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According to a report from Amnesty International, a seriously ill and pregnant El Salvadorian woman may face jail time if she goes forward with a lifesaving and medically recommended abortion. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances in El Salvador.

The 22-year-old mother of one, identified only as Beatriz, is four-and-a-half months pregnant, but her doctors have confirmed that the fetus has anencephaly (developing without a brain and certain parts of the skull) and that the pregnancy is nonviable. In addition to the fetal diagnosis, Beatriz is experiencing critical health complications related to her lupus and kidney disease.

The hospital treating Beatriz requested legal permission to perform the abortion more than a month ago, but authorities have still not agreed to let them proceed. Now, if government policy and religious ideology interfering with a woman’s right to access abortion care or a doctor’s ability to exercise medical judgment and save a woman’s life sounds familiar, it should.

As reported by Amnesty:

Doctor say Beatriz could die if she continues with the pregnancy, but have not yet treated her because they fear that if they end the pregnancy they might be prosecuted under the country’s total ban on abortion…

The country’s Penal Code states that anyone seeking or carrying out an abortion could be given a long prison sentence. This means both doctors and Beatriz would be at risk of imprisonment if a termination is carried out.

“Beatriz’s situation is desperate and must not wait any longer. Her very chances of survival depend on a decision from the authorities,” Esther Major, Amnesty International’s researcher on Central America, said in a statement.

Beatriz has taken her request for medical services to El Salvador’s Supreme Court, where it is currently being considered.

“We hope that the Supreme Court treats this case with the urgency it merits, given that Beatriz’s life and health are at risk. She is suffering cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in being denied the medical intervention she so urgently needs,” Major said.


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It's like House said. If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.


Pro Bowler
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I understand why people are religious - they've been indoctrinated since they were children. I've finally come to the conclusion that it's not for me anymore (to put it as nice as I can). I realize I offend people when I speak out against religion, but I'm just trying to do my part to open people's eyes to it.


In the Rotation
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Ben,God is Reason and Logic.
Let me ask you,do you kill or steal from your fellow man? you?
You are not religious,but you do apply some fundamental rules to your daily life don't you?
Where do you think those rules came from,Ben?
The bible is an instruction manual for man.


In the Rotation
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I understand why people are religious - they've been indoctrinated since they were children. I've finally come to the conclusion that it's not for me anymore (to put it as nice as I can). I realize I offend people when I speak out against religion, but I'm just trying to do my part to open people's eyes to it.

You don't offend me.
You are entitled to your opinion.
Funny enough,I became more in tune with my spirituality in my late 30's.
Looking back,I attended catholic school from 1st to 12th grade and mocked the process every time I could.
But life is a never ending lesson.
Spiritual awakening happens to all,in it's due time and circumstances.
To some early in life,and to some seconds before their demise,but believe me,it happens.


Practice Squad
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Ben,God is Reason and Logic.
Let me ask you,do you kill or steal from your fellow man? you?
You are not religious,but you do apply some fundamental rules to your daily life don't you?
Where do you think those rules came from,Ben?
The bible is an instruction manual for man.

I know, but in my view the Bible, the Quran, etc., is just something man made used to control people.


In the Rotation
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I know, but in my view the Bible, the Quran, etc., is just something man made used to control people.

That is an easy way out,but does not answer the basic question.
What is the origin of the moral code?
Why there are lines we shall not cross?
Those questions can be easily answered in a place where man is civil.
What does happen when man abandons logic,reason and law?
Again,you may not be religious at all,but,are you a good man?
Why are you a good man?...who raised you in a controlled environment to assure you developed into a man of good will?
Where are the roots of that moral code?


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It's like House said. If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.

I think you mean convince. Reason is a word that has been co-opted by certain groups to mean it applies exclusively to their own opinions.

There's plenty of justification for a belief God, from an historical standpoint, a prophetic standpoint and simply, through faith. I understand a person without faith in God doesn't understand faith in God. They'll regularly (and incorrectly) state they only believe what they can see, touch and prove and an 'unseen' God is so abstracted from a physical world that it does appear foolish.

As for the bible being used to control man, it certainly has been misused to that purpose, and mostly because people throughout history have not bothered to actually read it and allowed themselves to be misled.

No in their right mind, upon studying the bible would allow themselves to be subjugated to clowns in big robes and earthly hierarchies with which to be led by the nose.


In the Rotation
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In communist USSR,they conducted an experiment in the classrooms to indoctrinate the children.
The experiment was simple.
Have two potted plants by the classroom window.One was to be watered daily,and the other was to be left alone.
The point to make was the following:
The plant that was watered represented government action in the lives of the people.
The plant that was left alone represented the "will of God".
Naturally,the watered plant grew and thrived while the other one withered and died.
The lesson was simple.
Government feeds you.
God does not.

Reason and logic were also casualties of that lesson.
Hence the catastrophic results of that frame of mind.


Practice Squad
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I think you mean convince. Reason is a word that has been co-opted by certain groups to mean it applies exclusively to their own opinions.

There's plenty of justification for a belief God, from an historical standpoint, a prophetic standpoint and simply, through faith. I understand a person without faith in God doesn't understand faith in God. They'll regularly (and incorrectly) state they only believe what they can see, touch and prove and an 'unseen' God is so abstracted from a physical world that it does appear foolish.

As for the bible being used to control man, it certainly has been misused to that purpose, and mostly because people throughout history have not bothered to actually read it and allowed themselves to be misled.

No in their right mind, upon studying the bible would allow themselves to be subjugated to clowns in big robes and earthly hierarchies with which to be led by the nose.

Plenty of justification for God? Perhaps. But a Christian God? As in Mary got knocked up by God. I mean, that must have been like copulating with a whale. Then all the symbolic nonsense in the Bible, the controlling rhetoric, etc. Religion has killed more people than anything and it's just a book of fiction. Yet people are still clinging to the opium of the people!


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And you're both 9/11 Truthers, too! You have so many things in common. :)

I am sure those two beliefs are completely unrelated and don't say anything about them (except that that they are "critical thinkers" I am sure).


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Plenty of justification for God? Perhaps. But a Christian God? As in Mary got knocked up by God. I mean, that must have been like copulating with a whale. Then all the symbolic nonsense in the Bible, the controlling rhetoric, etc. Religion has killed more people than anything and it's just a book of fiction. Yet people are still clinging to the opium of the people!

Socialists have killed more people in the modern enlightened era. hmm...

Many that bash Christians and religion in general just worship at a different alter whether they are aware of it or not.
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