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The officer has now died as of 9:30pm Thursday night

CNN is only reporting that he succumbed to his injuries he received during the riots.

Tragic and sad. Fox News stated this morning that he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Not sure if that lead to his death but here's a Tweet I found:



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I'd be hard pressed to believe that this officer was assaulted by a Trump supporter, especially since we've seen this type of conduct all summer from the left. Hell, an Vegas officer was cowardly shot in the back of the head during an ANTIFA protest.

Either way, no matter who it was, even if it was a Trump supporter, that person must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And therein lies the difference. Law abiding citizens demand equal justice and reprehensible/criminal conduct can not be excused. I want the facts reported accurately so we all know what happened and who is responsible.


Pro Bowler
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Here is a portion of an article posted this morning and dated 1/8/2021 from American Military news

“Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters,” the USCP read. “He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”



In the Rotation
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I'm too lazy to check all the history, but to my knowledge isn't it pretty much across the board that run off turn-out is always substantially less than a general election?
True, but this one was a bit different. Much more publicity and money. Democrats got a higher turnout for both senate candidates. I do believe we have to give credence to the theory than Republicans did not vote because they thought the election was rigged anyway. Sounds stupid, but there is evidence to support this.


In the Rotation
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The hypocrisy on the left knows no bounds

Now they are outraged when a cop dies


I know I’ve already posted this meme but in this case it bears repeating

The cop had a stroke. The article does not say if the stroke was the result of a head injury, or some other injury, surgery or a predisposition or medical condition. But the fact that they are not providing more details about how he suffered a stroke tells me it has nothing to do with the protest. He could have had the same stroke if he was sitting on his couch watching TV. The goal of the media is to put the blame of his death on Trump and the protestors. It is sickening. It just makes me more angry because I still have the images of BLM supporters running over cops with SUVs in NYC. Incidents we heard little about.

A young woman was shot dead in the capitol. Her death should be the focus because it was deliberate and unnecessary.


In the Rotation
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Here is a portion of an article posted this morning and dated 1/8/2021 from American Military news

“Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters,” the USCP read. “He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”

Remember this? Democrats were silent.


Pro Bowler
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Does anyone know where exactly in the building Ashli Babbit was shot and killed by security?

I know she was entering thru a broken window when she was shot. But what area/chamber was she physically climbing into when she was shot?

The reason I ask is because I’m wondering why security decided to make a stand there?

If she was about to gain access to where Pence was then I fully understand them shooting her to protect the VP. But if she was just gaining access to another part of the building where none of the politicians were then why did security decide to draw the line in the sand right there?


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Does anyone know where exactly in the building Ashli Babbit was shot and killed by security?

I know she was entering thru a broken window when she was shot. But what area/chamber was she physically climbing into when she was shot?

The reason I ask is because I’m wondering why security decided to make a stand there?

If she was about to gain access to where Pence was then I fully understand them shooting her to protect the VP. But if she was just gaining access to another part of the building where none of the politicians were then why did security decide to draw the line in the sand right there?

I am soooo torn on this Scott. I'm pretty confident that the officer will be cleared, especially with all the rhetoric attacking the protestors as rioters and insurgents. If this was a BLM/ANTIFA protest, I wonder if the officer would have pulled the trigger. I'm so sick of these idiots who take to social media and act like the police acted differently in the Capital protest then they did during the BLM protests. Those protests were far more violent and the police stood down most of the time or used pepper spray, even as they were being run over or attacked.

I've been in that type of scenario and I chose to stay behind cover and not take further action and the situation was far more dire in the sense that shots were fired by the suspect so he was armed and advancing. But I'm not certain that was the right time for the officer to take that action. He had to step away from his cover and shoot the unarmed lady who was trying to climb through the window. Not smart at all on her part, especially if she noticed the officers who were at gun point from the video I saw.


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I am soooo torn on this Scott. I'm pretty confident that the officer will be cleared, especially with all the rhetoric attacking the protestors as rioters and insurgents. If this was a BLM/ANTIFA protest, I wonder if the officer would have pulled the trigger. I'm so sick of these idiots who take to social media and act like the police acted differently in the Capital protest then they did during the BLM protests. Those protests were far more violent and the police stood down most of the time or used pepper spray, even as they were being run over or attacked.

I've been in that type of scenario and I chose to stay behind cover and not take further action and the situation was far more dire in the sense that shots were fired by the suspect so he was armed and advancing. But I'm not certain that was the right time for the officer to take that action. He had to step away from his cover and shoot the unarmed lady who was trying to climb through the window. Not smart at all on her part, especially if she noticed the officers who were at gun point from the video I saw.

A couple things here

One of the cell phone videos of the incident I saw had one of the guys saying watch out, gun, gun, gun, get back, he’s got a gun. (Or something along those lines) Then she starts to climb inside and then gets shot

So it’s not like it came out of nowhere and that she didn’t have at least the smallest amount of warning before she was shot. (Plus you can hear security yelling at her and warning her before they shot her, you just can’t make out what they are saying because of all the commotion) They were screaming gun before she climbed inside. That was her decision to climb inside after hearing someone say watch out, he’s got a gun. I’m sure she thought there was no way he would shoot her.

