The passion is fading. I used to plan to go to 1 or 2 road games a year plus training camp. Next year, no plans. I'm trying to actually work in football now that the kids are grown and I can take a chance making less money. It isn't a threat, it's a realization. I used to be pretty passionate about baseball but the Dodgers never gave a f, so I stopped watching and then stopped caring. I'm less interested in basketball after about 10 years of watching my daughter play a million games of AAU, high school, and college games. I love football and hope to spend the rest of my life learning about it and getting better at coaching, evaluating, and whatever else comes with the job. I'm just able to contemplate not being so passionate(obsessed) about the Cowboys, something I could never even dream of saying for most of my life.

I'll miss you the most superpunk.


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I don't know. One of the huge responsibilities Sunday morning is breaking down tape from Saturday night's game, marking it, and getting it back out to the players. It's all online now which makes it much more efficient but still takes a ton of time. This particular head coach wants it done by a certain time Sunday morning and also calls a lot of coach's meetings. Then, that's pretty much the only day you don't have an afternoon practice (or game). I can see it happening.
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Should we just name the forum Jon88's Playground and just have thread after thread of youtube vids?


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I've been saying for awhile that I think Garrett gets extended

If he were gonna get extended despite mediocrity, he would have already been extended.

Dude is fucking gone if they fail this year. Jerry is lying by saying otherwise.
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I don't know. One of the huge responsibilities Sunday morning is breaking down tape from Saturday night's game, marking it, and getting it back out to the players. It's all online now which makes it much more efficient but still takes a ton of time. This particular head coach wants it done by a certain time Sunday morning and also calls a lot of coach's meetings. Then, that's pretty much the only day you don't have an afternoon practice (or game). I can see it happening.

No homo/couchscout but you glean anything from this that helped you understand cowboy onfield failures


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When I watch our film I have the advantage of knowing the play called and the read so if a DB misses something I know exactly who's fault it was and what should have happened. When you watch a Cowboys game, you think you can tell what happened but you don't know the specifics, so it's just opinion and guesses. I can't tell if the coverage schemes are overly simple/basic or if the DB's are just morons who aren't reading the play correctly and/or executing. Combination of both? I do see what the quarterbacks are seeing and that's easy gaps in the zone and safeties making the wrong read. I can say that because there isn't a scheme in existence that asks the Safety in deep middle to jump the underneath route when two men enter his zone.
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