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Thanks for giving us your opinion Newt.

Abraham Lincoln was pretty radical in his day.

FDR and Andrew Jackson were too.

Let me get this straight. A thread full of opinions and the one I give gets a wise ass remark thanking me for it? Or are you just upset that my opinion is stronger than yours? Or should I be a sheep like you apparently want everyone to be.

The hypocrisy coming from your side is alarming. The lack of self awareness is actually frightening.

Oh and I'll give you Lincoln.


Practice Squad
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As an aside I would say republicans/conservatives have been getting dirty for a long time. One only has to read the staunch conservative opinions on this board. Quite honestly I'm tired of all the rhetoric it isn't accomplishing anything. You all on both sides can stand pat your stupid uncompromising ideologies and we can all watch the country go down the crapper. Nothing gets done when ideologues rule the day and I would put the president in that mix.

Please, just look at how the media treated Bush. Its been 12 straight years of Democrats playing in the dirt. Let's see how Obama handles an attack on our soil. People may disagree with Bush and his decision to go to war but at least he stood up and punched back. My money is on a bunch of talk from Obama.

And gun control is one issue. You don't know where I stand on anything else. Quit the ideological name calling because I'm not one. I'm all for getting shit done. There should be very little negotiations where gun control is concerned though. It's as ridiculous as.........banning bombs.
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I call em as I see em, but you are correct I don't know your positions on other issues. It would be interesting to see. Start a thread or pm me and we can do it together it could be fun.

In another note isn't it already illegal to own, make, or possess bombs? I don't get that whole argument.
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Let me get this straight. A thread full of opinions and the one I give gets a wise ass remark thanking me for it? Or are you just upset that my opinion is stronger than yours? Or should I be a sheep like you apparently want everyone to be.

The hypocrisy coming from your side is alarming. The lack of self awareness is actually frightening.

Oh and I'll give you Lincoln.

What side would that be?

As far as your opinion being stronger and me wanting everyone to be sheep, all I can say is wow you really don't know what you're talking about. (In regards to my opinions)
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That little boy who died had a sister lose a leg in the bombing. Horrible.

An 11 year old got shrapnel in his leg.


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I call em as I see em, but you are correct I don't know your positions on other issues. It would be interesting to see. Start a thread or pm me and we can do it together it could be fun.

In another note isn't it already illegal to own, make, or possess bombs? I don't get that whole argument.

That was the entire point. It is illegal.


Practice Squad
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What side would that be?

As far as your opinion being stronger and me wanting everyone to be sheep, all I can say is wow you really don't know what you're talking about. (In regards to my opinions)

I based it on your comment calling me Newt. You were brow beating my opinion. The only conclusion I can come to is that you don't want me to have my opinion or to simply keep it to myself. That's the opinion of the other side when it comes to gun control.


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We need to figure out a way to stop this. If that means screening certain people more heavily that want to immigrate here, so be it.

I find it ridiculous that I have to take my shoes off at the airport and have some of my liquid containers confiscated. They know god damn well I'm not a terrorist. They need to profile the shit out of people and make them take their shoes off. If they don't like it they need to tell their family and friends to stop blowing shit up.


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I don't think there's any real way to make everybody 100% safe.

That's why anti gun laws are stupid. Bad people will find ways to do bad things. If they cant buy guns in stores, they will get guns on the black market. If they cant find any guns, they'll start building bombs or using poisons. They'll use matches and gasoline to burn things up. They'll drive cars into things or people.

The idea that you might go away for 10-20 years or so and have someone else pay for all your food, clothing, shelter, healthcare etc etc isn't much of a deterrent to people who are clearly fucked in the head. Even when some of these losers get the death penalty, they still get to live for 10, 20 30 years or more while our ridiculous court system lets them appeal to 5000 levels of people (which tax payers end also up paying for)


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If you ask me as a foreigner this type of thinking is what gets you in trouble. Why would you consider that a nationality makes you better? Do you apply it to race, creed or anything else? It also fosters this global cop idea and an us against the world stand, all things that lead to confrontation.

Mexican politicians aren't worth shit, the only thing they've kinda gotten right is a live and let live attitude.

Maybe a poor choice of words. I do think this country allows us certain freedoms that we don't see elsewhere, but there are other fine countries around the world. I guess I should have compared it to those that are known for more heinous human rights problems.

I don't agree with the global cop idea and I actually think that is what fosters a lot of bad blood between the U.S. and the rest of the world. Like it or not, we do tend to create some of our own problems by sticking our noses in other countries business.


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We do need to mind our own business around the world when it doesn't concern us, but it still doesn't give them any right to kill innocent people. If they want to kill people they need to kill the politicians who are behind all the policies and invasions that are making them so angry.


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We do need to mind our own business around the world when it doesn't concern us, but it still doesn't give them any right to kill innocent people. If they want to kill people they need to kill the politicians who are behind all the policies and invasions that are making them so angry.

Oh, don't get me wrong. This was a horrible tragedy. I saw a picture today that was just terrible. I hope they catch the person/people responsible for this and whatever punishment they throw at them, it probably isn't severe enough.
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