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State Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R), who’s backed by former President Trump, is projected to win Kentucky’s GOP gubernatorial primary, according to The Associated Press.

Craft also won DeSantis' endorsement Monday, offering an eleventh-hour shot in the arm and shaping up the race to be a minor proxy war between Trump and DeSantis, who are soon anticipated to clash in the Republican presidential primary.



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The left relies on shills like King to repeat their nonsense.

But here's my issue with the dolt; a simple question was asked and he can't answer it or provide any type of reporting of that particular accusation because it never happened and was Trump was never accused of raping Stormy. Most normal people when they make a mistake will say some something like....."damn're right. I may need to change my opinion or rethink my position."

Not King. Just doubles down on stupid without having a clue.

I agree with you amigo, the refusal to engage when met with evidence to the contrary or merely honest questions is frustrating and hurts everyone involved. I hate that the dude who used to post here left in a huff after claiming Trump, etc where racists and if we couldnt see it, then thats on us or we're racist, come on!

I was just giving you crap over your spelling of "accustaion"


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I agree with you amigo, the refusal to engage when met with evidence to the contrary or merely honest questions is frustrating and hurts everyone involved. I hate that the dude who used to post here left in a huff after claiming Trump, etc where racists and if we couldnt see it, then thats on us or we're racist, come on!

I was just giving you crap over your spelling of "accustaion"

Ahhhh!!! OK. I didn't see it because my spell check is fucked up for some reason. Maybe that's why King couldn't process what I was trying to say? I'll give him an out and allow him the latitude to correct himself.


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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sens. Ed Markey (MA), Ted Cruz (TX), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Deb Fischer (NE), Ben Ray Luján (NM) and J.D. Vance (OH), and Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Bruce Westerman (AR-4), Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), Rob Menendez (NJ-8) and Maria Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-3), introduced legislation today in response to some automakers taking AM radio out of their new vehicles. The bipartisan, bicameral AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act directs the Secretary of Transportation to ensure consumer access to AM radio in all vehicles.


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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sens. Ed Markey (MA), Ted Cruz (TX), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Deb Fischer (NE), Ben Ray Luján (NM) and J.D. Vance (OH), and Reps. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Bruce Westerman (AR-4), Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), Rob Menendez (NJ-8) and Maria Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-3), introduced legislation today in response to some automakers taking AM radio out of their new vehicles. The bipartisan, bicameral AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act directs the Secretary of Transportation to ensure consumer access to AM radio in all vehicles.
Fucktard Commy Biden just vetoed a bipartisan bill that didnt support his China first agenda


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Shoes on the other foot for libtards now.

Except this time there is mountains of evidence and reasoning for why said people should be impeached.



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I remember when the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) was being discussed/debated post 9/11 and I thought it was a great idea. The 9/11 hijackers had to communicate with each other and their overseas handlers but US wiretap laws are so antiquated that they are easy to defeat; it literally takes months of investigation and hundreds of pages of affidavits to obtain a legal wiretap. FISA was supposed to streamline that process and allow law enforcement, mainly the FBI, to obtain electronic evidence with little more than a memo to a FISA judge. The Democrats fought hard against FISA and thought it would lead to violations of civil liberties. I personally disagreed at the time and thought FISA was a needed tool to fight terrorism which was and still is the #1 threat to the country.

I believed the integrity of federal law enforcement would overcome any civil liberties concerns........How wrong I was. When it was reported that FISA warrants were being used to target Americans working for a political campaign, I immediately knew there were some serious problems. That was never supposed to be the intent of FISA which was supposed to target foreign elements like the 9/11 hijackers. The irony is now the Dems are throwing shade on the FISA violations while the Republicans who pushed for it post 9/11 are now pointing to the violations of civil liberties.

