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Broaddus: 12 Things Highlighted by Handling Watt, Bryant’s Play​

My biggest concern going into this matchup with the Texans was how would the Cowboys offensive line handle the movement of J.J. Watt up and down the line of scrimmage. I thought it would be difficult to try and double-team him, scheme-wise, especially if he was playing inside over the guards. Where the Cowboys did manage to have some success with Watt is even if he was being single blocked, there was a blocker that was able to keep on eye on him and get off quickly and help if that single block was struggling. With the way that Murray was picking up linebackers on the blitz, it allowed the offensive line to pay closer attention to where Watt was and what he was doing.

No matter how hard these defensive coordinators try and take Dez Bryant out of the game, he will continue to find ways to make plays. I thought that Texans cornerback Jonathan Joseph played him well, and for carrying him the majority of this game, he really deserves a tip of the cap for his effort. But, it just wasn't good enough. Standing on the sideline in overtime, when I saw that ball leave Romo's hand, I thought he was throwing it away and there was no shot for Bryant to make that play, but he did. This game was a gut check for Bryant.

He had to fight for space all day, and that wasn't easy. What I am starting to realize about Bryant is the harder that opposing coordinators make it for him, the more likely he is to rise to the challenge.

I have to admit that after the Dan Bailey missed field goal at the end of regulation, I was nervous for him when he lined up and kicked the game-winner in overtime. That is the first time I have ever felt like that for him since he took over the kicking duties. I promise not to ever feel like that again.

The numbers say that DeMarco Murray had 31 carries in this game and I guarantee you that he felt every one of them. The Texans did a really nice job of closing off the running lanes that the offensive line had been creating the last three weeks. For Murray to have big runs, he has to have those lanes and that wasn't the case on Sunday. Head coach Jason Garrett called them "dirty carries," which is the perfect description of Murray’s game.

As much as I want to tell you that Terrance Williams will one day snatch the ball out of the air like Dez Bryant, it's not going to happen folks. Williams made a heck of a catch on the 43-yard touchdown, but his drop on third down right before the half was dreadful. Williams will always revert back to trapping the ball against his body because that’s the most comfortable way for him to do it, no matter how hard he works at it.

Jason Witten continues to make us all look smart for drafting him in 2003. Proud to say I was in the room that day. He is truly a one of a kind player.

As well as the Cowboys special teams has played over the first four games, their performance against the Texans was not one of their better efforts. I was especially disappointed in C.J. Spillman, who struggled badly in the return game as a blocker. I understand that Spillman had a rough couple of days off the field, but multiple holding calls does this squad no good.

Want a stat that helps you understand why the Cowboys won this game? The offense managed to convert 57 percent on third downs against the league-leading defense in that category. The Texans thrive on getting their opponents in those situations where they can cause the most problems, scheme-wise, but Cowboys were outstanding in not allowing them to control the game that way.

I really liked what I saw from J.J. Wilcox in regards to playing better with his eyes. There have been too many times this season when I didn't feel like he was really seeing the play develop, and it caused him to take a crazy angle to the ball or miss a tackle. He was a much better player in space today, and by playing that way it allowed him to finish more plays. It was a nice step in the right direction.

Have never heard a quarterback come to the podium and tell the writers that he was forced to use a silent count for the majority of the game, so they could run their offense while playing at home. I am not blaming the Cowboys fans, but that was the loudest I had ever heard a visiting crowd in this stadium. And I have seen every home

game that has been played here.

The Cowboys cannot afford to have both Rolando McClain and Bruce Carter out. It will be very close whether Carter makes it back this week, but to also have McClain once again dealing with his groin injury potentially puts this defense in a huge bind. From my seat in the press box, it appeared that Justin Durant was all over the place, and that is positive, but I honestly didn't notice Anthony Hitchens as much, although I will check the film on Monday.

The Orange Nike Shoes are now 4-0 this season.
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I have to admit that after the Dan Bailey missed field goal at the end of regulation, I was nervous for him when he lined up and kicked the game-winner in overtime. That is the first time I have ever felt like that for him since he took over the kicking duties. I promise not to ever feel like that again.

I was shocked Beetle Bailey missed that FG, also. He came through in OT, though. :rainbowdance
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I was very surprised by Garrett's decision to have Bailey kick a 48 yard field goal on third down during overtime (with plenty of time left in the period). I fully expected the offense to attempt to shorten the distance.

Bailey made the kick, so it is difficult to argue that Garrett's strategy was wrong.

It is remarkable that Bailey is as good as he is and that the team has as much confidence in him as they do.

In the exact same situation (in overtime with plenty of time left), I gotta believe that the vast majority of coaches would try to make the kick easier for their kicker. 48 yards is a long kick ....


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Its amazing when a FG kicker is so good that the masses believe even a 53-54 yd FG should be automatic.
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