And that’s the reason I asked what part of the building she was attempting to enter.

If the area she was attempting to gain access to was just another part of the building where none of the politicians were then she shouldn’t have been shot

But if she/they were about to breech the chamber where the VP was held up then I see no problem with her getting shot. Do I agree with it? No, but I completely understand it. It’s the fucking VPOTUS and an angry mob is about to breech the area where he is held up. Of course they are going to use deadly force to protect the VP.


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A couple things here

One of the cell phone videos of the incident I saw had one of the guys saying watch out, gun, gun, gun, get back, he’s got a gun. (Or something along those lines) Then she starts to climb inside and then gets shot

So it’s not like it came out of nowhere and that she didn’t have at least the smallest amount of warning before she was shot. (Plus you can hear security yelling at her and warning her before they shot her, you just can’t make out what they are saying because of all the commotion) They were screaming gun before she climbed inside. That was her decision to climb inside after hearing someone say watch out, he’s got a gun. I’m sure she thought there was no way he would shoot her.

And that’s the reason I asked what part of the building she was attempting to enter.

If the area she was attempting to gain access to was just another part of the building where none of the politicians were then she shouldn’t have been shot

But if she/they were about to breech the chamber where the VP was held up then I see no problem with her getting shot. Do I agree with it? No, but I completely understand it. It’s the fucking VPOTUS and an angry mob is about to breech the area where he is held up. Of course they are going to use deadly force to protect the VP.

Agree 100%. I didn't hear the warnings. Like I said in my post, the poor gal was dumb to climb through knowing there are men with guns. I also thought I read that the VPOTUS was evacuated but who knows with all the people protesting in the area. All very tragic indeed......


Defense Wins Championships
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The part of the building was a hallway called "The Speaker's Lobby." It's a hallway that has several entrance's to the House floor chamber. At one time, many decades ago, it was the Speaker of the House's "lobby." But it has other functions now.

It's my understanding all of the top Senators and Reps. and VP Pence were no longer in the chamber at the time she was climbing over the barricaded entrance.

As to "guns" being around, there were several cops with guns near her, on the same side of entrance to the Speaker's Lobby hallway.

Here is a video of a tour of the Speaker's Lobby from C-SPAN:



Pro Bowler
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The part of the building was a hallway called "The Speaker's Lobby." It's a hallway that has several entrance's to the House floor chamber. At one time, many decades ago, it was the Speaker of the House's "lobby." But it has other functions now.

It's my understanding all of the top Senators and Reps. and VP Pence were no longer in the chamber at the time she was climbing over the barricaded entrance.

As to "guns" being around, there were several cops with guns near her, on the same side of entrance to the Speaker's Lobby hallway.

Here is a video of a tour of the Speaker's Lobby from C-SPAN:

Thanks TD!

That paints a much better picture of where she was at the time.


Pro Bowler
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Now I understand why security decided to draw a line in the sand right there. It makes sense as to why they decided to take action. That was the last physical barrier

I thought I heard that some of them weren’t evacuated for quite some time because of the protestors and that they were still there as it was all happening. I believe I heard that pence was escorted out by the SS but everyone else pretty much remained behind for a fair amount of time.


Pro Bowler
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BIDEN Hasn’t even been inaugurated and its already started

The Parler App will be be banned from the Apple store and all Apple devices in 24 hours



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It’s official now

Twitter has permanently banned Trump for good. Look out Parlor, you are about to blow up and quadruple in users!!

Twitter has been banning a bunch of conservative influencers and Parlor had a huge influx today of people coming over from Twitter. But there's a problem. Apple and Google are going after Parlor because Parlor will not regulate their speech. These tech companies know Parlor is last bastion for conservative free speaech and they'll try to shut it down.

Dan Bongino is a minor owner of Parlor and he was on Mark Levin tonight and he sounded like he was almost in tears because Parlor is at risk. If Apple and Google don't allow Parlor on their platform free speech will be all but over. The takeover of the country is almost complete. There will be no reporting on any election fraud and conservative politicians will be censored. All this is in clear violation of Section 230 but no one in Fraud Biden's Justice Department will go after big tech. Twitter, Google, YouTube and Facebook will constrict and crush other platforms thus creating a monopoly with no recourse.

This was all part of a plan, starting with the election fraud, Covid lock-downs and now suppression of free speech, all meant to control the public. The only message people will now hear is that the right wants an insurrection and are traitorous without any platform to defend, oppose and offer differing opinions. This is a dangerous time........


Super Moderator
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BIDEN Hasn’t even been inaugurated and its already started

The Parler App will be be banned from the Apple store and all Apple devices in 24 hours

I didn't get a chance to read your follow-up post.....this is horrible.......very dangerous.
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