I'm amazed that people can't see the serious nature of these violations against Americans. The weaponization of the government against the people is the most serious threat to our democracy, hands down. Claiming that "white supremacy" is the #1 threat to the country allows these treasonous ideologues who have infested the FBI and DoJ to use FISA against American citizens such as the J6 protestors and anti-abortion activists. The primary intent of the J6 prosecutions was to stifle any future protests which are guaranteed in the Constitution. Indeed, the Founding Father's believed this right to be so important to a free society that they included the right to protest and petition the government in the First Amendment. And federally charging these crimes in DC only ensures a guilty verdict by predominantly left leaning citizens/juries. Disgraceful.....



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I remember when the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) was being discussed/debated post 9/11 and I thought it was a great idea. The 9/11 hijackers had to communicate with each other and their overseas handlers but US wiretap laws are so antiquated that they are easy to defeat; it literally takes months of investigation and hundreds of pages of affidavits to obtain a legal wiretap. FISA was supposed to streamline that process and allow law enforcement, mainly the FBI, to obtain electronic evidence with little more than a memo to a FISA judge. The Democrats fought hard against FISA and thought it would lead to violations of civil liberties. I personally disagreed at the time and thought FISA was a needed tool to fight terrorism which was and still is the #1 threat to the country.

I believed the integrity of federal law enforcement would overcome any civil liberties concerns........How wrong I was. When it was reported that FISA warrants were being used to target Americans working for a political campaign, I immediately knew there were some serious problems. That was never supposed to be the intent of FISA which was supposed to target foreign elements like the 9/11 hijackers. The irony is now the Dems are throwing shade on the FISA violations while the Republicans who pushed for it post 9/11 are now pointing to the violations of civil liberties.

I'm amazed that people can't see the serious nature of these violations against Americans. The weaponization of the government against the people is the most serious threat to our democracy, hands down. Claiming that "white supremacy" is the #1 threat to the country allows these treasonous ideologues who have infested the FBI and DoJ to use FISA against American citizens such as the J6 protestors and anti-abortion activists. The primary intent of the J6 prosecutions was to stifle any future protests which are guaranteed in the Constitution. Indeed, the Founding Father's believed this right to be so important to a free society that they included the right to protest and petition the government in the First Amendment. And federally charging these crimes in DC only ensures a guilty verdict by predominantly left leaning citizens/juries. Disgraceful.....


Don't feel bad Dodger, I 100% agreed with it at the time as well.

It's interesting how Dems were whole heartedly against it at the time, and ultimately they are the ones abusing the system with those powers, not the Republicans (or at least, not most Republicans)

The Dems abhor the Constitution and would do anything they could to simply burn it. Short of that, they'll do anything in their power to keep themselves as the ruling class. Hence why this past week Dems reintroduced the ridiculous idea of stacking the SCOTUS with 4 more judges (all of him would be extremely leftist)

The people of this country have gotten painfully lazy and stupid, which is also exactly what the left wants. Lazy and stupid leads to dependence on the government, and dependence on the government leads to the left having a complete takeover.


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I've said it 100 times now. The FBI needs to be gutted from it's current form. The politization of law enforcement and the DoJ is the real threat to any democracy.

Not just the corruption but these agencies have been militarized as well, to circumvent posse comitatus.

I was watching another documentary on Waco last night and again my blood boils. The idea that the US government rode tanks onto private property and used those tanks to destroy private property with women and children inside that building is one of the most heinous acts of our government in our history. Their actions resulted in the death of 76 people including 25 children, some babies. The FBI lied and created false narratives to convinced Janet Reno to give them the go ahead to pump tear gas into the building for over 6 hours while children were inside. They blame the fires on the branch Davidians but that is also a lie. 9 Davidians who escaped the fire all told a very different story of how the fire broke out. When the government kills its citizens and no one goes to jail it is a good sign that corruption has gotten out of hand.

The Branch Davidians had every right to be on the property, live they way they leaved, and even own guns as they did. The reason the FBI can show up at Roger Stone's house at 6am with assault weapons drawn, or to the home of an anti-abortion protester with 7 kids, is because we let them get away with Waco. We are turning into a police state, with military style goon squads and kangaroo courts. Even the British did not act this way.


