
Pro Bowler
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Really more to do with priorities, but whatever.

It's stunning that we have a system wherein people can afford luxuries but if faced with a medical emergency - the necessity of health care, a basic human right - would find themselves in the poor house.
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It's stunning that we have a system wherein people can afford luxuries but if faced with a medical emergency - the necessity of health care, a basic human right - would find themselves in the poor house.
Just make up law as you go along eh? Sounds familiar.


Pro Bowler
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Probably because that's how every law in history has been made. You see a need for a law, you make it, ta-daaaa a law. They don't just magically appear I would think you would know that. Pieces of paper are hardly the sole arbiters of what basic human rights are.
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Probably because that's how every law in history has been made. You see a need for a law, you make it, ta-daaaa a law. They don't just magically appear I would think you would know that. Pieces of paper are hardly the sole arbiters of what basic human rights are.
No, you misread me. Not making up "a law" as in a bill that passes some kind of legislative authority, making up "law" as in legal theory.

The term basic human rights infers the basest of the basic rights that have been accepted as things a person cannot and should not do without for centuries. Health care has never been held to be a basic human right... ever.

So you're making up law.


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Health care as we know it is a pretty recent development. It's idiotic to argue that it should NOT be something easily accessible to people and affordable. Right now in this country the health care corporations are operating in what amounts to a monopoly and using their fortunes to influence politicians and any idiot who is stupid enough to listen to their "socialized medicine will never work guys" arguments. Time for someone to do some good old fashioned trust-busting.
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I like to insult people who disagree with me. It makes me feel like a winner!

I'm suprised the human race hasn't gone extinct. What without gubment provided healthcare for the past few thousands of years.


Pro Bowler
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Well we'll hardly go extinct but the government's role is to protect the people. If one group has access to life-saving materials and is using that leverage to create untenable conditions for the people that is a situation where the government finds itself needing to step in. It IS idiotic to argue otherwise, not an insult just a truth. If you fall for the lobbying and party lines then that's your problem, not mine.
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Well we'll hardly go extinct but the government's role is to protect the people. If one group has access to life-saving materials and is using that leverage to create untenable conditions for the people that is a situation where the government finds itself needing to step in. It IS idiotic to argue otherwise, not an insult just a truth. If you fall for the lobbying and party lines then that's your problem, not mine.

Should the gubment also provide housing for the people? And jobs for the people? Should the gubment also put three square meals on every citizens table daily?

You know, in the name of "protecting the people?"


Pro Bowler
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There are plenty of affordable options for all of those things, idiot.

The government doesn't have to provide healthcare, just create an environment that makes it affordable and available to everyone. Socializing it would be a great way to do that, but it's not the only option.
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There are plenty of affordable options for all of those things, idiot.

The government doesn't have to provide healthcare, just create an environment that makes it affordable and available to everyone. Socializing it would be a great way to do that, but it's not the only option.

But you seem to be more advocating free healthcare for all, no?

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Health care as we know it is a pretty recent development. It's idiotic to argue that it should NOT be something easily accessible to people and affordable. Right now in this country the health care corporations are operating in what amounts to a monopoly and using their fortunes to influence politicians and any idiot who is stupid enough to listen to their "socialized medicine will never work guys" arguments. Time for someone to do some good old fashioned trust-busting.
Health care isn't a recent development. Health insurance is. Just because one aspect of health care is a recent development doesn't make something a basic human right. And the health care corporations actions regarding all of this don't turn it into a basic human right. Why don't we just start with that instead of rewriting the constitution?

And FYI, I've never argued that health care shouldn't be easily accessible or affordable. You're reading things into arguments that aren't there. To you, if we're against government mandated and government run health care then we must be against people being healthy, and we just want them all to die. Damn Christians. Cause Christians never need health care.

It has nothing to do with our religion. It has everything to do with your religion (Liberalism/Socialism) running this Country into the ground.
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Pro Bowler
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I personally think socialized health care would be the best way to do it but if someone else comes up with a better plan then let's hear their idea. If they can find a way to get cancer medicine companies to compete against each other and get prices so low that anyone can afford it then let's do that, but the healthcare companies have kept that from happening via lobbying and taking advantage of idiots like you who will rant and rave at the first sign of the government having a hand in anything.

So yeah socialize it. It will increase all of our tax burden, but as a human being who would like other human beings to get the help they need when they need it without it financially ruining them I am willing to accept that. I feel like Jesus would say the same.


Pro Bowler
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Health care isn't a recent development. Health insurance is. Just because one aspect of health care is a recent development doesn't make something a basic human right. And the health care corporations actions regarding all of this don't turn it into a basic human right. Why don't we just start with that instead of rewriting the constitution?

And FYI, I've never argued that it shouldn't be easily accessible or affordable.

Pieces of paper written hundreds of years ago by rich white slave owners should not be looked at as the sum total of human rights.
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Pieces of paper written hundreds of years ago by rich white slave owners should not be looked at as the sum total of human rights.
The concept of human rights has been around long before Thomas Jefferson. Either that or Jefferson was a genius, and no amount of slave-owning can change that. Pick one.
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My tax burden is high enough.

If my neighbor gets cancer and he has no insurance, he can fuck off and die. Take that being a burden to society shit and shove it up your non-insured ass.

Smaller government is the key.

Real talk.
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It’s always the Christians that have the least compassion towards their fellow man. They can “fuck off and die” lol.

As an Atheist, i believe everyone has a right to affordable healthcare. The system is obviously broken.
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