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I remember when the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) was being discussed/debated post 9/11 and I thought it was a great idea. The 9/11 hijackers had to communicate with each other and their overseas handlers but US wiretap laws are so antiquated that they are easy to defeat; it literally takes months of investigation and hundreds of pages of affidavits to obtain a legal wiretap. FISA was supposed to streamline that process and allow law enforcement, mainly the FBI, to obtain electronic evidence with little more than a memo to a FISA judge. The Democrats fought hard against FISA and thought it would lead to violations of civil liberties. I personally disagreed at the time and thought FISA was a needed tool to fight terrorism which was and still is the #1 threat to the country.

I believed the integrity of federal law enforcement would overcome any civil liberties concerns........How wrong I was. When it was reported that FISA warrants were being used to target Americans working for a political campaign, I immediately knew there were some serious problems. That was never supposed to be the intent of FISA which was supposed to target foreign elements like the 9/11 hijackers. The irony is now the Dems are throwing shade on the FISA violations while the Republicans who pushed for it post 9/11 are now pointing to the violations of civil liberties.

I'm amazed that people can't see the serious nature of these violations against Americans. The weaponization of the government against the people is the most serious threat to our democracy, hands down. Claiming that "white supremacy" is the #1 threat to the country allows these treasonous ideologues who have infested the FBI and DoJ to use FISA against American citizens such as the J6 protestors and anti-abortion activists. The primary intent of the J6 prosecutions was to stifle any future protests which are guaranteed in the Constitution. Indeed, the Founding Father's believed this right to be so important to a free society that they included the right to protest and petition the government in the First Amendment. And federally charging these crimes in DC only ensures a guilty verdict by predominantly left leaning citizens/juries. Disgraceful.....

9/11 has been used repeatedly to steal our freedoms. What's worse is nothing happens to those who violate the civil rights of citizens. People need to go to jail, or at the very least stripped of their government jobs.

James Comey was behind much of the FBI corruption. Comey lied to congress multiple times, so did Brennan. Comey also leaked notes from a meeting with the president to the NY Times through a friend to get the appointment of a special counsel in Russia-gate despite knowing that there was no there there. Then Mueller spent 2.5 years and $30 million on an investigation of the same hoax the FBI knew wasn't real. It was an excuse to investigate Trump and his team. And how did Mueller spend all that time investigating Russia collusion and not find out it all started with the Clinton campaign? How did he omit this from his report?

There has to be consequences for this. They tried to overturn an election in 2016 and then they tried to influence the election in 2020 and probably succeeded. All these people who perpetrated these crimes need to be marched off to prison and that includes the Democrats who are defending them. This is a government of the people not the deep state.


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9/11 has been used repeatedly to steal our freedoms. What's worse is nothing happens to those who violate the civil rights of citizens. People need to go to jail, or at the very least stripped of their government jobs.

James Comey was behind much of the FBI corruption. Comey lied to congress multiple times, so did Brennan. Comey also leaked notes from a meeting with the president to the NY Times through a friend to get the appointment of a special counsel in Russia-gate despite knowing that there was no there there. Then Mueller spent 2.5 years and $30 million on an investigation of the same hoax the FBI knew wasn't real. It was an excuse to investigate Trump and his team. And how did Mueller spend all that time investigating Russia collusion and not find out it all started with the Clinton campaign? How did he omit this from his report?

There has to be consequences for this. They tried to overturn an election in 2016 and then they tried to influence the election in 2020 and probably succeeded. All these people who perpetrated these crimes need to be marched off to prison and that includes the Democrats who are defending them. This is a government of the people not the deep state.
Agree 100%


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Default fear Mongering . . .

Jeff Clark:"No authorization in the 14th amendment for the President to unilaterally authorize debt"

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Watch this about Federal Elections in Arizona going forward:

Wendy Rogers: "All the other 49 states need to be doing this very thing"

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